
jquery add remove tr from table after click in every td and passing data

Hi, i've a table with more tr and td : <table> <tr> <td><a href='1.htm'> 1 </a></td> <td><a href='2.htm'> 2 </a></td> <td><a href='3.htm'> 3 </a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href='4.htm'> 4 </a></td> <td><a href='5.htm'> 5 </a></td> <td><a href='6.htm'> 6 </a></td> </tr> When user clicks on first td with href=1.htm a new tr after ...

using R - delete rows when a value repeated less than 3 times

Hi I have a data.frame with 10 rows and 3 columns a b c 1 1 201 1 2 2 202 1 3 3 203 1 4 4 204 1 5 5 205 4 6 6 206 5 7 7 207 4 8 8 208 4 9 9 209 8 10 10 210 5 I want to delete all rows where the same value in the column "c" repeated less than 3 times. In this example I want to remove rows 6, 9 and 10. (my real d...

Magento remove bundle item using API

Hi, I am looking for an API that can remove bundle items added in a main bundle product. Can some one guide me to that API? regards, Irfan ...

javascript - remove element/node with no ID and specific content

I'm struggling to decipher a way to remove several specific href elements which contain no IDs and are children of individual parents with no IDs. The best I can manage is identifying the four offending, out of 8 or 9 href tags (and the number may vary), by a specific word within the URL itself. For this, I do the following: <script l...

Groovy: remove and object from a list within itself?

I'm trying to remove objects from a list when it finds that particular objects privacy is private to the current user books.eachWithIndex{ obj, i -> if(({ def status = bookService.getBookStatus( if(!status){ books.remove(i) } } ...

Remove all objects after index 20 in NSMutableDictionary?

Hi! I have an NSMutableDictionary that possibly contains more than twenty objects. If it contains more than 20 objects, how should I remove the oldest entries until there is only 20 left? For example, NSMutableDictionary with objects: a = "-1640531535"; b = 1013904226; c = "-626627309"; d = 2027808452; e = 387276917; f = "-1253254618"...

Gracefully remove "\n" delimiter after last String within StringBuilder

Have following Java code,that creates StringBuilder with "\n",i.e. carriage return delimiters: while (scanner.hasNextLine()){ sb.append(scanner.nextLine()).append("\n"); } It's occurred,that after last String(line) had "\n" symbol. How to gracefully remove last "\n" from resulting StringBuilder object? thanks. ...

Remove point from Delaunay Triangulation

Hello, I try to understand how a point from a delaunay triangulation can be removed. I read some scientific papers but i didn't get it totally. As I am not a native speaker I think I would benefit from a more simple and direct explanation. I already implemented a dynamic delaunay triangulation based on a english description, so I know t...

How can I extract URLs from plain text in Perl?

I've seen some posts like this, but not exactly what I want to do. How can I extract and delete URL links, and then remove them from plain text. Example: "Hello!!, I love". I want extract the "", save it on a variable, and then, remove it from my text. Finally, the text has to be like that: ...

How to remove duplicate white spaces in string using Java?

How to remove duplicate white spaces(including tabs,newlines,spaces,etc...) in a string using Java? ...

Javascript to remove spaces from a textbox value

Hi, I've searched around for this a lot and can't find a specific example of what I'm trying to do. Basically I want to get the value of a textbox, by the name of the text box (not id). Then I want to remove ALL spaces, not just leading or trailing, but spaces in the text too. For example for this html code: <INPUT style="TEXT-ALIGN: r...

Java ArrayList.remove() not decrementing the Size of the ArrayList.

I have an ArrayList to store some data, but whenever I remove an item from the list, the size does not decrease, even when I call ArrayList.trimToSize(). This is causing me nullPointerExceptions. How can I remove a single item from an ArrayList and have the list's size() shrink accordingly? EDIT: All right, here's the code. Here's a bi...

removing duplicates in nsarray

Hi friends how can i remove duplicates in nsarray. for instance my array contains following data. I want to compare with adjacent dates to avoid duplicates but it throughs error. Can anyone guide me what i am going wrong calendar first- ( 2010-09-25 17:00:00 GMT, "AAA", 2010-09-25 17:00:00 GMT, "AAA", 2010-09-26 17:00:00 GMT, "BBB"...

Removing Specific Routes from ASP.NET 4 RoutesTable

hello everybody my site has many many routes. since the users can add or remove pages at will, i need a way to reregister the routes from time to time at reregister i do not want to clear the whole route cache ("RouteTable.Routes.Clear"), but i would rather go thru the table route by route, and using a certain regex on its name, decide...

Remove all html in python?

Is there a way to remove/escape html tags using lxml.html and not beautifulsoup which has some xss issues? I tried using cleaner, but i want to remove all html. ...

Remove McAfee antivirus

Hello, Can someone help me to remove McAfee anti virus from Windows Vista? I tried to do that in various ways: -Control Panel/Programs and Features/Unistall, but the uninstall button doesn't exists. -Downloading McAfee unistaller from official site,, but he co...

Removing a text from tinymce editor using javascript

I have a text <info>SOME CONTENTS GOES HERE</info> How i can remove this text from the editor when I click on a button (custom button) using javascript function. I used this code: dom.remove(dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'info')); But it is showing an error. Is there any solution? Thanks in advance. ...

Need help making HTML's

Hi to all the gurus out there. Anybody whos ever worked in an office enviroment will vouch that the boss somtimes expects the imposible. todays one such day for me. The story starts with an idea to automatically attach unlimited amounts of PDF's to an emial, ussing the Acrobat program. Quickly you begin to understand that Adobe can o...

jQuery: Function to remove all elements of multiple <select>??

I wanna make a function that erases everything inside of a multiple select using jQuery. Also if it could remove some text from text fields it'd be good too. ... c# asp:TextBox, How to remove the cols and rows attributes?

i have a asp:TextBox control on the page. i'm setting it to a TextMode="MultiLine", I am not setting a number of rows or columns. I am setting a width and height in CSS for the control. is still adding, what i assume is a default, rows and cols attributes on the rendered control. cols="20" and rows="2" this isnt an issue in any ...