
Internationalization & Localization issue

Hi all, My application supports internationalization and localization, each user can choose his preference language and the application will reflect it perfectly. the issue is when the first user selects English and the second one selects French the resource bundle for the first user will read from the French resource after refreshing h...

why Internationalization is shortened to "i18n" ?

When people discuss about Internationalization they use the word i18n more often. For first time I didnt get what they are referring at by i18n, then I came to know that its internationalization. So wanted to know how internationalization = i18n? ...

How do I localize js templates in Django

I've the problem, template for dynamic JS file is main.js located in TEMPLATE_DIRS. When I do ./ makemessages -a all messages {% trans "MSG" %} are fetched but not from main.js template. Of course I can rename main.js to main.js.html, is any pretty way? ./ makemessages -d djangojs — dont help. ...

String comparison with a collation in javascript

I use jquery.autocomplete, which uses a javascript regexp to highlight substrings in the list of suggestions that match the autocomplete key string. So if the use types "Beat" and one of the autocomplete suggestions the server returns is "The Beatles" then plugin displays that suggestion as "The Beatles". I'm trying to think of ways to ...

Mysql locale session variable ?

Hunting internationalization bugs here. Does mysql has a variable which can be set per session, meaning the each connection will know the timezone of it's client and will act upon that. If such variable does exists I would expect sql statements such as the following will return diffect values, based on connection session locale. selec...

django internationalization and translations problem

I have a problem with django translations. Problem 1 - i updated string in django.po file, but the change does not appear on the webpage. Problem 2 - i have created my own locale file with makemessages -l et, added the translation string into file, but they too do not appear on the page. I do not think this is settin...

Is there a way to determine the culture info that a ComponentResourceManager is using when it gets instantiated in the designer?

I'm explicitly setting the CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture to french right before the Component Resource Manager is being called for my user-control, but the default values are being pulled for the controls, not the french values. Any ideas? ...

What products support 3-digit region subtags, e.g., es-419 for Latin-American Spanish?

What products support 3-digit region subtags, e.g., es-419 for Latin-American Spanish? Are web browsers, translation tools and translators familiar with these numeric codes in addition to the more common "es" or "es-ES"? I've already visited the following pages: W3C Choosing a Language Tag W3C Language tags in HTML and XML RFC 5646 ...

How to null a translation in gettext system?

Suppose a simple phrase "In" in English needs to be interpreted as "" - empty string in Russian. Is is possible to specify that in the .po file? What normally happens if you set msgstr "" - you'll get the untranslated key, but I want to get nothing in that specific case. Here is a use case: I have underneath a giant search bar a set ...

Is there any way to create a dynamic list of strings (based on language) in XAML (Silverlight)?

Just wondering if it is possible to dynamically create a list of strings in XAML based on language/culture? Say if user logs in as an English user it shows Client Name, Order Number... and if user logs in as a Polish user it shows Nazwa klienta, Numer zamówienia instead? I only know the hardcoded one like below: <System_Collec...

iPhone internationalization: falling back to a default language

Consider the following situation: We have two Localizable.string files, one in en.lproj and one in it.lproj When the user switches to English or Italian, the proper localized string is loaded using NSLocalizedString(@"keyword", nil) If one of the files is missing the keyword, the string is not retrieved Is there any way to make this ...

How can I18n be used in Action::View::Helpers without Rails

Given the code below, how could I use the I18n lib to get the result back in an other language than English? require 'action_view' include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper t_0 = span = 1.week puts "Now: #{ t_0 } (#{t_0.to_f})" puts distance_of_time_in_words_to_now t_0 + rand( span ) ) ...

Native Win32 NLS - strange default sub language for Portuguese

Doing LANGID and LCID gymnastics right now. Just noticed that in native Win32 NLS, SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN is the user default sub language for the LANG_PORTUGUESE primary language. I expected SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE to be the default sub language. Why isn't it? ...

App crashes when using international characters in NSDictionary

I am listing out data to a UITableView from a plist file where I have a two dimensional array/dictionary: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt; <plist version="1.0"> <array> <dict> <key>ID</key> <integer>1</inte...

Is there a good java library for localized labels with database backing?

I'm looking for a good general library to grab localized labels for displaying on a web page. I've found some useful solutions at and I will use them but I wanted to see if there was a standard library other than the fmt jstl tags that is already database bac...

Crystal Report Portuguese language support

Hi I am using Crystal Reports 10 with IIS Server. I wish to display some of the reports in Portuguese language. How can I configure Crystal Reports to display data in Portuguese ? I guess I will need to download a language pack for this but will it allow word-by-word conversion from English to Portuguese ? Grammatically correct sentences...

Using a locale-dependent sorting function in Ruby/Rails

What is a good approach to sorting an array of strings in accordance with the current locale? For example the standard Array#sort puts "Ä" after "Z", which is not correct in German. I would have expected the gem I18n to offer a hook for defining my own sorting algorithms or providing collation strings or objects. In my imagination, pas...

JSF - When to use message-bundle and resource-bundle ?

When should I use resource-bundle and message-bundle tags for i18n in faces-config? The differences between those two are not very clear to me. ...

Django model translation : store translations in database or use gettext ?

I'm in a django website's I18N process. I've selected two potentially good django-apps : django-modeltranslation wich modifies the db schema to store translations django-dbgettext wich inspect db content to create .po files and uses gettext From your point of view, what are the pros and cons of those two techniques ? ...

Qt Embedded for Linux. Keyboard layout switching.

I'm developing application with Qt Embedded and run it in linux framebuffer. I need a way to type non-US characters. Is it possible to change keyboard layout with Qt? I tried to run it on Qt/X11. Layout switching and input are perfectly fine there. But when I compile it with Qt/Embedded and run it in framebuffer I cannot change layout. ...