



What is faster and/or generally better?

vector<myType> myVec;
int i;
myType current;

for( i = 0; i < 1000000; i ++ )
 current = myVec[ i ];
 doSomethingWith( current );
 doAlotMoreWith( current );
 messAroundWith( current );
 checkSomeValuesOf( current );


vector<myType> myVec;
int i;

for( i = 0; i < 1000000; i ++ )
 doSomethingWith( myVec[ i ] );
 doAlotMoreWith( myVec[ i ] );
 messAroundWith( myVec[ i ] );
 checkSomeValuesOf( myVec[ i ] );

I'm currently using the first solution. There are really millions of calls per second and every single bit comparison/move is performance-problematic.


Test it. Both are equally readable to me, though.

I don't care about readability in this case, it has to be *fast*.
which is why he said *test it*
@sak, You said "generally better", so I assumed you also meant aesthetics-wise.
@sak: Have you profiled your code and found this is the part that needs to be optimized? If not, write the cleanest version you can. Ignore optimization until it becomes a problem. Optimizing clean code is easy. *Guessing* is worthless.

Depends what the assignment operator for your type gets up to. And you are passing by reference to those functions, I hope? But as for all performance questions, if it is important to you, test your specific case yourself.


Accessing the variable with [] from your vector will look it up each time, taking a local copy would be a better idea, but it depends on the size of myType.

Michael Aaron Safyan
+10  A: 

The first version may be needlessly expensive because it relies on creating a copy of the object in the vector. Unless myType is some very small and simple object, like an int, storing a reference may be a better idea. It should also be declared when you need it, and no earlier, to limit aliasing issues that might otherwise cause the compiler to emit less efficient code:

vector<myType> myVec;
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i ++ )
 myType& current = myVec[ i ];
 doSomethingWith( current );
 doAlotMoreWith( current );
 messAroundWith( current );
 checkSomeValuesOf( current );

One advantage of creating a copy, rather than using a reference, is that it might cause the compiler to load the object into a register, rather than read it from memory on every access. So both versions are worth trying.

Any of course, the copy vs reference advice applies to each of your functions too. Do they take the argument by value or reference? Depending on what they do with it, and how myType is defined, one might be faster than the other.

The second version is flawed because it (unless the compiler is able to optimize it away) requires the object to be looked up in memory every time. Depending on your STL implementation, there may also be a bit of overhead due to bounds checking on operator[].

Creating a temporary first, which is then passed to each of your functions is the right way to go. The question is whether that temporary should be of value type (myType), or reference type (myType&/const myType&)

Another option that may be worth exploring is putting each function call in its own separate loop. That hurts data locality in some ways, but if some of the functions use a lot of local data, it might perform better. It might also play nicer with the instruction cache.

But really, performance is extremely complicated. Caching, out of order execution, the exact semantics of myType (especially its copy constructor and size) and the amount of optimizations performed by the compiler are all unknown to us. So we cannot give you a reliable answer.

Guess who can: your compiler. Write the test. Try both. Time the results. Pick the faster one.

bruno asks below: "Could anyone explain to me why declaring the variable inside the loop is better than declaring it outside."
+1  A: 

Besides avoiding multiple access to the same index and using a reference to avoid copying, you could use the fastcall calling convention in your functions. It instructs the compiler to pass parameters in registers, when possible, instead of pushing them to the stack.

However, the fastcall isn't standardized, so it's vendor specific.


I would like to place a comment in jalf's answer but it seems that I don't have enough reputation points in order to do so.

Could anyone explain to me why declaring the variable inside the loop is better than declaring it outside.



Sorry, I think I got it. If I understand correctly we cannot "assign" a new value to the reference.


Remember: the reference is the referent, so changing the reference changes the state of the referent. In compiler writer lingo, a reference is an "lvalue" (something that can appear on the left hand side of an assignment operator).

Good question. I've added the comment for you and scratched my head once more about this commenting threshold.
Aliasing is one reason: when the compiler can be sure that no other code is going to access the variable, it can take shortcuts: it doesn't have actually update the variable in memory, it can just keep the changed bits in registers. If there's even a *risk* that other code might go and read the value in memory, then suddenly the memory version has to be kept up to date at all times. Which slows down the code. So in general, give every variable the smallest scope possible.It also leads to more readable code (I don't have to hunt for the variable definition),
and as you pointed out yourself, some variable types (references for example, but also anything with a private assignment operator) can not be assigned to, so to update the variable we may have to let it go out of scope, and create a new one, rather than reusing the same instance.
Thank you both!
by the way, in the future, something like this should probably be a completely new question.