
Preventing the browser from showing the query re-submit dialog on refresh

When the user select an item from a dropdownlist and presses a button, my application shows a list of data manually binded and filtered according the selected value. If the user presses the Refresh button of the browser, it asks for confirmation whether the user is sure they want to submmit the query again. I don't want the browser asks...

Converting from mod_python to mod_wsgi

My website is written in Python and currently runs under mod_python with Apache. Lately I've had to put in a few ugly hacks that make me think it might be worth converting the site to mod_wsgi. But I've gotten used to using some of mod_python's utility classes, especially FieldStorage and Session (and sometimes Cookie), and from a scan o...

Should I use git to deploy websites?

I have a site running on django, (but the question applies to anything, php, etc) Currently I'm using unison to deploy my changes, and I (kinda used to) love it because before that I was doing it manually!! Now, as I'm getting my feet wet with git, I'm starting to love it! And I'm thinking if maybe I should use it instead of unison to ...

What server-side web technology should I use in an embedded system?

Hey guys and gals, I'm starting a new project and I'm trying to figure out what technologies I should use. Here's the deal, I'm writing some software that will run on a wireless router and I would like to provide a web interface. So most likely I will have to do some server-side web development. The only issue is that the device I will ...

How to prevent a user from registering multiple accounts to vote themselves up

This question isn't about preventing a single user from registering multiple accounts. It is assuming that registering multiple accounts cannot be prevented, but what we want to avoid/detect is when the user is using the accounts to vote for himself. This would apply to sites like SO or digg, where a user creates a 2nd account solely fo...

Reading a Git repository, without Git

Hello! I'm researching the idea of building a super-small (preferably PHP) web app, which will serve (among other things) as a minimal front-end to a git repository. Any library/article for reading a git repository (".git" folder) without having to execute the "git" process? I'm looking for an API to manage a git repository. I'm only i...

How can I invoke a function when a user leaves my site?

I'm developing a website in VB.NET/ASP.NET 2.0. I want to invoke an event (Server Side) once a user leaves my site by putting a different URL in the address bar, is it possible? If so, how? ...

What's the best CSS tutorial?

May I know the best CSS tutorials? Site links, books, video tutorials perhaps? ...

What's the best Javascript tutorial?

May I know the best Javascript tutorials? Site links, books, video tutorials perhaps? ...

Must Have SharePoint dev tools

I have only been doing development work in SharePoint the last 6 months. Coming from a client server background the tooling situation in SharePoint was a rude surprise, but I think that I have by now picked up the majority of the Must Have tools. Which tools should be in every SharePoint developers toolbox in your opinion ? My list so ...

Applications for using couchDB and a RDBMS together

Wondering if there was a scenario where one would use a document-based DB and a relational DB together in a best-of-both-worlds scenario? ...

Migrate from couchDB to RDBMS

Wondering if it is possible to migrate from a document-based DB (eg. couchDB) to a RDBMS (eg. MySQL). ...

two programmers working on the same code

Hi, I'm working on some PHP code with a partner, and were both running a LAMP (or in my case - MAMP) server locally on our machines. Is there some way we can both work simultaneously on the same piece of code? This would require both our IDE's (I use Zend Studio, he uses PHPed) and our MySQL server to update when any change is done. ...

Insert layers on Visual Studio 2008

Is there a simple way to insert layers (a feature of Visual Studio 2005) in Visual Studio 2008? ...

ASP.NET common controls source code

Is there a source code readily available for commonly used controls (say found in the toolbox) for ASP.NET 2.0? The level of detail that I want its that I need to know the internal workings of the control. ...

Drap and Drop in Eclipse for Web Projects

Is there an equivalent drag and drop style for Eclipse (or any IDE in Java) for J2EE or JSP that is similar to the IDE feel of ASP.NET in Visual Studio? ASP.NET allows you to drag and drop controls to a web form or web page. ...

How to start an executable from a web page running on localhost?

I have an application that hosts a webcontrol (IE) and runs on localhost using Casini. I use it to run CruiseControl.NET (See http://www.codeplex.com/ccnetbuildstation for the app). Within custom CruiseControl.NET reports I would like to start other applications like Visual Studio. Any idea how I can launch an executable from a web p...

Problems while adding google search to my website

Hello, I added the standard code for google search in my site (taken from http://www.askdavetaylor.com/how_can_i_add_a_google_search_box_to_my_web_site.html): when i compile and run the site, i get the following error (as soon as the page loads): Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configurati...

How much should the staging environment equal the live one?

Management has decided to go for Windows 2008 64 bit with IIS7 to service our main website. They want to have it staged on a Windows 2003 server with IIS6. [Edit] Yes 32 bit is what they are planning for staging [End Edit] I want to know what issues, beyond the security issues, that I should put forward, suggesting we should opt for th...

Case insensitive search in grails

I am developing grails application which uses file searching.For that I wrote the following code. This code works and it is gives the results with case sensitive.But I want to search files without case sensitive. def criteria = FileDomain.createCriteria() def results = criteria { and { like('user', User.findById(session?.user...