
Text Manipulation Split Classes in a Single File into mulitple Files

I used XSD.EXE to to generate a C# files from an XSD schema. Unfortunately, this tool extracts all the classes into a single allClasses.cs file. Has anyone got a good technique(or tool) that will extract each of the classes in the allClasses.cs file into their own respective file e.g. ClassA.cs, ClassB.cs, etc. ? ...

C#/Resharper 5 structural search, detect and warn if any non-virtual public methods on classes with certain attributes.

Hi All, I'm using LinFu's dynamic proxy to add some advice to some classes. The problem is that the proxied objects can only intercept virtual methods and will return the return type's default value for non-virtual methods. I can tell whether a class is proxied or not based whether the class or any of it's method has an interception a...

ReSharper Moving License Question

I have ReSharper installed with VS on a machine. I want to now use VS on a different machine, with ReSharper. Is this easy to do? ...

VS 2010 / Resharper 5 Mouse Behavior

After upgrading to the above configuration I notice that 1) CTRL-Click on a type highlights the type but doesn't take me to the declaration, 2) Clicking on some closure (ie, like a method) toggles whether it's expanded or collapsed. Since these are both mouse related tasks I figure there is some setting in either VS or R# that I need to...

How to stop ReSharper from showing error on a lambda expression where Action is expected?

In Silverlight, System.Windows.Threading's Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() takes an Action<T> or a delegate to invoke. .NET allows me to pass just the lambda expression. but ReSharper sees it as an error, saying "Cannot resolve method 'BeginInvoke(lambda expression)'": Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { DoSomething(); }) The error goes away if ...

Performance concern when using LINQ "everywhere"?

After upgrading to ReSharper5 it gives me even more useful tips on code improvements. One I see everywhere now is a tip to replace foreach-statements with LINQ queries. Take this example: private Ninja FindNinjaById(int ninjaId) { foreach (var ninja in Ninjas) { if (ninja.Id == ninjaId) return ninja; } ...

Resharper and Custom Live Template Not Working

Working with Unity, I thought it would be a good idea to create some LiveTemplates to help out with creating configuration entries. For example, I want to create some typeAlias elements in a file called "unity.config": <typeAlias alias="QueryService" type="type,QueryAssembly"/> So, I created a live template...

Why do I get an error 'Cannot resolve symbol <symbolname>' in ReSharper?

Using VS2008 and R# 5 I'm running into an odd situation, where on an aspx page I keep getting Cannot resolve symbol 'symbolname' But the code compiles and runs fine. While having a fix for this would be great, I'm just trying to figure out if I'm losing my mind. The CodeFile directive and Inherits directives are fine. If I compile th...

Does Visual Studio 2010 support something like Eclipse's "Generate delegate methods"?

Eclipse allows us to define a class as: interface MyInterface { void methodA(); int methodB(); } class A : MyInterface { MyInterface myInterface; } and then with this "Generate delegate methods", it will implement all needed methods for the interface, redirecting their logic to myInterface's methods: class A : MyInterfac...

Resharper 5: How do I set the default formatting style for inline code blocks?

I've got a problem with the formatting of inline code blocks within the VS2010 text editor and wonder if anyone else has had similar problems and found the 'magic' setting I'm looking for. I'm working my way through tutorials in an MVC book. Whenever I add some inline code blocks to a view I want them formatted like so: <% foreach (va...

Problem with SQLite related nUnit-tests after upgrade to VS2010 and Re#5

After converting to Visual Studio 2010 with ReSharper5 some of my unit tests started failing. More specifically this applies to all unit tests that use NHibernate with SQLite. The problem seem to be related to SQLite somehow. The unit tests that does not involve NHibernate and SQLite are still running fine. The exception is as follows:...

Resharper 5 shortcuts & keyboard schemes

I am used to Finding Usages by hitting Shift-F12, but after switch to R# 5 on vs 2010 that one isn't obviously available. I've got the keyboard scheme set to Visual Studio, as opposed to the only other choice which is R# v2/IntelliJ (the shortcut for usages in that scheme is Alt-F7). Can anyone help me get back to Shift F12 through a R...

What's a good dark colored Visual Studio color-scheme that plays well with Resharper?

I've finally started playing around with Resharper and am loving it! The only problem is that I use a modified Zenburn color-scheme in Visual Studio 2008 and am finding some of the resharper suggestions and tooltips difficult to read. Do you use a dark backgrounded color-scheme in Visual Studio with Resharper? ...

Reharper runner plugins for xunit and mspec simultaniously

I have successfully used the Resharper 4.5 runner for xunit tests in vs2008. Now I want to try out MSpec and I want to use the Resharper 4.5 runner for MSpec. But I have them both installed I get an error message when starting Visual Studio, that a plugin can not be loaded, because there is already a plugin with the same name loaded. Is...

ReSharper: automatically apply "var" upon semicolon?

When I type the semicolon, ReSharper does certain things to the line of code I've just authored. Can I include in those actions the removing of the explicit type specification (and replacing it with "var")? string foo = "" ... and then I type the semicolon, and the line of code is automatically re-written as follows? var foo = ""; ...

ReSharper 5 installer not recognizing Visual Studio 2010 Express

I'm trying to install ReSharper 5. But the installer does not recognize that I've got Visual Studio 2010 Express installed. The installer does find my Visual Studio 2008 Team System installation. I've got a valid ReSharper 5 license. ...

Has anyone resharper 5 with xunit running?

I installed the latest binaries from and followed the suggestions from because the linked installation instructions are out of date (basically there are more libs to copy to the plugins dir) Now my resharper shows t...

How do I align ReSharpers "cleanup code" with Visual Studio's "format document"

I'm a big fan of ReSharpers "cleanup code" feature. Especially the Solution wide clean up. But I use Visual Studio's Ctrl+K+D (Format document), it formats the code slightly differed than ReSharper. I'm on a quest to align ReSharper with Visual Studio (not the other way... because you can not share Visual Studio settings in the solutio...

Can I add a command to make ReSharper repeat last test run to the right click context menu in visual studio?

I'd like to add a context menu item to allow me to repeat resharper's last test run, similar to the one that test adds. Is this possible? ...

How to do a project-wide sweep for "Remove redundant catch" using Resharper?

I am dealing with a large old codebase that has a lot of these: try { ... } catch { throw; } Resharper helpfully marks these and offers the option to "Remove redundant catch", but I don't like having to go through one-by-one, I would like to wipe them out all at once. Is there a way to do that with Resharper, possibly by inte...