I want a VHDL source codes website that provide a ready to use component source code.
for example: full adder vhdl source code.
I want a VHDL source codes website that provide a ready to use component source code.
for example: full adder vhdl source code.
Also, you can check out http://www.freemodelfoundry.com/ for VHDL and Verilog modules.
Just for the full adder I can write it right here ;)
entity full_adder is
a, b, cin: in BIT;
sum, cout: out BIT);
end full_adder;
architecture gate_level of full_adder is
sum <= (a xor b) xor cin;
cout <= ((a and b) or (a and cin)) or (b and cin);
end gate_level;
UPDATE: such tool as Aldec Active-HDL has IP-Core generator. You can select different cores, input parameters and get ready-to-use VHDL or Verilog component. Aldec provides student licenses for free. Check out http://www.aldec.com/Company/University.aspx
As David says, opencores.org is a good starting point. Another interesting project is the LEON3 processor and its related Gaisler library, available as open-source project from http://www.gaisler.com