
Searching for tutorials on writing PHP modules?

Possible Duplicate: Getting Started with PHP Extension-Development Has anyone got some resources on how to write PHP (> 5.2.x) modules in C/C++? Besides that would it be advisable to code such modules for efficiency gains on maybe sorting large heaps of search results and the like? Thanks in advance. ...

Are there (good) tutorials and resources for guava-libraries (not the collection part)?

I still precise that this request doesn't concern the google-collections part of the library which has a lot of resources: I'm speaking essentially about the services and the concurrency part. I couldn't find tutorials regarding guava that aren't fully collections oriented. I know the collections are the most important part of the libra...

Learning Apache POI for Java

I'm trying to learn Apache POI for Java quickly (for manipulating Excel). I've been googling for tutorials, but so far all I've found is short, 2-paragraph explanations followed by a code sample. I wanted to find something a bit more comprehensive, that is concise but walks through it in a structured, complete, and understandable way. An...

Flash programming tutorials

I want to use Flash to write games. I don't want to learn about how to create glossy buttons for my 2005 website, or how to use the motion tween interface-- I just want to learn ActionScript 3 and the development environment. Suggestions? EDIT: I already know plenty about game programming; I'm just new to flash. EDIT: I found this sit...

Where can I find useful R tutorials with various implementations?

I'm using R language and the manuals on the R site are really informative. However, I'd like to see some more examples and implementations with R which can help me develop my knowledge faster. Any suggestions? ...

How to learn use your IDE effectively?

I've developed in IntelliJ IDEA for several years. And I've never seriously used NetBeans or Eclipse. But now I have to work in Eclipse and I want to be able to use at least part of its power as soon as possible. So, the question can be divided into 2 parts. 1) More general question: how to learn new IDE in a short time? 2) Are ...

Designing a homework assignment for AJAX

I'm responsible for designing a homework assignment to teach a class of ~100 students about AJAX. They have a solid knowledge of CSS/xHTML, but most are new to Javascript. I don't want the assignment to require use of JQuery or any other framework. I want them to build something with AJAX. The server side will be handled either by the c...

IntelliJ 9.0 Video Tutorials?

Are there video tutorials for IntelliJ 9.0, similar to what http://eclipsetutorial.sourceforge.net/ has for Eclipse? ...

Permissions system for a CMS

Hi - does anyone know of a good tutorial for how to build a permissions and roles system for a CMS? Thanks you in advance. ...

What is the best tutorial for learning MPI for C++?

Hi, I plan to use MPI for my C++ code. I have installed MPICH2 on my computers. But I do not know much about MPI and hope to find some materials to read. I hope you experts can recommend some good materails to me. Any advice will be appreciated. ...

Where can I find a good iPhone/GWT/AppEngine example?

These seem like a great combination--I'd expect to see more on at least GWT/iPhone integration, but there isn't much. I've looked through the reader example that Google made, but it doesn't seem to take advantage of many of the iPhone features. I was wondering if anyone knew of a tutorial/resource that showed how to use things like loc...

Document similarity

Hi All, I used tf/idf to calculate consine similarity between two documents. It has some limitation and does not perform very well. I looked for LDA (latent dirichlet allocation) to calculate document similarity. I don't know much about this. I couldn't find much stuff too about my problem. Can you please provide me any tutorial relate...

WEKA Tutorials / Examples for a Newbie

In a follow-up to this answer I want to ask if any of you know any good (and more importantly easy to understand) tutorials and / or examples of data mining with the Weka toolkit. I've been very interested in Data Mining ever since I've first heard of it and the things it can do, I've also have some experiments I'd like to do with some ...

What are some good Cognos tutorials?

i am a data analyst and programmer and i want to learn cognos. i suppose the only way to do it is to either pay 10k for classes or get an internship where i shadow someone who already uses it. does anyone know how i can get a tutorial for cognos and put on my resume that i reasonable understand how to use it? ...

Good C++ tutorial aimed at someone who knew it once but didn't used it a long time

I need a good C++ tutorial aimed at sameone who once programmed in C++ (although not extensively) but didn't use it much in last couple of years. It should be: Short and clear Have short introduction to basic concepts Have an overview of new developments in C++ and best practices Note that I don't need a programming concepts introdu...

What are the other good blogs on Cognos apart from Cognos-tutorials.blogspot

What are the other good blogs on Cognos apart from Cognos-tutorials.blogspot ...

How do I get started with zc.buildout and Distribute?

I want to use buildout for dependency management, and I hear distribute is the new good way to manage installation of your project. However, easy tutorials to get started seem to be thin on the ground. The most straight forward I've seen is Jacob Kaplan-Moss's Developing Django apps with zc.buildout (my use case is a web application), b...

I am having trouble with every Android graphics/SurfaceView tutorial.

Hello, I'm trying to learn how to make video games on Android, and therefore I'm needing to get some decent tutorials going on how to make graphics on Anroid using the SurfaceView object. However every single graphics tutorial I've tried (mainly SurfaceView stuff) has failed. Please note that I don't want to use XML, as it is out of my...

Is there any PHP Object Oriented Programming in Practice Tutorial?

Hi there I've learning PHP for a while, and also have read some OOP tutorials. I tried to start my own website using OOP PHP but I got quite lost. I am not sure what to do in real project. I think maybe I need some practice tutorials, which is talking about real projects. I tried to read some code of PHP framework like CodeIgniter, bu...

Where is ContentWidget.CwConstants located and what is it?

I´ve just started learning GWT and I´m trying to implement http://gwt.google.com/samples/Showcase/Showcase.html#!CwFileUpload and but failing miserably. Where is the ContentWidget.CwConstants suppose to come from and what exactly is it? public static interface CwConstants extends Constants, ContentWidget.CwConstants { String ...