
I'd like to get back to the basics of CS. Any suggestions for tutorials or application-minded reference material?

I've been programming as a consultant for years, and I adore my work, which involves a lot of object-oriented analysis and design of software systems using managed languages (ie. software engineering). But I'd like to get a doctorate eventually, and it bothers me that I never really "got" Computer Science theory. In university I only did...

Basic Facebooker plugin usage

Can anyone direct me to a resource for getting up and running with the Facebooker plugin? The tutorial linked at the docs barely covers getting an app running, not actually using the API, the docs themselves are basically empty, and I can't find any references to basic API methods around the web, and those that I do find seem already ou...

Are iPad tutorials available?

Are there any iPad tutorials? At http://bit.ly/doBoIo they say that iPad SDK is under NDA. Does this mean that there will be no iPad programming tutorials for a while? ...

GWT2.0 tutorials/articles/opensource projects

I was looking for GWT 2.0 tutorials/Open source projects (other than the google code) I have looked around and found just couple of them (from google groups)! anyone? ...

CMake tutorial.

Can anyone provide link(s) to good CMake tutorial except very expensive and hard-to-get official one? Especially interesting in using CMake for Fortran projects but will be grateful for any good tutorial. Update. What I already found is CMake articles in Kitware Public Wiki. Fortran example is absolutely useless. =( Also while waiting...

What is the best tutorial example functionality and dissemination medium for a web framework?

I'm trying to compose a tutorial for my web framework. I'm struggling with both the functionality of the example and the medium. The example should be relatively simple and quick, yet not so simple as to miss the richness of the framework. The medium could be just text and graphics, or should I go so far as a videocast. ...

How to create a basic Java Server?

Essentially I want a basic Java Server which multiple people can be connected to and when one of the connected clients (Already coded in Obj-c) sends data to it, it sends it back to everyone who is connected. I'm a real Java Newbie and I'm not going to need Java in the forseeable future for anything but this so I want it out the way as ...

start learning Proc(embedded sql with C)

Hi, I am basically working on unix and c programming. i want to start learning Pro*c on unix. Is there any good online tutorial which will help me start writing simple programs in pro*c and compiling those Pro*c files.? Thanks in advance for your help. ...

What are some useful sites for VB .NET programmers?

Lately I've had to do a bit of programming in VB .NET. It hasn't been too difficult, but the lack of proper documentation or good tutorials has been annoying me. I'm used to finding a lot of relevant info when I google a programming question, or term, or method name - but it's been more difficult with VB .NET. Anyone know of any good tut...

Java EE explanation

Does anyone know about some good QUICK tutorial, explanation how java ee works? ...

Need good resources that guide through the process of creating Perl Modules/Packages

I work as an ETL developer and I have been meaning to create a Perl module where I can put a lot of the subroutines. I would also like, if it is possible, to have the module handle all the logging & error reporting although the second one is more of a nice to have than an immediate need. I have never created a module or package in Perl...

Need quick primer on databases for C++.

My primary area is HW/Software interaction & Robotics, but we're running into situations where having a few database tables would be handy. I've got almost no knowledge on DBs. What is a good primer on Database programming that would quickly get me up to speed on create/add entries/delete entries/query. Prefer either a basic Flat-file...

Where can i find COBOL MAINFRAME JCL CICS Video Tutorials?

Please give me the links where I can find video tutorials for COBOL MAINFRAME JCL CICS Video Tutorials. Please help. ...

Good reference of color-modifying functions?

Hello, everyone! I can't find a good reference about color-modifying functions (such as contrast, brightness, gamma, ...). (Is there a more exact term for what I mean?) Would appreciate a tutorial with example pictures and implementation algorithms. Thank you! EDIT: Platform and language is not so important. I'm interested in pure m...

FrontRow tutorial for Xcode

I was wondering if there was a basic tutorial to get me started on coding a FrontRow plug-in / add-on using Xcode. I searched Google a couple of times, but I haven't found a tutorial on this subject so far. ...

What's a good place to learn Ruby? What is it primarily used for? [Desktop or Web or Mobile]

A few years ago a friend of mine suggested I learn Ruby. I've since learned PHP and VB.NET but I never got around to Ruby. Where can I start with Ruby? Also, as a side note: What is Ruby primarily used for? How would you describe it in comparison to PHP? Python? VB? EDIT: How can I get it set up on Ubuntu 9.04? Vista or 7 Home Prem?...

iPhone/Android app development tutorials?

Hi, I'm looking at jumping on the band-wagon and knock out a couple iPhone and Android apps. I'm not a complete beginner as I have programmed in quite a few languages, with my current focus on PHP and Drupal development, but I have not developed for either the iPhone or Android before. I have downloaded the respective SDKs, but I was ...

Any good relational database tutorials?

I am looking for how to build a relational mysql database, and I would like to follow a tutorial. I need one that shows how to make multiple tables, and link those together using an id. Which I can later use to grab relational data from the different tables. This is probably easy stuff, but I am just learning about databases. Thank...

tools or a website to help with database normalization

Are there any tools or online resources (FREX tutorials) that would help a neophyte with database normalization? ...

Real world Opensource c# applictions showing good code

Hi All, I have been reading up on SOLID principles and was wondering if there is a good large opensource application or project in DOTNET that shows SOLID principles in use in a real world product. If there are any other opensource projects that are considered to be good coding samples I would be very intrested to see them these too. ...