Edit 2: judging on the lack of replies I start wondering if my issue is clear enough. Please tell me if I need to elaborate more.
Notice: see bottom for a code update!
Short introduction: I'm writing a 2 dimensional flash space game in actionscript. The universe is infinitely big, because of this feature, the background has to be rendered dynamically and background objects (gas clouds, stars, etc.) have to be positioned randomly.
I created a class called BackgroundEngine and it's working very well, the problem is however the rendering performance. This is how it works:
At startup, 4 background containers (each the size of the stage) are created around the player. Top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right. All background squares are added to a master container, for easy movement of the background. Now, there are 2 polling functions:
1) "garbage poller": looks for background containers that are 2 times the stage width or height away from the player's X or Y coord, respectively. If so, it will remove that background square and allow it for garbage collection.
2) "rendering poller": looks whether there is currently a background at all sides of the player (x - stageWidth, x + stageWidth, y - stageHeight, y + stageHeight). If not, it will draw a new background square at the corresponding location.
All background squares are created with the following function (the ones that are created dynamically and the four on startup):
<<< removed old code, see bottom for updated full source >>>
All the randoms you see there are making sure that the environment looks very unique on every square. This actually works great, the universe looks quite awesome.
The following assets are being used as background objects:
1) Simple stars : http://www.feedpostal.com/client/assets/background/1.png (you probably won't be able to see that one in a browser with a white background).
2) Bright stars : http://www.feedpostal.com/client/assets/background/2.png
3) White gas clouds : http://www.feedpostal.com/client/assets/background/3.png
4) Red gas clouds: http://www.feedpostal.com/client/assets/background/4.png
Important notes:
1) All assets are cached, so they don't have to be re-downloaded all the time. They are only downloaded once.
2) The images are not rotating or being scaled after they are created, so I enabled cacheAsBitmap for all objects, containers and the masterContainer.
3) I had to use PNG formats in Photoshop because GIFs did not seem to be rendered very well in flash when used with transparency.
So, the problem is that when I fly around the rendering of the background takes too much performance: the client starts "lagging" (FPS wise). Because of this, I need to optimize the background engine so that it will render much quicker. Can you folks help me out here?
Update 1: This is what I have so far after the one response I got.
package com.tommedema.background
import br.com.stimuli.loading.BulkLoader;
import com.tommedema.utils.Settings;
import com.tommedema.utils.UtilLib;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
public final class BackgroundEngine extends Sprite
private static var isLoaded:Boolean = false;
private static var bulkLoader:BulkLoader = BulkLoader.getLoader("main");
private static var masterContainer:Sprite;
private static var containers:Array = [];
private static var stageWidth:uint;
private static var stageHeight:uint;
private static var assets:Array;
//moves the background's X coord
public static function moveX(amount:Number):void
if (masterContainer)
masterContainer.x += amount;
//moves the background's Y coord
public static function moveY(amount:Number):void
if (masterContainer)
masterContainer.y += amount;
//returns whether the background engine has been loaded already
public static function loaded():Boolean
return isLoaded;
//loads the background engine
public final function load():void
//set stage width and height
stageWidth = stage.stageWidth;
stageHeight = stage.stageHeight;
//retreive all background assets
bulkLoader.add(Settings.ASSETS_PRE_URL + "background/1.png", {id: "background/1.png"});
bulkLoader.add(Settings.ASSETS_PRE_URL + "background/2.png", {id: "background/2.png"});
bulkLoader.add(Settings.ASSETS_PRE_URL + "background/3.png", {id: "background/3.png"});
bulkLoader.add(Settings.ASSETS_PRE_URL + "background/4.png", {id: "background/4.png"});
