Firstly sorry for the long piece of code pasted below. This is my first time actually having to worry about performance of an application so I haven't really ever worried about performance. This piece of code pretty much searches for an image inside another image, it takes 30 seconds to run on my computer, converting the images to greyscale and other changes shaved of 15 seconds, I need another 15 shaved off. I did read a bunch of pages and looked at examples but I couldn't find the same problems in my code. So any help would be greatly appreciated.
From the looks of it (cProfile) 25 seconds is spent within the Image module, and only 5 seconds in my code.
from PIL import Image
import os, ImageGrab, pdb, time, win32api, win32con
import cProfile
def GetImage(name):
name = name + '.bmp'
image =,"Images",name))
print('error opening image;', name)
return image
def Find(name):
image = GetImage(name)
imagebbox = image.getbbox()
screen = ImageGrab.grab()
#screen =,"Images","Untitled.bmp"))
YLimit = screen.getbbox()[3] - imagebbox[3]
XLimit = screen.getbbox()[2] - imagebbox[2]
image = image.convert("L")
Screen = screen.convert("L")
#print(XLimit, YLimit)
Found = False
image = image.getdata()
for y in range(0,YLimit):
for x in range(0,XLimit):
BoxCoordinates = x, y, x+imagebbox[2], y+imagebbox[3]
ScreenGrab = screen.crop(BoxCoordinates)
ScreenGrab = ScreenGrab.getdata()
if image == ScreenGrab:
Found = True
return x,y
if Found == False:
return "Not Found"'print(Find("Login"))')