




I love this place. I rarely have anything to do and when I do, it's still not much. I literally waste a lot of time at the office (when I have tons of stuff to do at home). My problem is, I've been watching a lot of websites, like SO, Slashdot, XKCD or TDWTF, I've also started reading design patterns and learning C# (eventually got bored with this, too).
What are other things I can do while I'm in the office and I have nothing to do? Working on my own projects is out of the question, we're not allowed to work on other things while at the office, but we're allowed to learn new things or relax.
What are other things programmers do when they're bored?

Please note, as I see answers being posted I might edit the question because I don't think I've made myself clear enough but atm I don't know how to make my point clear.
+1  A: 

I go over to Kongregate and play some games =)

+1  A: 

I try to find the point of synergy between play and prayer.

+1  A: 

I read quite a lot of blog sites including Joel and CodingHorror. Read up the wikipedia and in general do lots and lots of reading

+3  A: 

Read StackOverflow and hope I can answer some questions.

David Thornley
+1  A: 

type "sync".

le dorfier
LOL! Is it as *marginally* satisfying as I imagine? :)
+2  A: 

I'd suggest entertaining yourself by putting together demos of things that are vaguely related to what you're supposed to be doing. Best of learning experiences, getting to code something, and not getting in trouble for it.


I once had somebody tell me if I was ever bored, just...

Try to hold Plank Pose for 5 minutes.

You'll be very unbored in about 30 seconds. Especially if you are an out-of-shape, ten-hours-a-day-in-the-chair programmer like me.

Plank Pose:


+1  A: 

I read books like Unix Network Programming, which I threw away a decade ago.

+1  A: 

I fiddle with stuff I've never done before:



Walk over to the books store buy a cup of coffee and grab a book to read.
