
What should I consider when building a Content Management System (CMS)?

I'm going to create a web-based content management system for work. Before I start, what should I consider when designing and implementing my own CMS website? ...

Should I learn Silverlight or JavaScript/JQuery/CSS/HTML?

I'm a seasoned desktop developer working in C++/C#/WinForms/etc. Up until this point, I have done very little in terms of web development. I've come to the point in my career where I feel like I should start doing web development - not to replace my desktop experience but to become more well rounded as a developer. I already know so...

Counting page views

I have a site where I want to record how many unique views an entry gets. At the moment I'm storing each view in a table (see below) but I can't help feeling this is too heavy handed. +--------+---------------+ | postid | remote_addr | +--------+---------------+ | 1 | | | 2 | | +--------+---------...

How do I import the Host directive for Tomcat Server.xml from another file?

My company wants to be able to add other Hosts directives into our server.xml (configuration file for Tomcat). This Host directive goes inside the Engine directive. I will like to import a second file, example hosts.xml, so I can define the hosts in that separate files. <Host name="localhost" ...> ... <Valve className="org.apache.c...

Grails deploy error

Grails grails-1.0.4 , TomCat 6.0.14 , Tomcat error log: SEVERE: Error configuring application listener of class org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1358) ...

Why do web service or HTTP handler calls give two unauthorized errors and then a single success?

When accessing an application I've written FireBug shows that each call to a web service or HTTP handler is attempted three times, and the first two times show as '401 Unauthorized' even though they return the correct result. This consistent. Every call does this same thing. Any ideas why this happens? ...

Can I stop 100% Width Text Boxes from extending beyond their containers?

Lets say I have a text box that I want to fill a whole line. I would give it a style like this: input.wide {display:block; width: 100%} This causes problems because the width is based on the content of the text box. Text boxes have margin, borders, & padding by default, which makes a 100% width text box larger than its container. Is ...

Deploying Google Analytics With Django

We're about to deploy a new Django website, and we want to use Google Analytics to keep track of traffic on the site. However, we don't want all of the hits on development instances to contribute to the Google Analytics statistics. There are a few ways we could deal with this: have a configuration option in settings.py which the base...

How to safely update a live website

We have a fairly simple Django-based website for doing CRUD operations. I've been doing testing and development locally and then checking out releases and database schema changes onto the live server once testing is done. We've recently run into a problem when releasing some types of changes. Imagine the following sequence of events: U...

Best framework for document-interacting web application

The requirements for this web app include the following: 1- Need to interact with a couple other websites that don't necessarily have any type of API, so I'll basically have to build a server side web client. I've used HttpClient in Java and something similar in Ruby, but want to make sure it can handle downloads, cookies, and so on. 2...

Smarty, the best choice?

We are developing a huge website, it will get lots of traffic, right now we are analyzing our options and Smarty looks nice but i have seen lots of flames about this, some love it some hate it. What do you think? Any real life experience with Smarty? If you hate it please write the reasons, same thing if you love it. ;) Advice about al...

IE6 - Alphaimageloader Link problem

Has anyone found a solution to the IE6 & 7 problem which kills links nested inside an element with the "alphaimageloader" filter attached to it. I've tried various "position" tricks, to no avail. I'm using the Unit Interactive PNG Fix but from what I can gather, it's a problem with alphaimageloader which means it should affect every P...

How to use a custom configuration class for web.config with Linq dbml classes

I have a web project that uses a custom configuration class to store app settings in web.config. I do this to be able to store and access configuration settings in web.config that are based on server name. That way when the project moves from development, to staging, to production, I don't have to remember to change the web.config s...

What is the WSS extension?

I browsed to a page hosted by IBM and the page has a WSS extension... is this an IBM WebSphere page? http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/presskit/23540.wss WebSphere is very similar to TomCat which hosts JSP (Java Scripting Pages). I'm thinking it's IBM's alternative to JSP...still no clue though. ...

cookies or cache? my own site won't load in FF without a restarting FF

Over the last few days, I've noticed that (occasionally) when testing my own site in FF, it loads the first time that FF has been opened, but it seems to hang on subsequent loads (windows only - i haven't noticed this behaviour on mac, but i don't use my mac as much). The url is http://HearWhere.com Of course, my concern is that somet...

Nested loop syntax in python server pages

I am just trying to write a small web page that can parse some text using a regular expression and return the resulting matches in a table. This is the first I've used python for web development, and I have to say, it looks messy. My question is why do I only get output for the last match in my data set? I figure it has to be because th...

Apache, .htaccess - Forbidding direct access to a file, but allow rewrites to go there

I've figured out how to write something like www.test.com/test to www.test.com/test.php. This is useful to give a simpler browsing experience and obscure the use of the PHP. However, I'd like to go farther and disallow access to www.test.com/test.php completely, and allow access only through www.test.com/test in order to prevent people f...

Method to Interpret User input in TextBox Live - Similar to WMD preview here on SO

Hello, I am looking to find a way to interpret user input as they type it (and eventually perform some types of actions as it happens based on their input) This is intended for a web based application. So far I have a way that I can update a Label whenever the user hits enter, but I would like it so that the text updates on any keypre...

What's the best way to do a fixed topbar that doesn't overlap the top?

For instance stackoverflow has a topbar for new members. The topbar is fixed and pushes down the page without overlapping the top of the page. How is this accomplished? Javascript? Or can this be done with just css? ...

IDE Suggestion required.Envionment : ASP.NET-VB-JAVASCRIPT

I am working on a ASP.Net project creating a Outlook like calendar scheduler app. I need to implement javascript on the webpages, but VS 2005 that I am using now is not very helpful, like intellisense or debugging,etc.. in case of javascript. I am planning to use jQuery in the app too. Questions : Is there some feature of VS 2005 th...