
Making a 'mobile/cell' version of a PHP/Javascript website?

I'm about to potentially start work on a website, but the client has a requirement that the website should also be accessible from mobiles/cell phones. He hasn't mentioned which mobiles he wants to support in particular but I assume it would be smart phones like iphone, blackberry, android, etc. My question is, how much work will this t...

Profile Provider for ASP.NET That Stores Profile Info in File System

Does anyone know of an open source implementation of an ASP.NET ProfileProvider that stores user profile information in the file system? I would prefer to avoid writing my own if a decent implementation already exists - while the API doesn't look to complicated, I'd rather not re-invent the wheel (so to speak). Hopefully this doesn't m...

Why does FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage() end with context.Response.Redirect(..., false)?

I browsed the source code of FormsAuthentication, and noticed it ends in context.Response.Redirect(strUrl, false); The 'false' parameter stands for "don't terminate execution of the current page". Why wouldn't a call to FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage() need to terminate viewing the current page? What is the correct behavi...

Integrate a Java stand alone application to the Web

I develop Java applications with Eclipse that process data. So far I only developed stand alone applications that take data from file or database, process the data, and output the results to the console/file/database. I would like put my application online. I never did any web development, but from my understanding, the only difference...

Webpage loading in internet explorer problem?

Using CSS Style Sheet, HTML, XML When i run my website, my page was properly displaying in the firefox, but the page was not properly displaying in the internet explorer. Most of the people using only the internet explorer, but why my web page is not properly loading in the internet explorer. I have to change the setting of internet e...

When I click the "stop" debugger button, the developer web server also stops!

Does this happen to any one of you? It is driving me crazy: On every other machine I develop on, when I click the "stop" button for the debugger in Visual Studio, the Developer Web Server continues to run. And I can still browse my web application. Suddenly one day, on one of the machines I use for development, it no longer behaves th...

Include all files under a folder

i have a folder of javascript files, is it possible to include all of the files under that folder automatically? something like <jsp:include-all parentFolder='/javascript' extension='.js' /> OK to make it clear i have an ajax application, with lots of js fragments, but i want to aggregate all of them into one big js file so to spee...

Can't access controls in Page_Load

Hi, I have a simple .ascx file <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Profile.ascx.cs" Inherits="UserControls_Profile" %> <%@ Register Assembly="RadChart.Net2" Namespace="Telerik.WebControls" TagPrefix="radC" %> <div id="testdiv" runat="server"></div> in code behind: protected void Page_Load(ob...

How do i make iis my main web server within parallels desktop whislt doing the development osx side?

I currently own an iMac but do allot of asp.net based development in Parallels Desktop.How do i make iis my main web server within parallels desktop whilst doing the development osx side? I hope that makes sense ...

How to remove .aspx from url

How can i remove .aspx from my urls as I used UrlRewritingNet and its giving me page not found error when i host the site to the server but its alright in the IDE browser. ...

How keep-alive of HTTP can/is play role in AJAX application

"keep-alive" its there in HTTP. Some says it good should be used, but i am unable to get to any conclusion. So please provide your input/answer/views so i can get some ground for this, What it does? Scenario where it should and should not be done? How it can make AJAX application better ? Risks DO's and DONT's if any? Thank you all f...

Setting width:auto leads to width:100%

I am little bit tired for now (out of coffee), so I am unable to figure this out. When I set p.style.width = auto (the blue one), why is its width at 100%? None of the elements have their width set to 100%, so I doubt it's inherited property. How can I set the <p>'s width to match its content width plus padding? Sample page: http://el...

Backend technology selection for a web based startup

Greetings, With a friend, we have plans to start a startup company that will serve as a special type of e-commerce site thus having a successfully working website is a must. Now we are at the brink of technology selection for running the website. We want to be agile as possible as we can, which means we want to develop the site as so...

How to create an N:N relation editor in web page?

I have to create a small "who does what" web application for incoming letter routing: there is a relatively long list (about 600 items) of employees; there is a short list (about 5 items) of tasks; when assigning a task to an employee, due date must be specified; As a result, i need a list (sequence of items matters in this case, sin...

playing audio on a web page without interruption by page reload

Hi, I want to create a web page that contains an (Flex/Flash) audio player that doesnt get reloaded when the page reloads. Currently, i am popping out the player in a new window. Please check http://www.paadal.com to see it in action. What i want to achieve is to have the player in the same window, but it shouldnt reload. I am sure ...

Web testing and keeping track of areas tested

I have a huge web application and I want to use a system which will help the developers keep track of areas (links) that have been visited and tested. I am not looking for a bug tracking system, etc. Just a system that will help me track pages that I have visited, etc. Let me know if there is a tool to keep track of pages physically vis...

Trying to attached jpeg file on ASP.NET Mail Code

Hello all i got a mail code like this body = "Dear " & cName & "," & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your request for the " & vehHeader & " (" & FormatCurrency(vehPrice)& ")" & " has been received and will be reviewed promptly." & vbcrlf & "We will contact you shortly to verify your information." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Thank you for using website" App...

Fill in a box on page within WebView from XCode

Hello This is an interesting one for you all! I am looking at doing an app which contains a webview that points to a website that requires a login. I know how to do the webview, etc but is there a way that I can automatically fill in the usernanme and password through XCode? I am looking at storing the user name and password within ...

How to edit the ASP.NET HTML Body variable?

body = "<HTML>" & _ "<HEAD></HEAD>" & _ "<BODY>" & _ " <Font Face=Arial Size=5><B>" & _ " This is a test Email" & cEmail & _ " </B></Font><BR>" & _ " <H3><A Href=http://www.website.com&gt;Click here</a>" & _ " to go to website.com</h3>" & _ "</BODY>" & _ "</HTML>" this a ASP variable with html text it works well i just want t...

Should cluster support be at the application or framework level?

Lets say you're starting a new web project that required the website to run on and MVC framework on Mono. A couple major requirements are that it has to scale easy, be stable and work with multiple servers that may or may not be in the same place or even on the same local network. The first thing I thought of was a sort of cluster commu...