I have an interesting question about PSL assertion. Here is a VHDL monitor process. It is a process dedicated to an assertion, and thus a non-synthesizable one. This monitor checks the current FSM state and stores the values of two registers: "input1
" and "reg136
". Finally, it triggers an "assert
" statement to compare the values of these registers.
process (clk)
variable var_a : signed(7 downto 0);
variable var_b : signed(7 downto 0);
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
case state is
when s0 =>
var_a := signed(input1);
when s22 =>
var_t34 := signed(reg136);
when s85 =>
assert (var_t34 < var_a)
report "Assertion xxx failed :
(t34 < a)";
end case;
end if;
end process;
Question is: is there a way to translate this monitor into a PSL (Property Specification Language) assertion ?
IMPORTANT: the registers "input1" and "reg136" can only be read when the fsm state is at state s0 and s22 respectively. Otherwise, the data contained in these registers does not belong to the asserted variables "a" and "t34". As a result, a PSL statement wouls need a way to read and store the values on the right fsm states.
Thank you !