
Prefered Javascript editor for Mac?

Similar to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/713889/what-is-your-favourite-javascript-jquery-code-editor, but Mac only. In my case, BBEdit for auto-completion, and Coda for integrated FTP support. Update: please include reasons why you prefer which editor, so the others could benefit from it. ...

What do you use to write Go

I know its a bit too early, but I've been trying out Go (Google's Programming Language) and its kindof annoying to write code in gedit. So, my question: What do you use to experiment with Go? ...

How to convert css long to css one line style with Notepad++

from style that looks like this: ul#menu { padding: 0 0 2px; position: relative; margin: 0; text-align: right; } to: ul#menu { padding: 0 0 2px; position: relative; margin: 0; text-align: right; } Is there auto plugin, or script? ...

Is there an editor or plugin for more potent regular expressions?

Regular expressions are great for text editing. But sometimes they aren't quite enough. For example, say I have a text with 1000 sentences, with the first character in lowercase: my name is Foo. hello, how are you? i really like this forum. ... etc. And I want to convert them so that the first letter is capitalized. This IS possible wi...

Does anyone know any cool text editing program for easy code translation?

Does anyone know any cool text editing program for easy code translation? I have some code like public var distance:Number; public var blurX:Number; public var blurY:Number; I need to transform it into public double distance; public double blurX; public double blurY; So, I want to say to that text editor something like this to d...

Where can I find a Vim syntax file for the go language?

Has anyone created a vim syntax file for the go language? ...

setTabChangesFocus(bool) has no effect Qt

I need to forbid the tab input in a QPlainTextEdit widget. Instead tab should be used has a "focus next" widget. It seems that setTabChangesFocus(bool) is made for that but setting it to true has no effect. I guess it's a Qt bug. Did anyone experiences the same issue and find a solution? I'm using Qt 4.5.2 on snow leopard. Thanks, Bor...

Working free text-editor for windows 7

Does anyone have a free text-editor that works well in Windows 7? I'm currently useing Programmer's Notpad 2, but it keeps crashing or having UI bug issues. LIST TextPad NOTEPAD++ GNU Emacs Zeus Lite Vim ...

Javascript rich text editor textbox for an XUL App

The functionality i am trying to implements will allow user add notes and format it with bold/italics, etc. using XUL app. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks PS: i have done searches on this site and have found multiple editors TinyMCE, webkit, FCKeditor. What i wanted to know is if anyone used any of these editors ...

Eclipse: Can you put your cursor on all lines?

In IDEA you had the possibility to put your cursor on all lines. Is this possible in Eclipse? ...

Fast, Simple Programmer's Editor

Hi All, Do any of you have any good links that you could share with me? I am looking for a FAST programmers editor that can open a file containing over 100, 000 lines of code really fast? i'm currently using notepad atm and its taking a good 8 seconds to open a file that is 29000 lines long :( i would prefer something that is just like...

WYSIWYM editor for desktop (.NET/WinForms)

What can I use as WYSIWYM editor for desktop application (preferably .NET/WinForms)? I need functions as paragraphs, headings 1, 2, 3, (un)ordered lists, strong and no other formating (restrictive). Editor wymeditor.org is bad for me purpose because I can paste anything to it from clipboard. I prefer no webbrowser/javascript editor integ...

want to open text file in some text editor programmatically in c/c++

I want to open a text file into some text editor say notepad programmatically in c/c++. Also i want to see real time updation of text into that text file while opening in a editor. Please suggest. ...

Git core.editor on Mac OS X

How can I change the core.editor of Git to start a program such as Smultron? All I can find are examples for terminal editors or TextMate. ...

messy css indentation in vim

When editing an html file in vim, the indentation for css inside style tags is messy. For instance, this is how it would indent this sample css code without any manual intervention to fix the indentation on my part: div.class { color: white; backgroung-color: black; } Why is this happening? how can I fix it? ...

When in vim insert mode is there a way to add path autocompletion?

So I do a lot of shell scripts and I am constantly having to enter in paths and I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to get vim to autocomplete paths and files while in insert mode. Just like when you are in your favorite shell you tab to complete the directory or file. Extra credit if you can get CTRL-D functionality of the shell i...

Best Text Editor for NLP

I have been working on NLP and using notepad++ for handling text files. It's good and some cases but problem is cant workout much with large scale files with lot of texts. VIM is not supporting UTF-8. Which one is the best text file handling editor with unicode support? ...

move through string to next upper case character in visual studio 2008

when im working in xCode i can use the Command-LeftArrow and Command-RightArrow to move to the next word break or upper case character in the source code this is really handy when renaming variable names etc, e.g. if i have "rightAudioFile" and my cursor is at the start of the word i can press Command-Shift-RightArrow and select/highlig...

Is there free text editor for JSON pretty print

Is there free text editor with JSON formatting capabilities like XML Tools for Notepad++? I tested some of Adobe AIR editors and all editors are completely lack of other must have text editing features. Ideally it should be a notepad++ plugin :). ...

Text editor with comment wrapping

I usually use Geany or Hi-Tide under Debian (GNU/Linux) for firmware development, mainly C (but also reading old assembler). I document code using single-line comments, and it really annoys me when I retype something and have to manually re-break every following line to keep it in the 80-character margin. Is there a text editor that can...