I need to explain how Python variables are references to objects to a collegue. E.g., how changing the value of an object in one place changes other variables that reference it.
I remember reading a wonderful tutorial on that a long time ago. It had diagrams with lines connecting the variables to the objects and showed how those conne...
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Learning to write a compiler
Hi Stack Overflow, now don't get me wrong, I don't intend to write a compiler for C++(though I intend to write it in C++) or Java or some other high level complex programming language. I just want to learn the basics of converting a basic instruction set into a Windows Executab...
Hi there
Do you know any book, blog, tutorial which explains in a detailed way the use of some open source projects? Maybe you have written such a tutorial, example of open source libraries and your final product is great for a beginner to understand it.
I'm in the learning stage of OOP and I really need to learn by examples. I'll like...
I'm developing an app for a customer. He has a company and he wants the app to connect to the other Macs via VPN. I googled for a tutorial, but I could not find any. Does anyone know a good tutorial/guide for that?
I'm used to normal software programing using C++/Java.
I'm interested in learning Port programming. Serial port or parallel port programming to control microchips or small electronic circuits.
But I don't have any knowledge in electronics,
one simple example is trying to get a grid of LEDs to on to form a text inputed though ...
Hey! Im looking for an OpenGL library/framework to handle basic drawing code etc for me. Otherwise im also looking for some NDK and OpenGL ES tutorials, I cant seem to find anything out there!
Any information would be helpful cheers.
Hello helpful people of the internet,
I've been programming for only a couple of years and have a basic grasp of trigonometry and other maths relevant to graphics. I really like learning using books that are tutorial in nature, especially those put out by APress and Big Nerd Ranch (iphone programming).
I'm looking to learn the basics ...
I come from a C/Unix background, with a lot of experience in shell scripting, and some on Perl, elisp, etc. too. But now I'm getting into some work where I'll need to be developing interactive web-based interfaces, and I need to learn JavaScript. My problem is that all the resources I've found online for learning JavaScript seem to be ta...
I'm looking for information and tutorials on how to develop a SharePoint Service Application with the SharePoint Service Application Framework. The Internet seems to be full with information about how to configure the oob Service Applications but offers only very little information about how to develop a custom Service Application.
I have a possible commision coming in that may require me to learn ASP.NET, what are some good resource to help along the way?
The statistics module of CC.Net is very interesting. But the documentation about it is very poor. I did some internet research to figure out how to include a new counter (ex: LOC, compiler warnings, etc.) or other graphics to show but found nothing structured. Does anyone know where I could find a tutorial or something?
I have been reading through this tutorial. I am in a chapter where you can build a pong game. However I am having trouble trying to make a function that can detect when the ball hits the paddle?
It says I should do this:
Make a boolean function hit(bx, by, r, px, py, h) that returns True when the vertical coordinate of the ball (by)...
I need a tutorial for creating simple, executable web service runing stand alone on windows... So like .exe that can run on any windows with JRE installed and will open port like 4444 and will listen to http(s) calls and respond to them. Tutorial can use Spring and Hibernate and any other OpenSource libs. Tutorial can use any opensource ...
Is there a FAST python tutorial for Django beginners?
Am working my way thru Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example. I'm in the section entitled Mostly Static Pages.
I get an error after I create an HTML page in the public directory which is called public/hello.html and should appear as in Figure 3.3. My problem is that when I try to create the page and make it appear at localhost:...
bundle exec /Users/new2/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin/ruby -S /Users/new2/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0@rails3tut/gems/rspec-core-2.0.1/bin/rspec --autotest '/Users/new2/work/rails_projects/sample_app/spec/controllers/pages_controller_spec.rb'
Hi ,Im new to php.I want to learn php5 tutorial.Which tutorial is best learn php5.
Which editor is best to write php5 code.
Please explain Zend framework.
Hello. The best way to learn something is to build something with it. Advise tutorials, but not just explain syntax or classes. Need completed tutorials. For example, step by step write your own blog or store.
Example, series ScottGu's
The more the better. It's maybe MVC too. Thanks.
Hi, right now I'm trying to teach someone about C programming. Specifically right now we're on pointers in C. However I feel this is a difficult concept to explain, as the person I'm teaching doesn't have much programming experience. I was wondering if anybody knew of a good tutorial on C pointers for a true beginner programmer?
I've tr...
Are there good SWT-tutorials for developers experienced with Swing? Which, especially, explain how to do different Swing-features with SWT?