As the BigCo I worked for got serious about software development, they encouraged more formal terminology. Instead of bugs, which might randomly just happen, they preferred the term defect which could be prevented. Tongue firmly in cheek, I developed the following guideline:
Levels of Unexpected Software Events (USE)
An Unverified Feature Observation (UFO) is a term that describes an observation of software behavior that has been reported to the development team, but not yet verified. Once verified, the following list describes the event.
- Enhancement: A USE which provides a definite benefit to the customer
- Feature: A USE that is designed to work that way, regardless of the benefit. Note the contradiction. "It's not a bug, it's a feature!"
- Occurence: A relatively neutral USE in terms of its benefits and drawbacks.
- Anomaly: For this use, it is unclear about its potential impact
- Millibug: A USE that the development team agrees has some minor drawbacks
- Bug: A USE with drawbacks
- Megabug: Don't even THINK this term.
What terminology do you use for bugs, er defects, both serious and not?