
How do I unit test a WCF service?

We have a whole bunch of DLLs that give us access to our database and other applications and services. We've wrapped these DLLs with a thin WCF service layer which our clients then consume. I'm a little unsure on how to write unit tests that only test the WCF service layer. Should I just write unit tests for the DLLs, and integration t...

What SPN do I need to set for a net.tcp service?

I have a wcf application hosted in a windows service running a local windows account. Do I need to set an SPN for this account? If so, what's the protocol the SPN needs to be set under? I know how to do this for services over HTTP, but have never done it for net.tcp. ...

Exceptions in Web Services

My group is developing a service-based (.NET WCF) application and we're trying to decide how to handle exceptions in our internal services. Should we throw exceptions? Return exceptions serialized as XML? Just return an error code? Keep in mind that the user will never see these exceptions, it's only for other parts of the applicatio...

WCF Service Returning "Method Not Allowed"

In the process of developing my first WCF service and when I try to use it I get "Method not Allowed" with no other explanation. I've got my interface set up with the ServiceContract and OperationContract: [OperationContract] void FileUpload(UploadedFile file); Along with the actual method: public void FileUpload(Upload...

Dynamic programming with WCF

Has anybody got any kind of experience with dynamic programming using WCF. By dynamic programming I mean runtime consumption of WSDL's. I have found one blog entry/tool: http://blogs.msdn.com/vipulmodi/archive/2006/11/16/dynamic-programming-with-wcf.aspx Has anybody here found good tools for this? ...

What is WCF?

Can someone please explain in simple terms what WCF is? It's hard to distill the meaning from the Wikipedia page. ...

How well will WCF scale to a large number of client users?

Does anyone have any experience with how well services build with Microsoft's WCF will scale to a large number of users? The level I'm thinking of is in the region of 1000+ client users connecting to a collection of services providing the business logic for our application, and these talking to a database, in something akin to a traditi...

Passing large files to WCF service.

We have an encryption service that we've exposed over net.tcp. Most of the time, the service is used to encrypt/decrypt strings. However, every now and then, we the need to encrypt large documents (pdf, jpg, bmp, etc). What are the best endpoint settings for a scenario like this? Should I accept/return a stream? I've read a lot about th...

Can a service have multiple endpoints?

We have a service that has some settings that are support only over net.tcp. What's the best way to add another endpoint? Do I need to create an entire new host? ...

Cannot handle FaultException

i have a wcf service that does an operation. and in this operation there could be a fault. i have stated that there could be a fault in my service contract. here is the code below; public void Foo() { try { DoSomething(); // throws FaultException<FooFault> } catch (FaultException) { ...

Where WCF and ADO.Net Data services stand?

I am bit confused about ADO.Net Data Services. Is it just meant for creating RESTful web services? I know WCF started in the SOAP world but now I hear it has good support for REST. Same goes for ADO.Net data services where you can make it work in an RPC model if you cannot look at everything from a resource oriented view. At least from...

How to make a WCF service STA (single-threaded)

I have a WCF service which includes UI components, which forces me to be in STA mode. How do I set the service behaviour to STA-mode? ...

WCF: WTF! Does WCF raise the bar or just the complexity level?

I understand the value of the three-part service/host/client model offered by WCF. But is it just me or does it seem like WCF took something pretty direct and straightforward (the ASMX model) and made a mess out of it? Is there an alternative to using SvcUtil's command line step back in time to generate the proxy? With ASMX services a ...

How to promote WCF to a non-techie?

How would you describe and promote WCF as a technology to a non-technical client/manager/CEO/etc? What are competing solutions or ideas that they might bring up(such as those they read about in their magazines touting new technology)? What is WCF not good for that you've seen people try to shoehorn it into? ...

Other ways to encrypt WCF Connections

I'm currently working on a project that requires encrypted data be passed between WCF hosts. As I understand it there are only 2 ways to ensure that data passed over WCF is secure. Using Certificates Using a Domain (or having the same username and password on every machine on the network) Using certificates can be expensive and comp...

How to upload a file to a WCF Service?

I've build a WCF Service to accept a file and write it to disk. The front-end consists of a page with SWFUpload which is handling the upload on the client side. Apparently, SWFUpload posts the data with a Content Type of: multipart/form-data. I would think this ok but on the Service side I get an error. The error is "ProtocolException" ...

How to host 2 WCF services in 1 Windows Service?

I have a WCF application that has two Services that I am trying to host in a single Windows Service using net.tcp. I can run either of the services just fine, but as soon as I try to put them both in the Windows Service only the first one loads up. I have determined that the second services ctor is being called but the OnStart never fire...

WCF Configuration without a config file

Does anyone know of a good example of how to expose a WCF service programatically without the use of a configuration file? I know the service object model is much richer now with WCF, so I know it's possible. I just have not seen an example of how to do so. Conversely, I would like to see how consuming without a configuration file is don...

How can one reference a WCF service in a different Visual Studio solution?

A Visual Studio 2008 project in one solution needs to reference a WCF service in another VS 2008 solution on the same development machine. Does anybody have any suggestions on how best to accomplish this? ...

WCF, ASP.NET Membership Provider and Authentication Service

I have written a Silverlight 2 application communicating with a WCF service (BasicHttpBinding). The site hosting the Silverlight content is protected using a ASP.NET Membership Provider. I can access the current user using HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name from my WCF service, and I have turned on AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode...