I have a program that solves the weighted interval scheduling problem using dynamic programming (and believe it or not, it isn't for homework). I've profiled it, and I seem to be spending most of my time filling M with p(...). Here are the functions:
let rec get_highest_nonconflicting prev count start =
match prev with
head :: tail ->
if head < start then
get_highest_nonconflicting tail (count - 1) start
| [] -> 0;;
let m_array = Array.make (num_genes + 1) 0;;
let rec fill_m_array ?(count=1) ?(prev=[]) gene_spans =
match gene_spans with
head :: tail -> m_array.(count) <-
get_highest_nonconflicting prev (count - 1) (get_start head);
fill_m_array tail ~prev:(get_stop (head) :: prev) ~count:(count+1);
| [] -> ();;
I can't really think of any ways to optimize this, and based on my knowledge of this algorithm, this seems to be the place that is likely to take up the most time. But this is also only my second OCaml program. So is there any way to optimize this?