
Easy way of getting started programming using python

Background I'm trying to learn to program a little & python seems like a good choice for my purpose. I have no ambition of ever being a serious programmer.I already know bits and pieces of html, css, javascript (mostly how to cut & paste without understanding what I'm doing). The last time I actually "learned programming" was about ten y...

gtk layout techniques with glade

I am absolutely terrible at GUIs - can you SO gurus point me to good tutorial material on layout management tips & tricks with Glade for GTK+ ? (The first google hits on "glade tutorials" do not count) ...

Getting started with Objective-C and the iPhone SDK

So I finally got a Mac to play around with and I'm downloading the massive iPhone SDK. Do any of you iPhone/Mac programmers have a favorite book? Site? Tutorial to get started with? I haven't touched C code in a long time and have only briefly seem some Objective-C code. I'm a full time asp.net/C# dev, so I have a programming backgroun...

Migrating from Java to C#

I am looking at a job which requires C#. I have used it a few times but no where near competent. I do however know Java and OOP so I was wondering if anyone knew some good resources or tutorials for learning C# by Java equivalents or C# without explaining basic OOP. ...

Simple UDP Socket Tutorial Needed

I have been searching and reading all day, and have not found a UDP sockets programming tutorial suitable for a newbie. I know UDPClient programming, but, because of the inability of UDPClient to receive a message without blocking AND without having problems with cross-thread commands, I have turned to sockets. I don't even truly know if...

saving text from uitextview to plist

for my application i am able to read the description of a place selected from the table row and display it in the uitextview. but what i needed to do next is able to save content edited by user in the uitextview to plist. need some guide because i had been searching for it but in vain..thanks ...

Are there good tutorial/walkthroughs for unity that don't use configuration files?

I'm looking for unity tutorials that aren't a download, rather a walk through on a webpage that I can follow along, So far I've found 6 or so tutorials that all use configuration files. I've been doing my own poor man's dependency injection and wanted to pick up a framework finally, so I don't need IoC or DI explained, which many of the ...

Any good (really good) material on Poco C++?

Hardly can I find any good material on Poco C++. Their documentation cannot replace a good 3rd party tutorial enriched with real-world examples and lit with creativity. Please refer some if you know any. Thanks in advance. ...

Does anybody know any good video tutorial for Emacs (basics)?

Does anybody know any good video tutorial for Emacs (basics)? I found very good tutorials for Vim in Youtube and Vimeo. But for some reason, emacs's video tutorials have all bad quality (can't even read the code). Any suggestions? (I know you can call me lazy reader) ...

Why most of android tutorial's variables start with m?

I know about camel case rules, but I'm confused with this m rule. What does it stand for? I'm a php developer, "we" use first letters of variables as indication of type, like 'b' for boolean, 'i' for integer and so on. Is 'm' a java thing? Does it stand for mobile? mixed? ;) ...

Ruby tutorial for experienced programmers

I'm looking for a Ruby tutorial which would be usable for Java programmers with 8+ years of experience. I don't need another tutorial which explains basic programing/OOP/OOD concepts (inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, classes, constructors, hashes, etc.), just a fast-track tutorial (or even a reference?) which could tell us how t...

Fault Tolerant Computing Learning Resources.

Hi All, I am planning to take a course on “Fault Tolerant Computing” Does anybody know some good learning resource about this subject? Public domain books/tutorials would be very handy. Thanks ...

I need a book/tutorial/etc to help explain iphone view classes

I'm pretty much through "programming in Objective C" and I am working through the stanford class as well, but I'm really am having a hard time understanding how to deal with views (especially how it relates to drawing, paths, subviews, pretty much all of it actually(I understand the concepts but the implementation is where i get confused...

PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious?

Colleagues often ask me: “bobince”, they say*, “I want to learn PHP, but I know you're always ranting on about poor code which is full of errors and security holes. That's why I normally don't like talking to you really. But, I'm looking to learn PHP now and I'd like to be able to write good code. Where's a tutorial that will teach me ho...

Very newbee question on How to think of Javascript-is this accurate?

This may seem a strange question, but please bare with me. I'm working through some javascript examples, and I just did this one: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=...

Complete Ruby on Rails tutorial

I'm new to RoR, but familiar with MVC, REST, used a lot Symfony, Yii, CI and other smaller php frameworks. Now I want to learn Ruby on Rails. Please help me find a complete tutorial for "dummies", which describes creating web application from scratch on RoR. This is like Symfony's Askeet and Jobeet tutorials. Thanks for any help! Upda...

Spring 3 + Hibernate WebApp tutorial

Are there any good tutorials how to start weppapp with Spring 3, eclipse and hibernate? ...

Tutorial to get started with (learning) Subversion?

I'm planning to switch from CVS to Subversion (on Windows). Looking for some good tutorials (online or books) to get started. ...

Where can I find beginner iPhone tutorials?

Hi, I am looking for beginner iPhone SDK tutorials, but something a little bit more complex than "Hello iPhone!". So far I only found a free one at: http://dynamic-leap.com/beginner-iphone-tutorial-polygon/ Any other suggestions? ...

What is annotation processing in Java?

Quoting, Sun's Official Java Tutorial Class names, 'HelloWorldApp', are only accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested What does it mean? And how to apply it? ...