
Crash course in Regular Expressions and effective search and replace

Does anyone know of a good set of tutorials for regular expressions? Particularly in a Textmate context? I am familiar with regular expression syntax, and the basic concepts. Even own a copy of Jeffrey Friedl's book "Mastering Regular Expressions" and read though the Perl parts. What I am looking for are some high quality demonstration...

Lua, what is Lua?

Hi all? I read something about Lua this day, and I was wondering what it was. I did a Google and Wikipedia (I understanded it until they begun talking about a C API) search bit I still don't understand it. Can someone explain me what Lua is and maybe even a tutorial for beginners? Thanks in advance! ...

Tutorials For Caliburn Framework?

I'm learning Caliburn for a WPF project I am involved in and we are having a hard time finding good tutorials for it. I have looked through the Caliburn Wiki, and the samples that come with the download, but either the tutorials are lacking, or I am. =D I cannot view solution folders in VS Express so maybe I am missing some valuable s...

Simple OCR programming tutorials/articles

I'm interested in simple OCR methods and algorithms. And with simple I mean simple! Best would be a tutorial/article/documentation without dependencies on 3rd party librarys if that's even possible. I would really like to build up my knowledge from the ground up. The programming language doesn't matter. Thanks in advance! Edit: An ...

Does anyone know where I can find a random text generator tutorial for xcode?

I am trying to make an app that uses a random text generator but I don't know how to do it so i was looking for a tutorial that would help me with it but I haven't found any yet.. Has anyone seen any of them? ...

Where can I learn about visual basic? A video guide would be great.

Where can I learn about programing and visual basic? A video guide would be great. ...

CSS Tutorials and other resources

I have done some work with CSS- mostly for text font, color, size, etc. But I would like to develop a site completely with CSS. Does anyone know of any good CSS tutorials or other resources? Thanks! ...

Where can I find good Visual Basic .NET tutorials?

I need VB.NET tutorials and simple VB.NET examples. I am trying to implement click events like: Add button Edit button Delete button Upload button Where can I get started with this? ...

What is a good tutorial on how to set up tomcat with mysql and database pooling?

I have been looking for some good instructions on how to utilize connection pooling in Tomcat 6 connecting to Mysql 5, but there does not seem to be any complete references. I am having trouble piecing together different tutorials to get a clear picture. I must admit, I am very much a beginner in dealing with Tomcat and it's configurat...

JBoss Tutorials, Portal

I am a bit daunted by all the information that is available on JBoss. I searched through various tutorials on their website, but there is a lot there - some of which is over my head as someone new to JBoss. The tutorial recommended to this question is good, but I also need a tutorial involving JBoss Portal. Thanks for any help. ...

Good framework for Ruby web development.

Basically I am java developer and exploring ruby and ruby related framework right now. I am mostly working on web based projects. I had heard about RoR and Merb for web development in ruby. I am looking for good tutorial/books for Merb. ...

Any standard guide for Ruby WIN32OLE API?

Hello all, I searched a lot on this but haven't yet got any standard or rather systematic guide for Win32Ole in Ruby. Ruby on windows by David is very good but I need a complete, systematic standard tutorial for WIN32OLE ruby APIs. Please suggest! Thanks Pradyumna ...

Nunit in VS Tutorial

I'm looking for a tutorial that shows how to use NUnit's integration with visual studio to set up some simple unit tests, does anyone know of one? ...

execute/open a program in c#

Hi all, Is there a solution/references on how to open or execute certain window programs in C#? For example if i want to open WinZIP or notepad application? Example on the line of codes are more helpful. But anything are welcomed. thank you. ...

How to delete a record?

Hi all, I have records in table1, if the records exist, it must copy into table2. I want to delete those records in a table1 once all the records are copied into another table2. Im still a beginner in database and with some researches, i found some tutorials on d internet how to connect with database, and the codes easy to understand so...

Develop a facebook app tutorial.

Hi im pretty new to php but i would like to make a facebook app, for a competition where the participants can send in their ideas. Does anyone know a good tutorial och something like that? thanx in advance ...

JavaScript prototyping tutorial

I have a JS script with tons of functions, on big on is this: function id(i) { if(document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(i); return; } It just saves me many bytes in typing out document.getElementById() each time. My problem is I frequently add and remove classes and other attributes from elements. I w...

Newbie Seeking to Learn RoR - Good Online Tutorials?

Hi, Stackoverflow folks. I want to teach myself RoR. I am a newbie to Web development. I hate reading manuals and learn best by doing, rather than reading. I understand the basics of RoR conventions and the idea behind it. But for me the best way to learn how to use stuff is to have a step-by-step guide walk me through stuff like setup, ...

Where is there a good tutorial on how to use Xcode's debugger properly?

Howdy-- Subject says it all really...Is there anywhere a good tutorial for Xcode's Debugger out there? I'm finding dribs and drabs of stuff but nothing comprehensive or that goes deep enough. My problem right now is that this... #0 0x90d9c688 in objc_msgSend #1 0x30506515 in NSPopAutoreleasePool #2 0x30901697 in _UIApplicationHandle...

Good tutorials for routing a document in Sharepoint

Hi, I would like to know if there are good tutorials for Microsoft Sharepoint. Specifically solutions that involves routing documents for approval. Use of Microsoft Infopath for form making and Microsoft SQL Server for the database is needed. What I meant by good is that the quality that they possess is similar to the video tutorials ...