bulkLoader.addEventListener(BulkLoader.COMPLETE, assetsComplete);
//set isLoaded to true
isLoaded = true;
//poller function for drawing next background squares
private static function drawNextContainer():void
var stageCenterX:Number = stageWidth / 2;
var stageCenterY:Number = stageHeight / 2;
var curContainer:Bitmap = hasBackground(stageCenterX, stageCenterY);
if (curContainer)
//top left
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX - stageWidth, stageCenterY - stageHeight)) drawNewSquare(curContainer.x - stageWidth, curContainer.y - stageHeight);
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX, stageCenterY - stageHeight)) drawNewSquare(curContainer.x, curContainer.y - stageHeight);
//top right
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX + stageWidth, stageCenterY - stageHeight)) drawNewSquare(curContainer.x + stageWidth, curContainer.y - stageHeight);
//center left
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX - stageWidth, stageCenterY)) drawNewSquare(curContainer.x - stageWidth, curContainer.y);
//center right
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX + stageWidth, stageCenterY)) drawNewSquare(curContainer.x + stageWidth, curContainer.y);
//bottom left
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX - stageWidth, stageCenterY + stageHeight)) drawNewSquare(curContainer.x - stageWidth, curContainer.y + stageHeight);
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX, stageCenterY + stageHeight)) drawNewSquare(curContainer.x, curContainer.y + stageHeight);
//bottom right
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX + stageWidth, stageCenterY + stageHeight)) drawNewSquare(curContainer.x + stageWidth, curContainer.y + stageHeight);
//draws the next square and adds it to the master container
private static function drawNewSquare(x:Number, y:Number):void
var cIndex:uint = containers.length - 1;
containers[cIndex].x = x;
containers[cIndex].y = y;
//returns whether the given location has a background and if so returns the corresponding square
private static function hasBackground(x:Number, y:Number):Bitmap
var stageX:Number;
var stageY:Number;
for(var i:uint = 0; i < containers.length; i++)
stageX = masterContainer.x + containers[i].x;
stageY = masterContainer.y + containers[i].y;
if ((containers[i]) && (stageX < x) && (stageX + stageWidth > x) && (stageY < y) && (stageY + stageHeight > y)) return containers[i];
return null;
//polling function for old background squares garbage collection
private static function collectGarbage():void
var stageX:Number;
var stageY:Number;
for(var i:uint = 0; i < containers.length; i++)
if (containers[i])
stageX = masterContainer.x + containers[i].x;
stageY = masterContainer.y + containers[i].y;
if ((stageX < -stageWidth * 1.5) || (stageX > stageWidth * 2.5) || (stageY < -stageHeight * 1.5) || (stageY > stageHeight * 2.5))
containers.splice(i, 1);
//dispatched when all assets have finished downloading
private final function assetsComplete(event:Event):void
assets = [];
assets.push(bulkLoader.getBitmap("background/1.png")); //star simple
assets.push(bulkLoader.getBitmap("background/2.png")); //star bright
assets.push(bulkLoader.getBitmap("background/3.png")); //cloud white
assets.push(bulkLoader.getBitmap("background/4.png")); //cloud red
//initializes startup background containers
private final function init():void
masterContainer = new Sprite(); //create master container
//generate default background containers
containers.push(genSquareBg()); //top left
containers[0].x = 0;
containers[0].y = 0;
containers.push(genSquareBg()); //top
containers[1].x = stageWidth;
containers[1].y = 0;
containers.push(genSquareBg()); //top right
containers[2].x = stageWidth * 2;
containers[2].y = 0;
containers.push(genSquareBg()); //center left
containers[3].x = 0;
containers[3].y = stageHeight;
containers.push(genSquareBg()); //center
containers[4].x = stageWidth;
containers[4].y = stageHeight;
containers.push(genSquareBg()); //center right
containers[5].x = stageWidth * 2;
containers[5].y = stageHeight;
containers.push(genSquareBg()); //bottom left
containers[6].x = 0;
containers[6].y = stageHeight * 2;
containers.push(genSquareBg()); //bottom
containers[7].x = stageWidth;
containers[7].y = stageHeight * 2;
containers.push(genSquareBg()); //bottom right
containers[8].x = stageWidth * 2;
containers[8].y = stageHeight * 2;
//add the new containers to the master container
