I work for a large corporation. So that first week when they are just getting their accounts, computers, logins, la la, I pay attention to how they act, what they ask, and most importantly how they fill their time if no one tells them what to do. For example, three new hires. Two are constantly asking questions, even if they are dumb ones, they want to get going and understand things. The third sits there and waits for someone to tell them what to do.
Then there is the guy who has to print everything out. Send him an email and he will print it out and bring it back to you. Waste of paper and time.
Good communicators are very important. Those who practice speaking other's languages and ways of speaking can communicate what they are trying to say. Those who insist on saying things their way even if no one gets what they are trying to say need a refit job :) Ever see two people bang each other on the head resaying everything over and and over without making progress in the conversation. Not a listener those types.
Those who approach new topics from a top down approach vs offering solutions without fully understanding the actual problem or taking the time to think about it are also red flaggers.
Developers who can tell you about their past and the types of projects they worked on are great! But not if its one long continuous brag. I understand you want everyone to know you are not fresh out of the woods, but there's a happy medium and then based on what you share I can get a feel for you. Go getters and self starters are great!
Last of all, ,can you document? Do you put comments in your code simply because you tend to think ahead and want to make sure the important stuff gets said without everyone scratching their heads everytime they look at your code? When you send an email or write a document, is it clear and concise?