
How to listen to Screen Captures

Is it possible for me to listen to listen to OSX's built in screencapturing so I can handle the files myself rather than osx doing it? ...

I've broken debugging in Visual Studio. I think I pressed a wrong key.

I don't know what I've done. Visual Studio used to stop when it hit an exception and now it just continues and doesn't take me to the offending code. Does anyone know what I've pressed to turn it off? And how to turn it back on? Thanks. ...

Trying to write a textfield value to file in c++

I am tearing my hair out over this error. ------ Build started: Project: shotfactorybatchgen, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ shotfactorybatchgen.cpp c:\documents and settings\administrator\my documents\visual studio 2010\projects\shotfactorybatchgen\shotfactorybatchgen\Form1.h(307): error C2664: 'fprintf' : cannot convert paramete...

Unity 3D: code help (javascript)

Hello all; I'll get right to the point... I would like to display text and have a GUI option for leaving the scene once you collect 5 *wood. If you chose NOT to leave the scene than I would like it to disable the script "Timer" (Tagged 'Timer', In the Hierarchy its called 'Timer'). If you chose TO leave than I would like it to call the ...

Javascript: Show/Hide multiple elements by name

I need to show/hide multiple elements with the same name when another element is clicked, like <span name="showhide" value="one" id="button">Click to Hide One</span> <span name="showhide" value="two" id="button">Click to Hide Two</span> <span name="showhide" value="shoe" id="button">Click to Hide shoe</span> would hide the elements with ...

Now that Microsoft has shutdown newsgroups...

...where does one go for help on boutique topics like TAPI, for instance? ...

Iphone to Ipad porting-only top left usable

So I'm trying to port an existing iphone application to the ipad. When I run the targeted device set to ipad, only the top left corner of the screen is usable, (the size of the iphone). However, all table cells, objects and buttons exted out to the width of the ipad. But that area is not responsive. What am I doing wrong? I also tried a...

How to build an eBook reader that supports adobe Content Server ?

I'm looking into a way of building eBook reader that will support adobe content server DRM. The only solution find was Adobe Digital Editions Which is an off the shelf product and I'm looking for some sort of SDK. any advice will help. 10x d. btw i don't have enough rep to post additional links adobe digital editions url == www.adobe....

append a particular column from a csv file to another using python

hi, I'll explain my whole problem: I have 2 csv files: project-table.csv (has about 50 columns) interaction-matrix.csv (has about 45 columns) I want to append the string in col[43] from project-table.csv with string in col[1] of interaction-matrix.csv with a dot(.) in between both the strings next, interaction-matrix.csv has...

git push .git/description file

Is it possible to push the changes in the .git directory to a remote repository? I wish to have a common project description and not have to re-enter it for all the clones of my repository. It's strange that the project description is something that is not common to each clone. ...

Iterate through an array and add a menu item

How can I make this method loop thought an string array and make a new menu item for each string array element. Also how can i store it all in a sub menu... Heres my method so far... -(void)trackIntoArray{ id iTunes = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""]; NSArray *allTrackNames = [iTunes valueForK...

csv file column reading and extracting using python

i have the following code... reader=csv.DictReader(open("test1.csv","r")) allrows = list(reader) keepcols = [c for c in allrows[0] if all(r[c] != '0' for r in allrows)] print keepcols writer=csv.DictWriter(open("output1.csv","w"),fieldnames='keepcols',extrasaction='ignore') writer.writerows(allrows) i have a csv file which has about...

Lightbox display:none css problem

Im trying to rotate 3 panels of lightbox icons, problem is Lightbox dosen't seem to like the display:none divs. Is there any way i can make lightbox aware of the existance of the hidden div's. Check out the problem at If anyone can spare a few minuits on this i would be muchly happy!. Mike1038 ...

How do I write this Linq-to-Entities Query in

This is what my entities look like: I'm essentially trying to make a left outer join between LookupMakeModel and LookYearMakeModel for a given year. I plan on selecting a valid year from a dropdownlist and then showing a table of all the records in LookMakeModel and checking the checkbox for the LookMakeModels that have a record in L...

Is it possible to use SandCastle with Visual Studio 2008 and C++ (non-CLI)?

Hi, I'm mystified: I'm using Visual Studio 2008 with C++ (non-CLI), and I can't for the life of me work out how to build the help file with Sandcastle. Once its installed, and its generating an .xml file, shouldn't there be a menu option somewhere to switch on the build of the docs? Or at least a menu option to trigger the build of the...

Hadoop Reduce Error

Hi! I keep getting Exceeded MAX_FAILED_UNIQUE_FETCHES; on the reduce phase even though I tried all the solutions I could find online. Please help me, I have a project presentation in three hours and my solution doesn't scale. I have one master that is NameNode and JobTracker ( and 3 workers (172.16.8.{11, 12, 13}) Here are...

wxPython: Context help

In Windows dialog boxes, sometimes there is a small ? button on the upper right corner. Its usage is to click on the ?, then the cursor changes to an arrow with a ?, then click on widget inside the dialog box, which will then display a popup help balloon. This is how my class definition looks like: class Frame(wx.Frame): def __init__...

Using Python version 2.6.4 how to program excels filter function

Thanks in advance. Using Excel in the data tab there is a filter option. I wish to implement that into a program I have been working on. It may be as simple as 1 line. If you know anything or if it is not possible in this version/programming language please let me know Thanks! For more information: I want to use the sort option to app...

Java - Expected “"” but found unknown token

I am receiving this error when trying to execute applescript from my java application. The code is as follows: String script = "tell application \"Terminal\" to do shell script \"/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\\ Extras/ -suspend\" "; ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngi...

Web service beginner, using Android

Hello, I read the first tutorials today on SOAP webs ervices and I'd like to create my own service, e.g. a java class Person that should be my web service. I don't know what application do I need to store this web service for accesing it as a test, and neither how to access it from ANDROID. Please help me with this. All the best ...