
Hunchentoot 1.0 returns only empty responses

I'm using an Intel Mac with Mac OS 10.5 and SBCL 1.0.29. I've done pre-1.0 Hunchentoot development here before, so I've had that installed (via asdf-install). Recently I started a new project, and decided I'd start from Hunchentoot 1.0. I asdf-install'ed Hunchentoot, and it seemed to install 1.0 (and deps) just fine. I can load it in...

What is the difference between require and load in common lisp?

I'm going through Practical Common Lisp, I'm almost finished, and one question that has not been answered for me so far (or maybe I just missed it) is the difference between "require" and "load". So what is the difference? Thanks. ...

I am trying to build an Expert system and my UI is prepared in .Net and now I am willing to connect it to LISP

Hello! I am trying to write an Expert System from scratch. I am a beginner at this and need some help with my project. My UI is a .NET Windows application and now I want to connect to it to LISP to prepare the knowledge base. Okay, so this is my plan... what do you guys think? Any ideas or suggestions will help. Thanks. ...

A list of functions

Hello, Is there a way to make a list that holds functions? What I'm trying to do is, make a list of some arithmetic operators (+ - * /) so I can easily manipulate their order and apply them to a list of numbers. So, if I have that list, I'd use it like this: (apply (map (lambda (x) x) '(+ - * /)) '(1 2...

Trying out the examples from the "The Little Schemer" book in Windows

I am currently reading 'The Little Schemer' and I need a way to test out the Scheme examples in the book on my Windows machine. With what application can I do this (on Windows, not Linux)? ...

Syntax changes from the examples in 'The Little Schemer' to the real Scheme

I have recently started following the examples from The Little Schemer and when trying out the examples in DrScheme, I have realised that there are some minor syntax changes from the examples in the book to what I can write in DrScheme. First of all, as a language in DrScheme, I chose Pretty Big (one of the Legacy Languages). Is this th...

elisp: Is there a way to get the name of the current .el module (like __FILE__ in C)?

At the top of my elisp module, I want to do something as simple as: (message (concat "Loading " (expand-file-name (current-elisp-module) "."))) ...

How is the `*var-name*` naming-convention used in clojure?

As a non-lisper coming to clojure how should I best understand the naming convention where vars get a name like *var-name*? This appears to be a lisp convention indicating a global variable. But in clojure such vars appear in namespaces as far as I can tell. I would really appreciate a brief explanation of what I should expect when an...

Why does this script-fu not work?

(define (script-fu-create-camo image colA colB)) (script-fu-register "script-fu-create-camo" "Camoflauge" "Creates a camoflauge pattern on an image" "Jeffrey Aylesworth <jeffrey@aylesworth" "Copyright (c) 2009 Jeffrey Aylesworth" "2009/12/31" "" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-COLOR "Colour 1" '(50 0 0) SF...

Processing text with elisp

Hello, guys! Since I've converted to the Church of Emacs, I've been trying to do everything from inside it, and I was wondering how to do some text processing quickly and efficiently with it. As an example, let's take this list that I was editing some minutes ago on org-mode. ** Diego: b QI ** bruno-gil: b QI ** Koma: jo ** um: rsrs ...

What are the good "rich" IDEs for Lisp?

What are the good "rich" IDEs for Lisp? To clarify by "rich" I mean it should have a good look-up reference, auto complete, auto inclusion, checking of various sorts, some kind of compilation support, version management, REPL, etc. I have reviewed some of the previous questions/answers (Such as What’s a good Common Lisp implementation ...

How do I fix a broken Lisp directory path for Emacs?

I installed a new version of emacs (new for me). I didn't want to overwrite the stock copy so I put it in a group-readable directory ~admin/sw. I point my $PATH there and I'm able to pick it up, but when I run ~admin/sw/bin/emacs I get a whole bunch of warnings and errors: Warning: arch-dependent data dir (/usr/local/libexec/emacs/23.1/...

How to create data structure in Tcl?

Hello, I am translating some lisp code to Tcl and wonder if there is anything like lisp's defstruct in Tcl for creating data structures? If nothing is built into Tcl, what extension packages to Tcl would you recommend that can be used in a commercial application. Thanks. -William ...

How to create dynamical scoped variables in Python?

Hello, I am translating some code from lisp to Python. In lisp, you can have a let construct with the variables introduced declared as special and thus having dynamic scope. (See How can I do likewise in Python? It seems the language does not support this directly, if true,...

Help understanding Continuations in Scheme

I have been working alongside The Little Schemer to learn Scheme and using PLT-Scheme for my environment. The Little Schemer has helped me tremendously with recursion (it is straightforward for me now) but I'm stuck on a portion of the book that introduces "collectors" and calls the function as a whole a continuation. Here is the examp...

Problem Installing Lispy Package Manager

Hi, I am installing Hunchentoot on a new machine. This time I thought I would try out Lispy, because it appears to be simplest way of managing the dependencies for Hunchentoot in a standard and hopefully automatic way. However, when I install it, it trips on not being able to verify a key. I have seen ASDF-INSTALL try to use a key bef...

Idiomatic clojure for progress reporting?

How should I monitor the progress of a mapped function in clojure? When processing records in an imperative language I often print a message every so often to indicate how far things have gone, e.g. reporting every 1000 records. Essentially this is counting loop repetitions. I was wondering what approaches I could take to this in cloj...

Generating PDF documents from LISP

I want to generate a technical report from lisp (AllegroCL in my case) and I studied various packages/project to help me do this. Requirements: Need to generate a PDF May create an intermediate format like RTF, Restructured TEXT, HTML, Word DOC or Latex Need to be flexible to be able to add content throughout my application Need to ...

What's so great about Lisp?

That title sounds more argumentative than intended but I don't know enough Lisp to say whether its good or bad. It seems like everyone who has used Lisp loves it yet the most popular languages these days are descended from C. So what is it about Lisp that is so great and why isn't it used more? Is there anything just plain bad about L...

Connect SBCL on Windows to SQL Server using Integrated Authentication

What is the path of least resistance in getting an SBCL application running on Windows to connect to a SQL Server instance, using integrated authentication? I have found posts on connecting from CL-SQL to SQL Server using ODBC connections but as far as I can tell, there is no way to this without first manually setting up a DSN. Is ther...