




Hi,I wont to rotate QuickTime Move 180 degrees.

Now my file's matrix(tkhd) is

1 0 0

0 1 0

0 0 1

I got this matrix form Dumpster.

What is the 3 × 3 matrix for a rotation of 180 degrees?


Multiplying by the following matrix will rotate a vector by 180 degrees in R3:

-1  0  0
 0 -1  0
 0  0 -1
No. That has determinant -1. All rotation matrices have determinant 1.
Adam Rosenfield
Apparently it's too late for me to answer, though my answer does exactly what it says it does. I have more bad answers, the next was a tensor or two linear transformations that combined rotate the entries in a matrix. Amusingly it didn't even occur to me to suggest a member of the rotation group. It would have helped to understand what a "Move" was.
+5  A: 

Assuming you want a 3x3 homogeneous matrix for a 2D rotation about the Z-axis, then the matrix you want is:

-1  0  0
 0 -1  0
 0  0  1

If you want to rotate about a different axis, then the matrix will be different.

Adam Rosenfield
Thank you very much Adam.
-1  0  0
 0 -1  0
 0  0 -1

that should be the right matrix