
What's the search scope of a FullTextSqlQuery

Hello, I'm trying to use FullTextSqlQuery in to find a list of sharepoint sites a user has access to. Here's my code: SPFarm farm = SPFarm.Local; SPWebServiceCollection webServices = new SPWebServiceCollection(farm); foreach (SPWebService webService in webServices) { foreach (SPWebApplication webApp in webService.WebApplicatio...

Easy way to check if a page view is unique?

Hey guys, im building a small product catalog for a client. I am currently trying to figure out how to go about allowing the user to sort by "popularity". I figured the easiest/simplest way to do this would be by having a "views" field in each product record. Originally I didn't think this through (duh) and thought I would just add on...

In what circumstances should you serialize data? When should you not?

I'm aware that serializing is used to convert data types into a storable format, for purposes such as caching. What I'm more specifically asking is, what are the circumstances in which you should actually decide to store data ( using serialize() in PHP, pickle module in Python, et cetera )? Let's say we had a high traffic websi...

Have radio button's label make selection too?

According to (somewhat official) this guide, I can make a radio button's label make the selection for that radio button too. They say, Always use labels for each checkbox and radio button. They associate text with a specific option and provide a larger clickable region. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get this functionality...

What is best Grid component for java web applications

We are using Coqsoft Treegrid component in out web application. Though it has many cool features, it is native code (developed in C++) and a bit difficult to maintain. Could somebody please suggest a better option. I also need grouping (multilevel) by columns. Thanks ...

what is the best system to run django on?

what is the best system to run django on, operating sysyem, database, web server etc considering robustness, simplicity, maintence cost, maintence reliability, pricing, upgrades for the application and upgrade of the django and other system component any body knows? ...

detecting a click on an image inserted through CSS content url()?

Hi everyone, I am adding a "remove me" icon to all elements on my page with class "myClass": div myClass:after { content: url('remove-me-icon.jpg') } Then I am using event delegation to detect clicks on all these icons by listening for clicks on the containing element: $("#myDivThatContainsThoseOtherDivs").click(function(e){ if (...

Every pages needs a HEAD with lots of stuff: Is my framework design good?

I came to a point where I realized that I need an intelligent solution for this problem. In my framework, there are: Views (actually just HTML files with little PHP to output data) View Controllers (create views, do some logic) So for every page like http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask for example, I have an ViewController which ...

Good interview questions for a Python/TurboGears web developer?

If you were looking to hire a web developer who would primarily be working with TurboGears/Python - what sort of questions should you ask them? ...

What are most common programming scenarios encountered during programming Web Applications ?

What are most commonly faced programming scenarios while developing Web/Enterprise Applications ? Note: Include common programming scenarios which would occur more frequently across all layers of Web/Enterprise Applications : Frontend/Middle/Backend. ...

Ads in a PHP based webpage

Hi.. We all have come across web pages which take some time to show the content the user is waiting for and in the mean time display ads on the page. I'm not talking about the pages that show full-page ad with 'skip this ad' button. A typical example of what I'm referring to is: I visit a free plugin site. Click on the plugin I want t...

What Design Patterns are mostly used in Web/Enterprise Applications ?

What are some of the most common Design Patterns that are used in Web/Enterprise Application and why they are used ? Note: Answer to why part should be based upon listing the problems which they tend to solve ? ...

Putting checkbox data into textbox

Is there a way to take multiple check boxes and have the related id/name automatically populate in an un-editable text box/text field? As per one of the suggestions...I am expanding and clarifying. I have several checkboxes that I want saved into the SAME db field...at the same time. So, since I'm a novice programmer where php/sql (...

Vertical strip along sides of website

I'm making a website and Id like the sides to have an image that repeats on the Y. Sort of like this website. http://www.solutionkaizen.com/html/boutique.php Im just not sure how to make the div for it. For the CSS I think its basically setting the bg of the div to my image and repeat Y. Thanks I know how to do the css part, but how wou...

Do I need AJAX and ASP.NET for what I'm doing?

Hi folks. Easy question. I used to develop websites back in the days of "classic" ASP, and when I'm asked to do a quick and dirty website for family or friends now, I still resort to direct HTML/ASP and some basic CSS and Javascript - I can get the sites up pretty quickly this way. However, I've had a few requests to design and develo...

Align image to top right

My site has a logo with images on both sides. I know the width and height of the logo, but the images vary. I have placed an image in the top left corner and did a 10x10px margin. I now want to do the same for the other side but its not working. I did the bg position property and set it to top right but it didn't do anything. Thanks. CS...

Is there any client side validation library that is using tooltips to display validation messages?

I need to include client side validation on one of my forms, and the webdesign did not take into account any space for validation messages. I think using validation tooltips together with some borders around non-valid input controls would do the job, but I am having problem finding any javascript validation that is using tooltips. Can ...

Anybody using ruby without any framework?

I am experimenting with Ruby and Rails. I like Ruby, but not Rails. I have Java/PHP background, I have used some frameworks, but never totally liked any of them. Anybody using Ruby to build web apps, but not any of the frameworks? (rails, merb etc). If yes, can you point me to some resources to learn it? ...

Site maps in Visual Web developer.

How does a sitemap help in building a website in visual web developer... and what does url.. title and description mean ?? ...

Subtle htaccess problem. I am going insane.

I want to have my primary domain be hosted from a subdirectory (have completed this step somewhat), i.e. when someone types in www.example.com/news behind the scenes it will go to www.example.com/subdirectory/news but will still show up as www.example.com/news. I have used the following bluehost code to accomplish this: RewriteEngine o...