
Hadoop... Text.toString() conversion problems

Hi everyone, I'm writing a simple program for enumerating triangles in directed graphs for my project. First, for each input arc (e.g. a b, b c, c a, note: a tab symbol serves as a delimiter) I want my map function output the following pairs ([a, to_b], [b, from_a], [a_b, -1]): public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, ...

Context Menu Problem - how to resolve these menu items??

Hi, I am very new to Android. I am trying to build inflate a context menu within the sample GridView provided on the Android dev site. Eclipse tells me that the referenced items cannot be resolved, if someone could help find where I coded wrong, that would be great because I am stuck at the moment. Thanks. I posted my entire co...

JavaScript doesn't work in my frames?!

Hey! I am making a homepage at the moment and I have made an edge around the "main page" with frameset... that was probably stupid, but now my JavaScript for some reason doesn't work?! What I want to do is make a username and password protected page using javascript. The script itself is as follows: function logIn(); { var username ...

Saving and restoring state in android

I have searched through this and a few other sites for the answer, but I have been unable to find it. I am trying to save a boolean and an int using onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState, but I can't seem to get it to work. It doesn't crash or anything, but it either isn't saving it or it isn't restoring it, or I am stupid and h...

How to stop email intent to cause force close error?

Hi, I just ran into a problem when trying to launch the phone's email app via a button in the options menu because as soon as I click the button in the emulator it causes a force close error. If s.o. help me out here to find the error in my code, that would be great. This is my java file: package com.mobilevideoeditor.moved; im...

Design Help - Object modifies and saves another Object

Hello All, I am having some troubles thinking through a design issue and thought that the community may be able to help point me in the right direction. I am modeling an employee management system for my company and have come to a design question that has me stumped. Here is the scenario: I have an Employee class that employee class ...

Cocoa Touch - Send Messages to Xbox 360 Friends

For my new app Im working on I want to be able to send messages on the app to xbox 360 friends . I Know its possible since they have them on the app store but how would I do it? Thanks for any ideas/code! ...

Cocoa Touch - Resizing an UIImageView with a slider

How can I change the size of an imageView by changing the value of a slider. I can hook up the slider and change the value. I just need to know the code to change the size.. ...

Cocoa Touch - Moving an UIIMageView around on screen

Whats a simple way to let the user drag an imageview around to position it in the place of their choice. Its for a photography app. Thanks! ...

Mix and Match Discount Code Advice

I need advice on how to implement. I have two objects ReceiptLine and Discount. Cashier scans item and a receiptline object is added. If the added ReceiptLine object have a Discount Id then, it has to lookup in Discount object and issues discount after validation. I have problem in validation. Here is the situation, cashier scans the ite...

Please help me fill in the gaps of my knowledge of deploying a web application to a web host? (warning: many related questions)

This will be my first attempt to build a full web application from scratch myself. I have huge gaps in my knowledge and would appreciate some advice. Please point me to a tutorial so I can learn myself, or give me pointers on where to start searching. I do maintain a web application for a living, but work within a set environment. I am ...

Slow Powershell function. How to Improve?

I have written the below Powershell function to call an F5 unit. It loops round for each server and gets each individual stat and then executes a SQL SMO call. The code is running really slowly and i think i have discounted the SQL call as the cause. How can the powershell be improved? function Print-VServerStats() { param($virt...

Entry-level programming job

I'm new to stack-overflow but it seem like you people are a bright bunch and have the knowledge that I lack as an almost college grad. I have one semester left and am looking forward to working as a programmer. I started out as a QBasic programmer at the wee age of 9 and made a couple of games that were really buggy but it kept me ente...

jquery-ui "help: clone" not running on iphone , what should i do .

this is my code: <div class="demo" style="margin:0 auto;height: 100%;"> <div id="A" style="float:left;height:50%;margin:0 100px 0 0;width:100%;background:#333;"> </div> <div id="droppable" > <p>Drop here</p> </div> </div><!-- End demo --> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <scrip...

How to avoid wasting time waiting for VS on-line help to load?

I've never received any useful information from Visual Studio on-line help. I keep accidentally opening on-line help but pushing [F1] when I mean to push [Esc]. It takes about 8 seconds to load and it won't let me close it. Is there an easy way out of this? ...

Eclipse Will Not Recognize Quotation Marks?

This was my code: <android:id="@+id/carrotsmileanim></android:id> I fixed it because it was missing a quotation mark, but now eclipse won't recognize the quotiations nor the @ sign! What do I do?!? ...

Accept() function; Simple tcp server in C

I'm learning socket programming in C & downloaded a simple tcp server source file. I understand every line except the 2nd parameters in these functions: accept(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &length); bind(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&server, length); The accept + bind functions are the typical functions in "sys/types.h" & ...

Textfiles problem

I've been trying to call my textfile and use my data to plot a curve for analysis and the code i use is [NP,Fluenz,ODRescan1,ODRescan5,ODRescan9,ODRescan15,StdDevRe1,StdDevRe5,StdDevRe9,StdDevRe15] = textread(x,'%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f','headerlines',4) and each time i ran this ,an error appear.How can i do this ,pls any help.Thank...

Find and set object positions

In my project there is a library bar which is created by the Element Menu by a click event. the element menu is located at a grid, which is located at the window. (see XAML data) While moving the tagged element menu/grid i want the library bar to move over the surface as well. I'm not really sure how to do it: do you think i need to use ...

GUI's Over Running Programs in python

Just wondering if there is any kind of framework or method of making a Gui that will override (Stay on top of) all other windows in python. Including Games or other programs that seem to "Take over" the computers Graphical processes. Any point in the right direction would be much appreciated... PS. The OS in question is Windows 7, but a...