
MbUnit (gallio) and Visual Studio.Net Tests Not Completing or Debugging

Hi I'm using Gallio\MbUnit 3.1 with ReSharper and Visual Studio 2008. Everything is working well except this type of test: [Test] [Row("")] [Row("test@badEmail@_test.")] public void IsValidEmail_Invalid_Emails_Should_Return_False(string invalidEmail) { Assert....

Re-order methods in a class file to match the associated interface file

Is it possible in Visual Studio 2008, either with or without Resharper, to re-order methods in a class file to match the order of methods in an associated interface file? What about the opposite (re-ordering the interface to match the implementing class)? ...

Refactor instance declaration from try block to above try block in a method

Hi, Often I find myself coming across code like this: try { StreamWriter strw = new StreamWriter(); } However, there is no reference to the object outside the scope of the try block. How could I refactor (extract to field in Visual Studio says there is no field or something) the statement in the try block so that it is declared abo...

How can i search TODO lines in javascript files with resharper?

I am writing javascript codes and i want to add todo, note, bug etc. to .js or .aspx files. But Resharper 4.5 couln't find them. Is there any way to show these comments inside todo explorer? any help would be greatly appreciated Platform: VS.NET 2008 ...

Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R command not working

I'm attempting to use the Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R command within Visual Studio 2008 to rename a variable. I get an error message at the bottom saying that "The key combination (Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R) is bound to command (&Rename...) which is not currently available." I am not running it or anything I can think of which might prohibit modifications o...

non-english VS2008 + Resharper 4.5 = problems

I have russian version of VS2008 (don't aske me why..) + R# 4.5. After installing R# these problems appear: Can't select text with "Ctrl+Shift+arrow" (no idea how to fix it) Can't use Resharper shortcut scheme. I have trying to apply R# scheme, rebooting VS - no luck. Seems like Russian VS have something different inside it, not only r...

Accidentally created VB.NET project instead of C#

This should seem simple enough, but can't figure it out. I was porting a project out of MonoDevelop and into VS2008, but I accidently created the project as VB.NET instead of C#. Now ReSharper and any syntax highlighting is throwing a fit because it's trying to validate it as VB. How do I tell it to treat it as a C# project without cre...

Resharper 4.5: How can I discard an interface and change all references to the only implementation?

Given: I have an interface. I have only class that implements that interface. Question: With Resharper 4.5 - How can I discard that interface and change all references to the only implementation? ...

ReSharper/StyleCop-like Visual Studio addon for C/C++

Is there any ReSharper/StyleCop-like Visual Studio addon for C/C++? I'm using ReSharper and StyleCop addons every day. Just recently started a new project which involves C/C++ programming. I miss some features from these addons like code formatting, hints/tips to use cleaner and better code, documentation/uniform code requirements, opti...

ReSharper: Can I make my own context action ?

ReSharper has a "Check parameter for null" context action, that will automatically insert code to check an argument for null and throw ArgumentNullException if it is null. If the parameter is a string, I would like another option: "Check string for Null or empty". This should generate code something similar to this: if (String.IsNullOr...

Access to modified closure, is this a ReSharper bug?

I have the latest ReSharper 5.0 build (1655), where I have encountered the suggestion 'Access to modified closure' on the following code: var now = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); var dates = new List<DateTime>(); dates.Where(d => d > now); ... now = new DateTime(); and the now inside the lambda expression is underlined with the warning. I...

Comparing developer productivity tools

I am getting ready to test developer productivity tools for our team (Coderush, Resharper, JustCode, etc). We're planning to roll the tool out the same time as we deploy Visual Studio 2010 and TFS. I've seen several posts discussing the merits of one tool versus another. However, I haven't been able to find any discussion of a method...

How to strongly type properties in JavaScript that map to models in C# ?

I'm not even sure if I worded the question right, but I'll try and explain as clearly as possible with an example: In the following example scenario: 1) Take a class such as this: public class foo { public string firstName {get;set;} public string lastName {get;set} } 2) Serialize that into JSON, pass it over the wire to the...

nhibernate virtual methods & resharper

I am curious how other Resharper users deal wih R#'s complaint about virtual methods it thinks are unused because it can't tell that NHIb will use them at runtime. I currently leave it as a hint, reluctantly, although am tempted to shut it off completely. Cheers, Berryl example property or method where R# sees that a virtual member is ...

Refactor file copy in Visual Studio?

Does Visual Studio / Resharper support this? By refactor copy I mean to be able to enter new class name in some dialog, and to have the tool do all the refactoring (renaming) for you. No Copy of ... file names, and no error upon having two classes with same name in the project. Netbeans does this out-of-the-box :( ...

visual studio resharper disable formatting

Is there a simple way to disable automatic formatting for a specific file in Visual Studio 2008 using ReSharper? ...

Resharper 4.5 Intellisense: Is there anything better?

Does anyone know if i can use another intellisense "helper" with resharper? I'm looking for suggestions of intellisense plugins to replace resharper's or ways to improve resharper intellisense.. I dont know if its just me, but Resharper's intellisense just seems way worst than visual studio's intellisense. ...

ReSharper: Rename namespace not available?

I'm trying to rename a namespace. For some reason, ReSharper isn't giving me the option to do so. I right click on it and choose Refactor, but everything except "Convert" is greyed out. I try the key combination CTRL R + R, and it says the command is unavailable. What am I doing wrong? Here is documentation suggesting that what I am try...

Resharper naming-conventions Export

Is there a way to export the re-sharper's code guidelines / naming-conventions to an XML file? ...

ReSharper 5 disable resolve view

I just did a fresh installation of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and ReSharper 5. But now ran into the following situation; return View("~/Plugin/Plugin.Product.dll/Plugin.Product.Views.CreateProduct.ascx"); From a controller i'm returning a view a shown above. ReSharper 5 is trying to resolve this view, but can't find it. Which is expl...