
PHP tutorial to build, browse and link categories and sub categories?

Is there a tutorial that can help me display categories and subcategories dynamically. ...

Tutorial/Suggestions on YUI with Ruby on Rails

I'm looking at using YUI in my Ruby on Rails application. What is the best tutorial, examples, or how-tos about generally integrating YUI into my Rails app. Thanks in advance! ...

Where can I find a good HTMLEditorKit tutorial/reference, which actually explains how to edit HTML documents?

My intention is to edit HTML documents, including modifying existing elements, deleting elements and inserting new ones. I've read HTMLEditorKit's and related classes' documentation, as well as the relevant topic in Sun's Java Trail, yet there is very little information about actual HTML document manipulation. Most of the discussion and...

Expression blend tutorials?

Hi Can anyone suggest the best video tutorials for learning expression blend? Thanks Judi ...

What are some good database resources online ?

Hi, Can anyone point me to some really good online resources for understanding Database Concepts. p.s.: My background is of Java Development. Thanks. ...

Basic Security in JSF

I would like to see a simple Login Application, not as simple as this though. What i would like to achive is an understanding on how JSF works, I've developed a lot of ASP.NET where you have the Code Behind and where you can just Check if a session was created upon Login. A similar solution in JSF would be great. This is basicly what ...

JQuery - start tutorial

Hello, i have to learn JQuery. Here is the first sample from their tutorial: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ alert("Thanks for visiting!"); }); </script> </head> <body> <a hre...

Resources To Learn AppleScript For Mac System 7.5.5

Hello, I'm back here is SO, i was a time out because i get sad with some persons that dislike me only because i was noob in C/C++ and now i'm very nice on it and my OS is started!. But the thing is that now i'm emulating Mac System 7.5.5 68k, just for fun and for development too(AppleScript), but i was searching in the internet about t...

Java EE technologies after learning SE?

Ok so there are lots of nifty little technologies included in Java EE. When one learns SE, where should they go from there? I think what I'm looking for is more abstract/high level technologies that pertain to EE. I want to learn more and it seems to be difficult to find a book to transition into EE from SE. Where should I go from here? ...

Tutorials on Open Packaging Conventions / System.IO.Packaging

Has anyone seen a good tutorial on Open Packaging Conventions and the System.IO.Packaging namespace? I have some areas where I think this technology could be useful, but I'm nervous because I don't quite understand it and I'm stuck on some of the terminology. ...

Online or free learning resources for Silverlight Styling

Hy i'm looking for these types of learning resources. One that is explaining the basics of the Silverlight styling(Basic Terms). Or some very simple collection of examples,in wich i can learn a lot. And one is that is very similar to Silverlight Documentation (ex. what property do you need to set if you want have this modification),ex...

Introduction to Occam 2

I'm looking for an online introduction to occam 2. Could some one help me? ...

Best "Getting Started" Tutorial for a firefox extension developer

I browsed amazon but the reviews of all the avaialbe firefox books are pretty discouraging. And the documentation on http://developer.mozilla.org is not really good either. I need to develop a plugin that puts the browser in push mode - waiting on a socket until it receives a URL from there and displays this URL in the current tab. Wha...

SOAP tutorial php sending and recieving messages

I am having trouble with my project and i think you guys can give me a hint (i'm a newbie and the prj manager is in a meeting). I need to send and receive messages via SOAP. I read w3school and have some example code running. I want to know is there a site/server i can send SOAP commands for the purpose of learning? then i would need to...

Learning HTML 5

I've seen some cool stuff that HTML 5 can achieve, but when I browsed amazon to see if there was a good book on the topic, there was none (at least today: 11/29/09). So my question is: Do you know about a good tutorial (a deep one, not just a quick how-to) for HTML5? Please don't point me to the reference, I'm looking for something m...

What are some of the best video tutorials/online tutorials on Web Services?

I want to learn about Web services and so what are some of the best video tutorials / online tutorials which you prefer for understanding Web services and related topics? I have basic understanding of SOAP and REST but I want to get a lot of detailed understanding of the topic and so am looking for Video Tutorials / Online Tutorials for...

Mono Cecil documentation and tutorials?

Hi, I am new to Mono Cecil! Any comprehensive documentations and tutorials on Mono Cecil? I have seen these articles and video below, so don't give me these links again: http://www.mono-project.com/Cecil%3AFAQ http://blog.paul-mason.co.nz/2009/08/protecting-your-precious-code-monocecil.html http://www.dimecasts.net/Casts/CastDetails...

Guide for Cocos2d and Box2d on iphone?

I'm new to the world of game programming but wanted to build a simple physics-based game for the iPhone. Does anyone know of any tutorials for Cocos2D and/or Box2D on the iPhone? The documentation is kind of confusing. ...

Could someone recommend video tutorial websites for beginners?

I'm not sure what it is about me but I seem to learn and retain information better through a classroom setting where what's being shown is explained clearly and easy to understand examples are presented. I rarely do my own reading or research, but I do occasionally stumble upon some neat things. Maybe I'm just used to the classroom set...

What are good video tutorials for Hibernate ?

Hi, I am new to Hibernate and what are some good video tutorials/online tutorials to guide me ? Thanks. ...