
QT question: What is the purpose of the *.pro file?

I just started using QT and noticed that in each example code folder there is a *.pro file (and there is also a makefile created too... why?). What is the purpose of the *.pro file? ...

state machines tutorials

Hello, C99 I am just wondering if anyone know of some good tutorials on the Internet for developing state machines. Or ebooks? I am starting working on state machines and just need something general to get me started. Many thanks, ...

NHibernate questions - modifying this example for Fluent NHibernate

Hi, I'm new to NHibernate... I have been following this NHibernate Tutorial from Gabriel Schenker : http://nhforge.org/wikis/howtonh/your-first-nhibernate-based-application.aspx However, this tutorial uses hbm files. I would like to know - what do I need to do to modify the hepler class below (which creates a session factory) so that...

Where can I find good beginner-level Delphi tutorials online?

I just got a call from a friend who wants to learn some programming. I'm going to help her get a copy of Lazarus set up, since there's no worthwhile free version of Delphi available, but the actual learning process is a bit beyond my ability to help out. This friend has no coding background at all, and I'm not very good at explaining c...

I'm looking for a code signing tutorial for the iphone SDK

I'm having trouble understanding the apple tutorial on codesigning. I'm looking for a simpler explanation. http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html ...

Where can I Find some Good Linq to Entities Tutorials?

I am getting started with Linq to entities and do not know where to start. Can you recommend some good tutorials online and some good books I can buy? ...

How to start playing with Lift framework?

What I think would be useful for me (and hopefully for other SO readers and Scala fans) is: How to painlessly set up lift on linux (ubuntu) (apt-get install lift #does not work) Is there any free server where I can run lift and Scala? I have no experience with Java or maven or Eclipse. (but have some experience with functional progra...

Interactive programming tutorials

There was nice online interactive ruby tutorial (i forgot url now ;), there's also interactive python tutorial. Any ideas about other interactive tutorials for various languages and technologies? ...

Simple example of batch file and windows scheduler

I need to create a batch file which will copy web log files from a web server to a local desktop box on daily frequency. I'm a web developer, but I'd like to take a stab at learning the process for creating a batch file and I think using the windows scheduler should get me where I need to go. In any case, I'm just looking for a jumping...

Sun Java Tutorials for earlier versions of Java?

Hi, I'd like to read the Sun Java Swing tutorials for Java version 5. It's easy to find Sun's tutorials for SDK 6. My searches of Sun's site and using Google didn't turn up any links (yet) to the older tutorial. Even the tutorial link on the SDK 5 page pointed to the current tutorials. Are the older tutorials still available? If so...

Tutorial for developing a web based ERP/ BPM app

Ok, so I want to build a web based ERP / BPM app and my first thoughts were Ajax / PHP / XML ( or MySQL ). I got a book (the writer is Steven Holzner ) about Ajax, PHP, CSS, JavaScript and so on but it doesn't seem to go very far with it, not even far. I have experience with programming ( Java, Python, C ( hate C thought )). So, quick tu...

Getting Started with Firebug

Can anyone recommend a "Getting Started" document for Firebug? ...

Good .htaccess/mod_rewrite/url-rewriting tutorial

Can you recommend me a very detailed URL rewriting/mod_rewrite tutorial that explains the whole process to the end, not just the basics? I have found numerous URL rewriting tutorials out there, each of them basic level. I understand why we use it, how we use it, what are regular expressions etc. What I am interested in is a very detail...

C for R programmers - recommended resources/approaches once past the basics

I would like to improve my C skills in order to be more competent at converting R code to C where this would be useful. What hints do people have that will help me on my way? Background: I followed an online Intro to C course a few years ago and that plus Writing R Extensions and S Programming (Venables & Ripley) enabled me to convert b...

Where to go from here after knowing the basics. Any suggestions?

Hello there, I'm new to programming and have been learning C for the past couple of months. I've covered most of the basics and would like to expand my knowledge. In order to get a bit more experience can you guys suggest some small projects that I can do? Things like image manipulation, gui, sending messages through the internet etc. Iv...

iPhone TCP/IP Socket Server/Client Program

I have read a lot of questions regarding this subject on this website however they didn't quiet answer my question. If you can't be ### about my goal or background skip to the question. My Goal Is to build a server that can run on Mac OS X 10.4+ and later, port it to Windows XP/Vista (no idea how to do that yet, but that's a problem f...

Challenge working with Visual Studio and VC++ ?

Dear Stackoverflow Readers, I have started working with C++ recently and am not comfortable with Visual Studio Development Environment and also I do not have proper understanding of MFC, Win32, ATL, COM Terminologies. From example point of view, I had taken a simple C++ program to see how it works with Visual Studio Environment and I ...

Java 6: Examples for implementing own scripting language using javax.script?

Hello! I really can't find good examples for implementing own scripting language using javax.script ... I need just something to start. Documentations Examples Tutorials Videos Presentations slides (PDF) Note 1: I'm really not talking about javascript ;) Note 2: I don't need examples, how to use existing implementations, I want to ...

Guidelines for building web pages specifically for iPhone and iTouch

I need to build a couple of pages that will only be ever viewed from either an iPhone or an iTouch. Are there guidelines or tutorials for building such pages? ...

Easy UITextView and UITableView

Does anyone have a simple tutorial on how to easily add a TextView to a TableView? Basically re-creating a Settings-style grouped tableview type thing. ...