



Having read this page, I can't believe that VB.Net has such a terrible performance when it comes to I/O.

Is this still true today? How does the .Net Framework 2.0 perform in terms of I/O (that's the version I'm targeting)?

+2  A: 

The only thing that article is proof of is that the author didn't know how to write good VB.Net code.

Thanks! Just wanted to check though, I'm developing some backup code in
+2  A: 

Beware of shoddy benchmarks without peer review. The file I/O benchmark code uses the old VB6 compatibility I/O functions, PrintLine() and LineInput(). Yes, they are not cheap. The bench mark also doesn't attempt to do anything to measure real I/O performance, it doesn't flush the file system cache. Somewhat understandable perhaps, that would measure the speed of the disk and every language would perform the same, within 0.1% or so.

Hans Passant
Thanks a lot for taking the time to look at the code, Hans.