I've been trying to improve performance our app. The worst performing area seems to be the creation of our Image model, which uses attachment_fu:
class Image < Attachment
has_attachment :content_type => :image,
:max_size => 100.megabytes,
:storage => :file_system,
:path_prefix => 'public/uploaded/images',
:thumbnails => { :small => '75x75>', :medium => '160x120>', :large => '600x600>' },
:s3_access => :authenticated_read
after_create :move_to_s3
We've already moved the move_to_s3 method to a delayed_job.
Our apdex score on this transaction is horrible (often < 0.5) and it's taking 1 to 2 seconds.
How else can I improve the creation of Image records (speed-wise)?
I may be able to do without the :small thumbnail? Would it help to drop that?
If it helps, most of these files are high-res images. Does the upload time factor into the metrics I have? Is it skewing the reports?