
What is Plastic SCM written in?

I see they have a windows version that looks like WPF and a mac screenshot shows Mono in the title bar. Is it written in C# .NET with Mono? (I'm only asking because they seem to do it right) Thanks. ...

How do I send an HTTP request in C# without using System.Net classes?

Is there a way in C#, perhaps using an external library of some kind, to perform HTTP web requests without using the built-in .NET classes (HttpRequest, WebRequest, WebClient...) ? I ask because I'm working on a game in the Unity3D engine, which allows you to use most of .NET through Mono. However, the System.Net namespace isn't support...

How to fill a dataset from a stored procedure using MySql and Mono

I am trying to fill a dataset with the result of a stored procedure using MySql and Mono. The stored procedure takes in some values, creates a new row in a table and then selects some rows. When I try this I get back an empty dataset and my database does not have any new records. I have checked the basics: The Database is running and...

Problems with making web service requests with custom headers via MonoTouch

Hey All, My team and I are working against a few webservices that require SOAP Message Headers to be available when making a request. We are not in control of these webservices so we can't change the implementation, even if we wanted to (or at least not without a lot of pain). We just need to be able to have authentication related infor...

Deploying Web service to : Mono 500 - Internal Server Error

I developed a webservices using Visual Studio 2008 with C# and C++. I deploy it to mod_mono, the services is loaded, but when I try to run a method using Invoke button I get the error below, I have tested with MoMA without any error: 500 - Internal Server Error System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type in...

csproj from VS2008 fail to compile with mono xbuild

Hi, I use Mono 2.6.4 compiled from source on CentOS to compile a VS2008 project in C#. Some csproj compile, but this one doesn't, here is the output of xbuild /t:detailed : /opt/mono-2.6.4/lib/mono/2.0/Microsoft.CSharp.targets: error : Error executing task Csc: Input string was not in the correct format Error executing t...

working with .net on linux

I have some applications developed in, WPF ,windows Form etc.How can i run that in Ubuntu? Using some commands I installed MONO on Ubuntu. But I dont know more.. Can any one help me? ...

How to send a post request to a Gtk WebView?

This is basically what I've got. var webview = new WebKit.WebView(); content_area.Add(webview); var request = new NetworkRequest(""); request.Data.Add("description", "a description"); webview.LoadRequest(request); I'm assuming request.Data is where I put variables, but it seems to be going through as a GE...

How to keep a GTK NodeView file browser up to date?

I'm using a TreeNode subclasses in a NodeStore and recursing through the filesystem to be presented in a NodeView. public void update(){ if(project.LocalCopyExists()){ Clear(); readDirectory(project.LocalPath, null); } } void readDirectory (string parent, SourceFileHelper parentHelper...

Why can't I pass just the name of a method where a similarly typed Func is expected?

Why doesn't this C# typecheck? In this example, I am trying to pass a method of type string -> string as a Func<string, string>. It would be seem perfectly reasonable to be able to omit lambda syntax when passing just the name of an appropriately typed function. using System; using System.Linq; class WeakInference { public static voi...

Is there any reasonably big web application (e.g 1M page views/month ) running on mono?

I have plans to work on a website using mono and mvc.But i would like to know where anyone has actually used mono for reasonably big production environment. ...

Why can't I connect to Google Talk in agsXMPP?

I'm trying to get started using agsXMPP, but I'm having some problems. I'm trying to run this code: using System; using agsXMPP; namespace TestAgs { class MainClass { public static void Main (string[] args) { XmppClientConnection connection = new XmppClientConnection (); connection.OnLogi...

enable auto-completion for C in Mono Develop

I need to enable Auto completion for C programs in Mono - I think using CTAG? How can I do that? ...

MonoDevelop -- GTK Designer just shows a blank square?

I am having problems getting the GTK designer to work with MonoDevelop. I tried 2.4 on Arch Linux and it gave this problem. Then I tried 2.2 on OpenBSD and it gives the exact same problem. Both machines are 64bit. Instead of having a window to drag things on I just have a blank square: The tutorials I've seen look similar to this th...

problem about vertical text alignment in UITableViewCell (iPhone)

I use just UITableViewCell. it occur only in real device(version 3.1.2) and in simulator(version 3.1.2) doesn't have any problem. thank you for your advice. here is my problem image (I'm new in here, so I can't attach image) ...

facebook: Is there a documented way to send facebook updates from an external application?

Is there an official way for sending facebook updates (i.e. wall texts with links) from a (desktop) application? Does anyone know an existing .NET library for doing this? ...

How to host a simple ASP.NET web interface in a Windows Services

For a simple appliance that runs on a Windows & .NET operating system, we need to create a simple configuration web interface to control it. Just like your router's configuration page, nothing more complicated than that. Installing IIS or any other web server should be avoided, what we need is a self supporting process within a windows ...

App_GlobalResources Compilation Error on Apache

I wrote an ASP.NET application and am running it on apache with mod mono. I get this error when trying to run it. It runs fine in Visual Studio and Mono Develop Compilation Error Description: Error compiling a resource required to service this request. Review your source file and modify it to fix this error. Compiler Error Message: Ap...

After packaging with mkbundle2, the destination machine is complaining about Why?

I thought the purpose of mkbundle2 was to allow a machine without mono installed to run a mono application. But it does not seem to be packaging I am not sure if it is supposed to or not, but the destination machine is complaining that it can't find when I run the bundle. Why would it be looking for that file?...

Crash using Mono.Tasklets.Continuation

I'm attempting to work on a microthread message passing library in C# using mono. Since Mono 2.4 or so, apparently continuations (not yield) have been available under 'Mono.Tasklets'. However, these lack any documentation that I can find, and while my general use of them works, I get an occasional (but reproducable) crash that the debu...