
How can limit the height of a grid row in wpf

I'm developing an Outlook Add-in in WPF. Outlook Add-in is an UserControl. My simplified XAML code look's : <UserControl> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="150"/> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> <RowDefinition Height="20"/> </Grid.RowDefinition...

ASP.NET Inherited UserControl, Events Sequence Question

I have a UserControl inheriting from another, and my question is simple. Does the control's page load fire first, or does the base class page load fire first? ...

Where to apply logic for a sidebar control in ASP.NET MVC

Take the example of wanting to have a "Latest news items" sidebar on every page of your ASP.NET MVC web site. I have a NewsItemController which is fine for pages dedicating their attention to NewsItems. What about having a news sidebar appear on the HomeController for the home page though? Or any other controller for that matter? My fir...

how to add a user control from a dll(already referenced) to ui in design mode?

If i first add it to the toolbox, an exception will be thrown, saying the dll is already referenced. and i hate to add it to ui programmatically. any idea? i have to add it programmatically? ...

Can't access controls in Page_Load

Hi, I have a simple .ascx file <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Profile.ascx.cs" Inherits="UserControls_Profile" %> <%@ Register Assembly="RadChart.Net2" Namespace="Telerik.WebControls" TagPrefix="radC" %> <div id="testdiv" runat="server"></div> in code behind: protected void Page_Load(ob...

Multiple Default Buttons in a User Control

I have a user control that is comprised of 3 textboxes, 3 buttons and a gridview. I can set the defaultbutton property of the form, but that would only affect one button. Each textbox/button combo should have a behavior that when the textbox has focus, pressing Enter should fire its associated button. To further complicate the issue, ...

Sharepoint-customizing usercontrol property in smartpart

Hi, If anyone is having idea how to customize properties in a smartpart. I have created usercontrol and i m wrappin it in a smartpart.I want to upload my xml from Document library. private string feedXML; [Browsable(true), Personalizable(true) ] public string FeedXML { get { ret...

Learning to write custom iPhone UI

My question is more towards learning the UI skillset for iPhone dev. I have been noticing a lot of iPhone developers who build great iPhone application, and when I say great I mean the awesome interfaces. I want to be able to create similar interfaces but I am finding it hard to learn how to do that. I have picked up a few iPhone dev ...

How can I build an infinitely recursive listview control?

Not sure I'm asking the right question, but it's a start. I have a user control with a ListView and, ideally, I would like to nest this same control inside of the ListView to provide recursion. This would behave somewhat like a TreeView with child nodes. This might be a monumentally bad idea. :) In fact, I feed like MSFT is pointing me...

Programmatically adding a user control in ASP.NET

I have a user control that needs to load a child control when a button is clicked. The trouble is that it has to request the control from another class. So in the button click event, I call the function to get me my control, and add it to the page, like this: UserControl ctrl = ExampleDataProvider.GetControl(some params...); myDetailPa...

C# UserControl BeginInvoke Problem

Hello everyone I have got a C# user control, which has got it's own background worker thread. This worker thread is started in the constructor of the control and stopped when the control is disposed. The thread periodically calls the BeginInvoke-Method with a delegate, but sometimes the exception "Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called...

How to have an ajax control automatically reference css files

Hi, I was wondering if its possible to have an ASP.NET AJAX custom usercontrol 'register' its use of CSS files like it does with JS files. ? Eg: Implementing the IScriptControl interface allows for the GetScriptReferences() to be called by the Script Manager, is there a similar thing for CSS files? ...

Handling user login tokens

So I want users to be able to login from different computers simultaneously. So that means I should allow the user to have multiple tokens. And then I also want the user to be able to login from different browsers on the same computer. So that means I should allow the user to have multiple tokens for same IP. However, it's gonna get m...

Prevent unload controls loaded dynamically

I'm developing an ASP.NET Web application with WebForms and C#. I have this aspx page: <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> <div id="divBody"> <div id="divHeader"> <asp:Button ID="Edit" runat="server" Text="Editar"...

Passing Control ID from one Web User Control into another

I have a Web User Control that holds many others User Controls. I'd like to name those embedded controls based on the ID of the parent user control. I'm trying this code inside the main User Control: <myLibrary:myChildUserControl1 ID="<%=ID%>" runat="server" /> or <myLibrary:myChildUserControl2 ID="<%=ID%>_OkButton" runat="server" /...

How to use higher level datasource in custom usercontrol?

I'm setting up a web application with multiple forms. Each form is defined within an asp:FormView with the DataSource set to an ObjectDataSource. Each form contains it's own set of fields and always contains one or more blocks of fields, which are the same for multiple forms. Because this blocks are the same, I decided to define them in...

structuremap Buildup() a user control

2 questions here. I have a page that I already use setter DI to insert a service layer using the following snippet from another post. var application = (HttpApplication)sender; var page = application.Context.CurrentHandler as Page; if (page == null) return; ObjectFactory.BuildUp(page); How would I do the same for a user control t...

Question concerning asp:listview and multiple dynamically created controls

I have a listview that displays a list of textboxes that get created on a button click. I would also like a label to be created next to each txtbox that would increment what is says from step x: to step x+1: Do I need to create another listview control for this, or is there a much easier way (which I hope)? Here is the current web code...

How to update design-time UserControl interface based on property value?

I've created a UserControl with the following public property: [Browsable(true)] public string Text { get { return pnlLookupTable.GroupingText; } set { pnlLookupTable.GroupingText = value; } } pnlLookupTable is, as you may have guessed, a Panel control. I can change the value of the Text property in the Properties window and ...

Passing Generic lists to a WPF usercontrol

I want to create a usercontrol that takes lists of different objects. These objects would be assigned to the control at design time. Now I want to be able to use linq to object to sort this list inside the usercontrol. Can anyone give me any ideas as how to go about it? ...