for (var i:uint = 0; i <= containers.length - 1; i++)
//display the master container
masterContainer.x = 0 - stageWidth;
masterContainer.y = 0 - stageHeight;
masterContainer.cacheAsBitmap = true;
//duplicates a bitmap display object
private static function dupeBitmap(source:Bitmap):Bitmap {
var data:BitmapData = source.bitmapData;
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(data);
return bitmap;
//draws a simple star
private static function drawStar(x:Number, y:Number, width:uint, height:uint):Sprite
var creation:Sprite = new Sprite();
creation.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF);
creation.graphics.drawRect(x, y, width, height);
return creation;
//generates a background square
private static function genSquareBg():Bitmap
//set 1% margin
var width:Number = stageWidth * 0.99;
var height:Number = stageHeight * 0.99;
var startX:Number = 0 + stageWidth / 100;
var startY:Number = 0 + stageHeight / 100;
var scale:Number;
var drawAmount:uint;
var tmpBitmap:Bitmap;
var tmpSprite:Sprite;
var i:uint;
//create container
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
//draw simple stars
drawAmount = UtilLib.getRandomInt(100, 250);
for(i = 1; i <= drawAmount; i++)
tmpSprite = drawStar(0, 0, 1, 1);
tmpSprite.x = UtilLib.getRandomInt(0, stageWidth);
tmpSprite.y = UtilLib.getRandomInt(0, stageHeight);
tmpSprite.alpha = UtilLib.getRandomInt(3, 10) / 10;
scale = UtilLib.getRandomInt(2, 10) / 10;
tmpSprite.scaleX = tmpSprite.scaleY = scale;
//draw bright stars
if (Math.random() >= 0.8) drawAmount = UtilLib.getRandomInt(1, 2);
else drawAmount = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= drawAmount; i++)
tmpBitmap = dupeBitmap(assets[1]);
tmpBitmap.alpha = UtilLib.getRandomInt(3, 7) / 10;
tmpBitmap.rotation = UtilLib.getRandomInt(0, 360);
scale = UtilLib.getRandomInt(3, 10) / 10;
tmpBitmap.scaleX = scale; tmpBitmap.scaleY = scale;
tmpBitmap.x = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startX + tmpBitmap.width, width - tmpBitmap.width);
tmpBitmap.y = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startY + tmpBitmap.height, height - tmpBitmap.height);
//draw white clouds
drawAmount = UtilLib.getRandomInt(1, 4);
for(i = 1; i <= drawAmount; i++)
tmpBitmap = dupeBitmap(assets[2]);
tmpBitmap.alpha = UtilLib.getRandomInt(1, 10) / 10;
scale = UtilLib.getRandomInt(15, 30);
tmpBitmap.scaleX = scale / 10;
tmpBitmap.scaleY = UtilLib.getRandomInt(scale / 2, scale) / 10;
tmpBitmap.x = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startX, width - tmpBitmap.width);
tmpBitmap.y = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startY, height - tmpBitmap.height);
//draw red clouds
drawAmount = UtilLib.getRandomInt(0, 1);
for(i = 1; i <= drawAmount; i++)
tmpBitmap = dupeBitmap(assets[3]);
tmpBitmap.alpha = UtilLib.getRandomInt(2, 6) / 10;
scale = UtilLib.getRandomInt(5, 30) / 10;
tmpBitmap.scaleX = scale; tmpBitmap.scaleY = scale;
tmpBitmap.x = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startX, width - tmpBitmap.width);
tmpBitmap.y = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startY, height - tmpBitmap.height);
//convert all layers to a single bitmap layer and return
var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(stageWidth, stageHeight, true, 0x000000);
container = null;
var bitmapContainer:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
bitmapContainer.cacheAsBitmap = true;
return bitmapContainer;
When the player is moving, the background moveX and moveY methods are called with the inverse direction of the player. This will also cause the collectGarbage and drawNextContainer methods to be called.
The problem with this setup is that there are a minimum of 9 containers active at all times. Top left, top, top right, center left, center, center right, bottom left, bottom and bottom right. This takes a lot of performance.
Edit: I also wonder, should I use cacheAsBitmap? If so, on which images? On the containers and the master container or on only one of them? When I enable it for all images (even the temporary sprite objects) it's actually lagging more.
Update 2:
This version is using squares that are twice as big as the stage. Only one or two squares should be loaded at a time. It is better, but I still notice a performance hit while moving. It makes the client freeze for a very brief moment. Any idea how to optimize it?
