
Mercurial for Beginners: The Definitive Practical Guide

Inspired by Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide. This is a compilation of information on using Mercurial for beginners for practical use. Beginner - a programmer who has touched source control without understanding it very well. Practical - covering situations that the majority of users often encounter - creating a repos...

Tutorials/References/HowTos to learn Glade GTK+ with Ruby?

Hello all, I am trying to design some simple GUIs with Glade to use with Ruby. I am not having so much luck finding tutorials/references on how to actually interface glade with Ruby however. I have found maybe 1 or 2 hello world tutorials that show how to use a button to change a title of a window but is there a reference that tells me ...

Awesome ASP.Net and C# tutorials for beginner

What books and tutorials would you recommend for a aspiring ASP.NET and C# developer? The books should be targetted at absolute beginners, and the tutorials should have complete code examples with well structured explanations. ...

Drawing family trees with WPF

I'm searching for tutorials on how to draw a family tree with WPF (and C#). Something like http://www.myheritage.nl/FP/family-tree.php?s=65040841 or Family.Show but for a complete beginner. Family.Show is a bit too complex to start. I don't want to implement external controls but instead I want to learn how to write them myself. So I n...

Using Maven in Hibernate Tutorial

I have maven installed and I'm trying to go through the hibernate tutorial. But how exactly am I suppose to use this file: http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/core/reference/en/html/tutorial.html#tutorial-firstapp-setup What does maven need to do with it? What exactly does that file do? ...

C# GUI primer tutorial

Coming from Access, I am totally unfamiliar with building a GUI or even a program. For C# application building, can someone point me to a primer or tutorial that will explain to me how to build a GUI, and what frameworks, widgets, Winforms, WPF, and everything else are and how they fit together to result in a usable program? Thank you. ...

PHP tutorials/guides that influenced you or improved your code

What tutorials or guides about features/techniques influenced the way you did something. Eg a compelling tutorial (located here) about unit testing got you into unit testing. Your code improved dramatically. ...

How to declare an array in Java?

How do I declare an array in Java? ...

good ivy tutorial for local repository?

Can anyone point me at a good tutorial for making & using a local repository with Ivy? (Please don't point me at the Ivy docs, the tutorials are rather confusing) I need to make a local repository to include .jar files that aren't necessarily available through the public maven repositories. ...

Tutorial for developing Web Services with Apache Axis 1.5

I'm new to Web Services under Apache Axis and I've worked through this tutorial which was really helpful (written for beta1, but seems to work up to 1.2) I'm having trouble with using the newer version of Axis though as the tools and behaviour seems to have changed significantly. Is there anything around the same level for the more rece...

Where to learn more about streams in C++ ?

I hardly find a good resource about the subject. Almost all books and websites I know give a simple introduction about streams in C++ and that's it! Would you recommend a good book or tutorial to learn more about standard streams in C++ ? ...

Web programming tutorial

Hi, I'm a programmer with some experience working on various languages and platforms, but I lack any web development experience (apart of some very basic HTML produced by PHP). I'm looking for a tutorial about the basics of web programming under Linux. I am less interested with apache configuration and server maintenance which I know q...

Step-by-Step How-to on Mediation Analysis in R

I'd like to know if anybody can provide a step-by-step how to on how to use mediation analysis using Keele, Tingley, Yamamoto and Imai's mediation package. I think there are two approaches to this - the classic Baron and Kenny (1986) and the new one by Preacher, Rucker and Hayes (2007) - I'd like to know how to do both approaches in R ...

Can OpenCms be integrated, or used, with an IDE?

I'm starting with a new project where we'll be using OpenCms. Can the workplace be integrated to an IDE, and which one is it ? Can you suggest me any tutorial or ebook by the way? ...

R for finance tutorials/resources

Could someone recommend resources (websites, books, mailing lists, forums, anything) about programming in R with use of financial data? Anyone? :) ...

Tutorial: Add another screen (credits) without adding a subview?

Any help to the above title would be so helpful. I have an app that I am working on that currently has a tab bar that delegates you to go to a. page 1 or b. page 3, with the tab bar being an invisible page 2... I need to add a credits button to p.3 but every tutorial I see is how to add it with a subview. I can not do this because of ...

What's a simple reference or cheat sheet for nested data structures in Perl?

What's a simple reference or cheat sheet for nested data structures in Perl? ...

Forth: free video tutorials?

Can you recommend any free Forth video tutorials (except for following) ? The only one I know of is Samuel A. Falvo's excellent "Over The Shoulder Episode 1: Text Preprocessing in Forth". MPEG. 102 MB. There are also videos from the annual Forth Day, but I don't consider those to be tutorials. (Unfortunately Forth is, like R, C, C++, ...

ActiveMQ c++ tutorial

Does anyone recommend a good tutorial on JMS with c++ and ActiveMQ? ...

How to go beyond the tutorials to real-world programming ?

My problem is that every time I hear about an interresting programming language (Python, Ruby, Processing) I'm very excited, I read some tutorials (maybe even a book), I understand the basics, but I can't go beyond that. I think I never really wrote a full program (a useful one, not the basic fibonacci, sorting ... stuff). I have a lot o...