
FTP_NLIST PHP Is bool(false)

Alright well, I connect to 3 different ip's when I run this script. It copys files from directorys and downloads them to the website. I'm having a slight problem with two of them ip's... I have turned on ftp passive but it still seems to come back as bool(false) Updating server 1 bool(false) Warning: ftp_get() [function.ftp-get]: Fi...

Embedding Lua into a C# Windows form, and using LuaInterface to debug Lua.

I have a windows form which a richTextBox and a button, and another form for debugging Lua. I was wondering how I can use LuaInterface to debug the Lua code that is in the richTextBox and print the output to the next form. I am using Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition for this. I have Lua51.dll and LuaInterface.dll in the .exe di...

Instructions Package for Java

I want to make a help/instructions page for my Java program but I really don't want to have to go through and program all the frames and searching and such. Is there a package or program that I can just insert the data into and it will read it and create the dialog? I couldn't seem to find anything about it on Google. It doesn't have ...

Why "Install New Software..." menu entry is located under Help in eclipse.

well, the title sais it all, but i was recurently wondering about that. Its just like in some older versions of windows, you had to hit the "Start" button to "Shutdown" the system ...

AS3 Matrix Rotation

I'm trying to rotate a string file by utilizing flash.geom.matrix but I'm clueless. How do you essentially input data into a matrix? I know that you can input data into a, b, tx, ty, etc. but these affect skewing, enlarging, and other stuff. I simply just want to create a M X N matrix with some data that can be rotated. Any help? ...

python help django navigation

Dear Everybody I would like to understand how I can access and navigate Python and Django help. in Django I cd to my directory and entered the following command to access help of the python help And I would like to get info on the commands. Here I have to type: Type ' help ' for help on a specific su...

Visual Studio 2010 Language-Specific Help Search Results

I am in the process of learning F# and so am only interested in help search results involving this language as I debug my programs. Previous versions of help let you filter results for specific languages via checkboxes. How is this best done now in the VS2010 help system? ...

ksoap2 android sending data

Hello everyone I'm trying to get ksoap2 working on android. I have spent at least 10 hours now reading forum posts, and documentations. Just querying some methods like getServerTime where I don't have to send any values, works. My goal is to send data, and receive a response. For example: send city name, get city time. I'm practicing o...

Help for Web 2.0 PHP application

All, I have a Web 2.0 application written in Zend Framework and MVC. My application is growing bigger and bigger and I need to come up with a Help system for the entire application. I like the Xero's help interface and was wondering if there's an easy way to create this in PHP5 and Zend or if there are any PHP based tools that I can int...

Is it possible to add one apple help book to another apple help book

I'm working on a product with a plugin architecture and I wanted a way to inject a help book from a plugin into the help book for the main application. Example: Lets say I have an application called FooShare that allows a user to share videos. Different plugins let the user share to different places like YouTube or Twitvid. I want the u...

Recommendations for Searchable Browser-based help files?

I'm going to need to start putting together some end-user documentation for my software I'm working on. I'm looking for a good HTML/Browser-based help file solution. I am NOT looking for the CHM solution. I'm looking for just a good hierarchical/structured HTML help documentation system that is viewable in the browser. Also, if its sear...

Is it possible for Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition to compile C source code?

I wish to learn C so that I can understand the concepts behind many major programming languages without the shortcuts that C++ has, or the garbage collectors that Java has. I plan on learning C and then going to C++, and I am currently studying Computer Science. In anycase, I was wondering if Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition compiler for...

iphone switch views with buttons, SecondView over FirstView

Hi, to all im newbie developer and trying to create my first iPhone app, sorry my english not good i trying to make 2 views and the second view display over first view, but the second view is not full screen, is 320x400 i cut 80pixels, to see the buttons from the first view... and i making that with tutorials from one book, but in book...

How can I open a help file in Vim on a new buffer in an existing window?

I often take a look at help files in Vim, but sometimes I want to read one in full screen. Since the :help command opens it in a new window, and closing the old window, if it was the only one besides of the help file, for some reason closes Vim, the only way I found of doing this was opening the help file, and then reopening it in a new ...

CRC-CCITT (XModem) implementation in javascript

Hi, i'm trying to implement a CRC-CCITT (XModem) check in javascript without success. I need it in order to send socket string into a controller via RS232. does anyone know how to do it? or perhaps is there a sample code somewhere?? I would appreciate any kind of help :) ...

Java Disable OSX Force Quit

How can I disable force quit from within my java application? Either that, or how about disabling it from .plist? ...

Generating CHM help and PDF manual from the same source

We are trying to find a set of tools to generate context-sensitive help files (CHM) and manuals (CHM and PDF) from the same sources. Features wanted are: able to deal with linked hypertext must be able to generate CHM and PDF from should be able to integrate documentation generated from code (currently XML comments) cross-file links w...

maven war plugin giving strange output!

hi people, I am getting some very weird behaviour from maven that I have never seen before. Basicaly I refactored some classes, like util.constants (lower c) to util.Constants (capital C), but when I run the maven build to produce a WAR from the command line (mvn clean install), it builds the war project with util.constants (lower c). U...

Backing WebDAV directory with version control

I want to export a directory with WebDAV. Then any file written I want it commit to some version control. Maybe GIT? Maybe copy to old file directory? Must be automatic. How to? ...

Integrating "Help" into WinForms Application

I am working on a Visual Studio we need to integrate help menus into it. I would like to do this in the canonical Windows fashion but am not very experienced with the .NET framework in these respects. Searching Google and SO hasn't yielded much because most of the results are people asking for help, not help with "help." Meta-help, if yo...