package com.tommedema.background
import br.com.stimuli.loading.BulkLoader;
import com.tommedema.utils.Settings;
import com.tommedema.utils.UtilLib;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
public final class BackgroundEngine2 extends Sprite
private static var isLoaded:Boolean = false;
private static var bulkLoader:BulkLoader = BulkLoader.getLoader("main");
private static var assets:Array;
private static var masterContainer:Sprite;
private static var containers:Array = [];
private static var stageWidth:uint;
private static var stageHeight:uint;
private static var stageCenterX:Number;
private static var stageCenterY:Number;
//moves the background's X coord
public static function moveX(amount:Number):void
if (!masterContainer) return;
masterContainer.x += amount;
//moves the background's Y coord
public static function moveY(amount:Number):void
if (!masterContainer) return;
masterContainer.y += amount;
//returns whether the background engine has been loaded already
public static function loaded():Boolean
return isLoaded;
//loads the background engine
public final function load():void
//set stage width, height and center
stageWidth = stage.stageWidth;
stageHeight = stage.stageHeight;
stageCenterX = stageWidth / 2;
stageCenterY = stageHeight / 2;
//retreive background assets
bulkLoader.add(Settings.ASSETS_PRE_URL + "background/1.png", {id: "background/1.png"});
bulkLoader.add(Settings.ASSETS_PRE_URL + "background/2.png", {id: "background/2.png"});
bulkLoader.add(Settings.ASSETS_PRE_URL + "background/3.png", {id: "background/3.png"});
bulkLoader.add(Settings.ASSETS_PRE_URL + "background/4.png", {id: "background/4.png"});
bulkLoader.addEventListener(BulkLoader.COMPLETE, assetsComplete);
//set isLoaded to true
isLoaded = true;
//poller function for drawing next background squares
private static function drawNextContainer():void
var curContainer:Bitmap = hasBackground(stageCenterX, stageCenterY);
if (curContainer)
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX - stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY - stageHeight * 0.75)) //top left
drawNewSquare(curContainer.x - curContainer.width, curContainer.y - curContainer.height);
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX, stageCenterY - stageHeight * 0.75)) //top
drawNewSquare(curContainer.x, curContainer.y - curContainer.height);
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX + stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY - stageHeight * 0.75)) //top right
drawNewSquare(curContainer.x + curContainer.width, curContainer.y - curContainer.height);
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX - stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY)) //center left
drawNewSquare(curContainer.x - curContainer.width, curContainer.y);
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX + stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY)) //center right
drawNewSquare(curContainer.x + curContainer.width, curContainer.y);
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX - stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY + stageHeight * 0.75)) //bottom left
drawNewSquare(curContainer.x - curContainer.width, curContainer.y + curContainer.height);
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX, stageCenterY + stageHeight * 0.75)) //bottom center
drawNewSquare(curContainer.x, curContainer.y + curContainer.height);
if (!hasBackground(stageCenterX + stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY + stageHeight * 0.75)) //bottom right
drawNewSquare(curContainer.x + curContainer.width, curContainer.y + curContainer.height);
//draws the next square and adds it to the master container
private static function drawNewSquare(x:Number, y:Number):void
var cIndex:uint = containers.length - 1;
containers[cIndex].x = x;
containers[cIndex].y = y;
//returns whether the given location has a background and if so returns the corresponding square
private static function hasBackground(x:Number, y:Number):Bitmap
var stageX:Number;
var stageY:Number;
for(var i:uint = 0; i < containers.length; i++)
stageX = masterContainer.x + containers[i].x;
stageY = masterContainer.y + containers[i].y;
if ((containers[i]) && (stageX < x) && (stageX + containers[i].width > x) && (stageY < y) && (stageY + containers[i].height > y)) return containers[i];
return null;
//polling function for old background squares garbage collection
private static function collectGarbage():void
var stageX:Number;
var stageY:Number;
for(var i:uint = 0; i < containers.length; i++)
if ((containers[i]) && (!isRequiredContainer(containers[i])))
containers.splice(i, 1);
//returns whether the given container is required for display
private static function isRequiredContainer(container:Bitmap):Boolean
if (hasBackground(stageCenterX, stageCenterY) == container) //center
return true;
if (hasBackground(stageCenterX - stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY - stageHeight * 0.75) == container) //top left
