



Up until today, I had always thought that decent compilers automatically convert struct pass-by-value to pass-by-reference if the struct is large enough that the latter would be faster. To the best of my knowledge, this seems like a no-brainer optimization. However, to satisfy my curiosity as to whether this actually happens, I created a simple test case in both C++ and D and looked at the output of both GCC and Digital Mars D. Both insisted on passing 32-byte structs by value when all the function in question did was add up the members and return the values, with no modification of the struct passed in. The C++ version is below.

#include "iostream.h"

struct S {
    int i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p;

int foo(S s) {
    return s.i + s.j + s.k + s.l + s.m + s.n + s.o + s.p;

int main() {
    S s;
    int bar = foo(s);
    cout << bar;

My question is, why the heck wouldn't something like this be optimized by the compiler to pass-by-reference instead of actually pushing all those ints onto the stack?

Note: Compiler switches used: GCC -O2 (-O3 inlined foo().), DMD -O -inline -release.

Edit: Obviously, in the general case the semantics of pass-by-value vs. pass-by-reference won't be the same, such as if copy constructors are involved or the original struct is modified in the callee. However, in a lot of real-world scenarios, the semantics will be identical in terms of observable behavior. These are the cases I'm asking about.

+10  A: 

One answer is that the compiler would need to detect that the called method does not modify the contents of the struct in any way. If it did, then the effect of passing by reference would differ from that of passing by value.

+10  A: 

The problem is you're asking the compiler to make a decision about the intention of user code. Maybe I want my super large struct to be passed by value so that I can do something in the copy constructor. Believe me, someone out there has something they validly need to be called in a copy constructor for just such a scenario. Switching to a by ref will bypass the copy constructor.

Having this be a compiler generated decision would be a bad idea. The reason being is that it makes it impossible to reason about the flow of your code. You can't look at a call and know what exactly it will do. You have to a) know the code and b) guess the compiler optimization.

+4  A: 

It is true that compilers in some languages could do this if they have access to the function being called and if they can assume that the called function will not be changing. This is sometimes referred to as global optimization and it seems likely that some C or C++ compilers would in fact optimize cases such as this - more likely by inlining the code for such a trivial function.

Joe Erickson
+3  A: 

There are many reasons to pass by value, and having the compiler optimise out your intention may break your code.

Example, if the called function modifies the structure in any way. If you intended the results to be passed back to the caller then you'd either pass a pointer/reference or return it yourself.

What you're asking the compiler to do is change the behaviour of your code, which would be considered a compiler bug.

If you want to make the optimization and pass by reference then by all means modify someone's existing function/method definitions to accept references; it's not all that hard to do. You might be surprised at the breakage you cause without realising it.

Adam Hawes
+9  A: 

Don't forget that in C/C++ the compiler needs to be able to compile a call to a function based only on the function declaration.

Given that callers might be using only that information, there's no way for a compiler to compile the function to take advantage of the optimization you're talking about. The caller can't know the function won't modify anything and so it can't pass by ref. Since some callers might pass by value due to lack of detailed information, the function has to be compiled assuming pass-by-value and everybody needs to pass by value.

Note that even if you marked the parameter as 'const', the compiler still can't perform the optimization, because the function could be lying and cast away the constness (this is permitted and well-defined as long as the object being passed in is actually not const).

I think that for static functions (or those in an anonymous namespace), the compiler could possibly make the optimization you're talking about, since the function does not have external linkage. As long as the address of the function isn't passed to some other routine or stored in a pointer, it should not be callable from other code. In this case the compiler could have full knowledge of all callers, so I suppose it could make the optimization.

I'm not sure if any do (actually, I'd be surprised if any do, since it probably couldn't be applied very often).

Of course, as the programmer (when using C++) you can force the compiler to perform this optimization by using const& parameters whenever possible. I know you're asking why the compiler can't do it automatically, but I suppose this is the next best thing.

Michael Burr
+2  A: 

Changing from by value to by reference will change the signature of the function. If the function is not static this would cause linking errors for other compilation units which are not aware of the optimization you did.
Indeed the only way to do such an optimization is by some sort of post-link global optimization phase. These are notoriously hard to do yet some compilers do them to some extent.

+1  A: 

Well, the trivial answer is that the location of the struct in memory is different, and thus the data you're passing is different. The more complex answer, I think, is threading.

Your compiler would need to detect a) that foo does not modify the struct; b) that foo does not do any calculation on the physical location of the struct elements; AND c) that the caller, or another thread spawned by the caller, doesn't modify the struct before foo is finished running.

In your example, it's conceivable that the compiler could do these things - but the memory saved is inconsequential and probably not worth taking the guess. What happens if you run the same program with a struct that has two million elements?

Sarah Mei

I think this is definitely an optimization you could implement (under some assumptions, see last paragraph), but it's not clear to me that it would be profitable. Instead of pushing arguments onto the stack (or passing them through registers, depending on the calling convention), you would push a pointer through which you would read values. This extra indirection would cost cycles. It would also require the passed argument to be in memory (so you could point to it) instead of in registers. It would only be beneficial if the records being passed had many fields and the function receiving the record only read a few of them. The extra cycles wasted by indirection would have to make up for the cycles not wasted by pushing unneeded fields.

You may be surprised that the reverse optimization, argument promotion, is actually implemented in LLVM. This converts a reference argument into a value argument (or an aggregate into scalars) for internal functions with small numbers of fields that are only read from. This is particularly useful for languages which pass nearly everything by reference. If you follow this with dead argument elimination, you also don't have to pass fields that aren't touched.

It bears mentioning that optimizations that change the way a function is called can only work when the function being optimized is internal to the module being compiled (you get this by declaring a function static in C and with templates in C++). The optimizer has to fix not only the function but also all the call points. This makes such optimizations fairly limited in scope unless you do them at link time. In addition, the optimization would never be called when a copy constructor is involved (as other posters have mentioned) because it could potentially change the semantics of the program, which a good optimizer should never do.

Jay Conrod
+1  A: 

Pass-by-reference is just syntactic sugar for pass-by-address/pointer. So the function must implicitly dereference a pointer to read the parameter's value. Dereferencing the pointer might be more expensive (if in a loop) then the struct copy for copy-by-value.

More importantly, like others have mentioned, pass-by-reference has different semantics than pass-by-value. const references do not mean the referenced value does not change. other function calls might change the referenced value.

IIRC the const comment is not valid in D2.0. The compiler /is/ free to assume no changes via const references.

the compiler would need to be sure that the struct that is passed (as named in the calling code) in is not modified

double x; // using non structs, oh-well

void Foo(double d)
      x += d; // ok
      x += d; // Oops

void main()
     x = 1;