
PHP 6 - Roadmap ?

Has anyone found a roadmap for PHP version 6? Also, any very rough ETA on the release date (please don't answer "when it's ready", I'm just trying to get a sense of if it's first half of 2010, second half, etc) ...

color of scrollbars within the page

Hi everyone, I need help. My main page has a long table that will typically be approximately 2 screens "tall" (assuming a 1024x768 browser window). I want the user to be able to browse that table up and down, while always having a set of control buttons available in the currently visible portion of the page. AND to retain contr...

Quicktime Web Player resizes in iPhone Safari

Hello all, I am using the following code to show a quicktime player in my website when it detects an iPhone Safari browser: {document.write('<object id="id1" type="video/quicktime" width="326" height="16" style="height: 16px; left: 187px; position: absolute; top: 266px; width: 326px; z-index: 1; "> <param name="src" value="http://websit...

Has anyone used Lua to build a web application?

I come from a Java and PHP background to build web applications. Has anyone used Lua before to build a web applications? Question: If so, what are the pro's & con's of using Lua versus PHP or Java for a web application? (e.g. web server support, performance, code maintenance, etc). ...

CSS Absolute Position

Evening All, Had a question on whether or not the use of Absolute postioning in my context would be considered wrong by the CSS gods. Basically what I am doing is using it to position images for the header bar of my website. We can use SO as a good example. So the main logo at the top of our page is StackOverFlow followed by a menu. O...

Small table with Link to more information

This may be a newbie question, But let's say I have a database table w/ 10 fields. However, on the first screen I want a small 4-5 field table displaying corresponding data. But the first field, let's call it ID, I want to be linkable to a full table that will display complete details about that, all 10 db fields. What would the codi...

Building a blog section.. How do I create a menu with all the dates so you can sort between time periods?

I'm currently working on creating my own blog section.. After brainstorming a little while I realized I'm a little stumped. I'm working with php and mysql (with codeigniter framework). The front blog page would show the top 5 post; this I can easily do. How would I go about creating a navigation that allows you to see the years that ...

SEO Tips and Tricks for web developers

I know most of the Users of Stackoverflow would have knowledge about Search Engine Optimization(SEO).. Any tips and tricks about SEO for your fellow web developers ... EDIT: Good book about SEO? Good blogs/websites about SEO? ...

Selling Digital Goods/Ebooks With Authorize.Net IPN and PHP

i am trying to sell a few products off my website, and i need to just accept a credit card and be able to push a download to the buyer. here's an excellent way to do this with paypal items http://www.ngcoders.com/php/selling-digital-goods-with-paypal-ipn-and-php do you know if i can do the same thing authorize.net? ...

Is this a valid XSS attack

My understanding of XSS attacks focused on people entering malicious input via forms (persistant XSS attack). However I'm trying to understand non persistant. Is this as an example (obviously the alert could be substituted for something more sinister...) http://localhost/MyProject/action.do?Title=&lt;script&gt;alert('XSS');&lt;/script&...

Location Sensitive Web Site Splash Page

I need to organise my companies websites so that depending on the location of a user they get redirected to a country specific version of the site e.g. US Users get redirected to a US specific page UK users get redirected to a UK specific page. I've seen this done plenty of times but am not sure how its implemented. I'm thinking som...

Best practice for setting up Apache and SVN for multiple sites and users?

I've just started working for a new firm as an in-house web developer. Up until now they have been outsourcing development work of their websites and decided to bring them in-house, hence my employment. I've only every worked on projects on my own and have never used version control. We've just hired another web developer to work along...

Should I use one SVN repository for each website or create sub directorys for each site within a single repository?

I'm currently in the process of setting up SVN on our local development web server and want to know if I should create a repository for each website on the server or a single repository that contains sub-directories for each site? Thanks for your help. ...

Why form submission doesn't work?

I have next form: <h:form> <h:selectManyListbox value="#{reports.selectedCategories}" converter="#{categoryConverter}"> <f:selectItems value="#{reports.categories}"/> </h:selectManyListbox> <h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{reports.action}" /> </h:form> I use custom converter to t...

Looking for the Right Web Development Firm

Hello to all. I have a business plan to design & develop an online employment agency. A web site that brings together both Job Seekers and Employers in an interactive way, more then just your basic classified employment listings. My two most important goals, are first to find a firm who has a truly experinced web developer with the late...

Object model for html generation?

Something like new Div { new A{Href = "test", Content = "link"}, new P("text"), }.ToString() == "<div> <a href='test'> link </a> <p>text</p> </div>" ...

What is the best alternative for jQuery thickbox

As jQuery thickbox is not maintained anymore (as of ThickBox 3.1), what is the best alternative for jQuery thickbox currently available under GPL or similar license. Looks nyromodal is best available so far, but is there anything better. (nyromodal has some problems in IE 6) I am looking for a plugin which can handle ajax forms, inline ...

How does RoR scaffolding work with compound words?

This is what I still don't understand (but probably should)... if I run this command: script/generate scaffold FooFoo name:string submitted_on:datetime How do I link to a the page that lets you view the list of FooFoo? This doesn't seem to work, and every variant of it that I've tried doesn't work either: <%= link_to "Mylink", foo_fo...

State of the art Java web framework for RESTful GUI apps?

Yes, I know, the old question of the best web framework ... but let me explain. I'm looking for Java Servlet based web framework that allowes RESTful interaktion and is also suitable to build web GUIs. What I want: REST support with http content negotiation and nice URL mapping data conversion from request params to domain object (an...

I am building a search engine. How do I remove duplicates from search results?

When I search for something, I get content that have the same text and title. Of course, there is always an original (where others copy/leech from) If you have expertise in search and crawling...how do you recommend that I remove these duplicates? (in a very feasible and efficient mannter) ...