return true;
if (hasBackground(stageCenterX, stageCenterY - stageHeight * 0.75) == container) //top
return true;
if (hasBackground(stageCenterX + stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY - stageHeight * 0.75) == container) //top right
return true;
if (hasBackground(stageCenterX - stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY) == container) //center left
return true;
if (hasBackground(stageCenterX + stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY) == container) //center right
return true;
if (hasBackground(stageCenterX - stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY + stageHeight * 0.75) == container) //bottom left
return true;
if (hasBackground(stageCenterX, stageCenterY + stageHeight * 0.75) == container) //bottom center
return true;
if (hasBackground(stageCenterX + stageWidth * 0.75, stageCenterY + stageHeight * 0.75) == container) //bottom right
return true;
return false;
//dispatched when all assets have finished downloading
private final function assetsComplete(event:Event):void
assets = [];
assets.push(bulkLoader.getBitmap("background/1.png")); //star simple
assets.push(bulkLoader.getBitmap("background/2.png")); //star bright
assets.push(bulkLoader.getBitmap("background/3.png")); //cloud white
assets.push(bulkLoader.getBitmap("background/4.png")); //cloud red
//initializes startup background containers
private final function init():void
masterContainer = new Sprite(); //create master container
//generate default background container
containers.push(genSquareBg()); //top left
containers[0].x = 0;
containers[0].y = 0;
//display the master container
masterContainer.x = -(stageWidth / 2);
masterContainer.y = -(stageHeight / 2);
masterContainer.cacheAsBitmap = true;
//duplicates a bitmap display object
private static function dupeBitmap(source:Bitmap):Bitmap {
var data:BitmapData = source.bitmapData;
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(data);
return bitmap;
//draws a simple star
private static function drawStar(x:Number, y:Number, width:uint, height:uint):Sprite
var creation:Sprite = new Sprite();
creation.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFFFFFF);
creation.graphics.drawRect(x, y, width, height);
return creation;
//generates a background square
private static function genSquareBg():Bitmap
var width:Number = stageWidth * 2;
var height:Number = stageHeight * 2;
var startX:Number = 0;
var startY:Number = 0;
var scale:Number;
var drawAmount:uint;
var tmpBitmap:Bitmap;
var tmpSprite:Sprite;
var i:uint;
//create container
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
//draw simple stars
drawAmount = UtilLib.getRandomInt(100, 250);
for(i = 1; i <= drawAmount; i++)
tmpSprite = drawStar(0, 0, 1, 1);
tmpSprite.x = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startX, width);
tmpSprite.y = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startY, height);
tmpSprite.alpha = UtilLib.getRandomInt(3, 10) / 10;
scale = UtilLib.getRandomInt(5, 15) / 10;
tmpSprite.scaleX = tmpSprite.scaleY = scale;
//draw bright stars
drawAmount = UtilLib.getRandomInt(1, 2);
for(i = 1; i <= drawAmount; i++)
tmpBitmap = dupeBitmap(assets[1]);
tmpBitmap.alpha = UtilLib.getRandomInt(3, 7) / 10;
tmpBitmap.rotation = UtilLib.getRandomInt(0, 360);
scale = UtilLib.getRandomInt(3, 10) / 10;
tmpBitmap.scaleX = scale; tmpBitmap.scaleY = scale;
tmpBitmap.x = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startX + tmpBitmap.width, width - tmpBitmap.width);
tmpBitmap.y = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startY + tmpBitmap.height, height - tmpBitmap.height);
//draw white clouds
drawAmount = UtilLib.getRandomInt(2, 4);
for(i = 1; i <= drawAmount; i++)
tmpBitmap = dupeBitmap(assets[2]);
tmpBitmap.alpha = UtilLib.getRandomInt(1, 10) / 10;
scale = UtilLib.getRandomInt(15, 40);
tmpBitmap.scaleX = scale / 10;
tmpBitmap.scaleY = UtilLib.getRandomInt(scale / 2, scale * 2) / 10;
tmpBitmap.x = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startX, width - tmpBitmap.width);
tmpBitmap.y = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startY, height - tmpBitmap.height);
//draw red clouds
drawAmount = UtilLib.getRandomInt(0, 2);
for(i = 1; i <= drawAmount; i++)
tmpBitmap = dupeBitmap(assets[3]);
tmpBitmap.alpha = UtilLib.getRandomInt(2, 6) / 10;
scale = UtilLib.getRandomInt(5, 40) / 10;
tmpBitmap.scaleX = scale; tmpBitmap.scaleY = scale;
tmpBitmap.x = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startX, width - tmpBitmap.width);
tmpBitmap.y = UtilLib.getRandomInt(startY, height - tmpBitmap.height);
//convert all layers to a single bitmap layer and return
var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, true, 0x000000);
container = null;
var bitmapContainer:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
//bitmapContainer.cacheAsBitmap = true;
return bitmapContainer;