
best way in setting up a j2ee dev and live enviornment

Hi guys i was wondering whats the best way/practise of setting up a j2ee project on a "live" machine that will be accessible worldwide when my web app is deployed and on a dev envrionment i.e. the pc i will use to write code. i have two pc's at home. one is a server that is running certain services open to the world and another is my ho...

Channels for Java, J2EE, C#, asp.net and SOA

What are the Freenode irc channels for Java, J2EE, C#, asp.net and SOA? Thanks in advance..:) ...

REST/JSON Web Services Java EE Framework

Hi all! I'm will build a web service. I'd rather like REST/JSON than SOAP. Anybody can tell me what is the best Java EE framework for that? Thanks! ...

is Tomcat compatible with Windows Server and Plesk panel ?

is this correct to use the following for a java web application. Windows Server OS 2003 or 2008 Panel : plesk java Application Server : Tomcat what are the problems and the benefits of using this Host is Tomcat compatible with Windows ? ...

Deploying an exploded WAR inside a compressed EAR == not possible?

At the moment I am trying to deploy an exploded war directory in a compressed ear file on a jboss-4.2.3.GA server. But JBoss complains that it can't find the web-app.war file (Failed to find module file: web-app.war). However if I deploy the same ear file exploded, too, the deployment works without any problems. So my question is: Is it...

How does weblogic clustering work?

I'm new to weblogic. I've read http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11035_01/wls100/cluster/overview.html and searched this topic on the internet but still had a hard time understanding some of weblogic's clustering concepts. Can anybody confirm/correct my understandings below? a cluster contains one or more logical servers which can ...

Please help me choosing the language and framework for my undergraduate project.

I am a final year computer science student from Mumbai University, India. The topic of our undergraduate project is SOA. Under this project we are supposed to build 3 service components and one example website that uses those components. I am quite good with Java and have no experience whatsoever with C# or .NET. I am having hard time ...

Elegant way to implement a criteria-based search page in Hibernate

Using Hibernate how would you design and implement a search criteria page (which has multiple editable/selectable fields/drop-downs as search criteria) such that queries shouldn't clutter data accessor code. I mean no query-string concatenation based on conditionals and ultimately all the queries should go in a separate xml file. I've do...

how to organize interfaces and classes

Hi All, I know this question has been aksed and answered many times.but still asking the same question again.. i have started working on a travelling application and for which currently i am working on creating on the creation of the nderlying DAO so i am planning to create a generic DAO its implimentation and again an interface for eac...

Single sign-on ActiveDirectory and J2EE

Scenario: We sell J2EE(JBoss+SpringSecurity) software to large corporation which mostly use ActiveDirectory Our J2EE(JBoss) software can be hooked up to ActiveDirectory, however it requires Roles addition into ActiveDirectory i.e. cn=esp_administrator,cn=Roles,o=company,o=com As per my understanding, JBoss will need an account to "bind...

Spring MVC - URL Handling Problem

Hello to everyone, I'm trying to setup a Spring MVC project. I posted my configuration files below. I'll be really glad if someone helps me. Thanks in advance, With regards, Talha. web.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/java...

Invoking a EJB from PHP

Is there any easy way to invoke a RMI method on a EJB from PHP? We have a java app and a PHP app that sometimes needs to talk to it. What we do now is have a java binary that PHP invokes when it needs to do something, but I would love to know if there is a way to do this directly from PHP? ...

Glassfish v3 + NetBeans + Simple Authentication Simulator : Why do I get an exception related to serialization?

Greetings, fellow StackOverFlow members. I have just begun to learn how to program web-enabled applications using technologies such as Java Enterprise Beans and Java Persistence API. The official NetBeans website currently offers a bundle that (supposedly) allows me to develop said applications. A bundle that has an approximate size of ...

Performance benefits of Apache Tomcat native connectors

I have compiled and deployed the native connectors for Tomcat and have run my load testing benchmarks. There is no measurable difference. So my question is, under which circumstances are native connectors demonstratably faster? and can they be tuned to gain more performance from them. I do not mean "how do I benchmark to show an incre...

Serveral java webapps on the same server

I need to serve several Java web applications on a single server instance, but add them dynamically to a specific URI. e.g. launch webapp to this context /user_1_app launch webapp to this context /user_2_app I don't know what webserver to use, but I'm now investigating Jetty Can I just drop the wars in /usr/share/jetty/webapps ? But h...

InitialContext.lookup of remote EJB fails after remote server restart

We have a setup in which EJB A is running on server A, and another EJB B is running on server B. EJB A connects to EJB B via IIOP. This setup normally works, but if server B is restarted, EJB A will fail until server A is restarted too. The issue is that if server B is restarted, all calls to InitialContext.lookup by EJB A fails with a...

changing from was-ce server to any other server?

I have created a j2ee project using: 1)DB2 (as database server) 2)WAS-CE server to deploy the application 3)eclipse to code. as was-ce server is running too slow I want to change to any other server. my question is: can I change to any other server? What are your views about tomcat and sql server? The most important question is wha...

jsp:forward tag is not working correct ?

this is deleteProduct.jsp page code. the problem is only the forward tag and the DB operation works good. i used the forward tag to go to adminProducts.jsp but the result is not correct. it shows adminProducts.jsp page content but the address bar shows deleteProduct.jsp whats the problem and how can i fix this ? <%@ page contentType="te...

How are standard libraries, tools and app server platforms typically selected in large organizations?

I'm looking for a list of criteria for selecting standard development libraries, tools, and application servers (specifically JEE) that is common across large organizations. If your experience doesn't span across multiple large orgs, answering with how this is conducted within your current org is still helpful. Also - 'standard' doesn't ...

Packaging Apache configuration files with WAR

I have built a Spring 3 MVC driven RESTful web service app. I use Maven 2 to manage the application lifecycle including packaging up the WAR for distribution. As part of the end solution, I filter application requests through Apache to handle some of the GET requests for static content. This of course requires that I have several custom ...