We lazy-load OpenX's code. Instead of putting the single-page call at the top of the page, we put it at the bottom. After the page has loaded, the call will get the banner data and a custom code will add the correct banners in the correct zones.
The code below requires a proper DOM. If you have jQuery, DOMAssistant, FlowJS, etc, the DOM should be fixed for you.
This code will work with normal banners with images, flash, or HTML content. It may not work in some cases like when using banners from external providers (adform, etc). For that you may need to hack the code a bit.
How to use it?
- add your SinglePageCall code towards the end of your HTML code
- add this code under the SPC code.
- after half a second or so, your OpenX code should be ready, and the code below will put the banners within the specified DIVs.
- Oh, yeah, you need to add to your HTML code some DIVs as place holders for your banners. By default I have these banners set with CSS class "hidden" which totally hides the DIVs (with visibility, display, and height). Then, after the banner in a given DIV is successfully loaded, we remove the hidden class and the DIV (and the banner within) become visible.
Use at your own risk! :) Hope it helps
if (!document || !document.getElementById || !document.addEventListener || !document.removeClass) {
return; // No proper DOM; give up.
var openx_timeout = 1, // limit the time we wait for openx
oZones = new Object(), // list of [div_id] => zoneID
displayBannerAds; // function.
// oZones.<divID> = <zoneID>
// eg: oZones.banner_below_job2 = 100;
// (generated on the server side with PHP)
oZones.banner_top = 23;
oZones.banner_bottom = 34;
displayBannerAds = function(){
if( typeof(OA_output)!='undefined' && OA_output.constructor == Array ){
// OpenX SinglePageCall ready!
if (OA_output.length>0) {
for (var zone_div_id in oZones){
zoneid = oZones[zone_div_id];
if(typeof(OA_output[zoneid])!='undefined' && OA_output[zoneid]!='') {
var flashCode,
oDIV = document.getElementById( zone_div_id );
if (oDIV) {
// if it's a flash banner..
// extract javascript code
var pre_code_wrap = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[",
post_code_wrap = "// ]]> -->";
flashCode = OA_output[zoneid].substr(OA_output[zoneid].indexOf(pre_code_wrap)+pre_code_wrap.length);
flashCode = flashCode.substr(0, flashCode.indexOf(post_code_wrap));
// replace destination for the SWFObject
flashCode = flashCode.replace(/ox\_swf\.write\(\'(.*)'\)/, "ox_swf.write('"+ oDIV.id +"')");
// insert SWFObject
if( flashCode.indexOf("ox_swf.write")!=-1 ){
}// else: the code was not as expected; don't show it
// normal image banner; just set the contents of the DIV
oDIV.innerHTML = OA_output[zoneid];
} // end of loop
}//else: no banners on this page
// not ready, let's wait a bit
if (openx_timeout>80) {
return; // we waited too long; abort
setTimeout( displayBannerAds, 10*openx_timeout );