Check out Smalltalk !! ( I hear C/C++ programmager gasp : What !?!? Is'nt ST Dead!!)
Seriously , I've programmed in a range of languages and ALL failed to impress as development tools. They are perfectly good languages in their own way.
For example: I really like Ruby, its a terrific language, but where is the IDE & end-user GUI ?? Hunted around and found a external end-user GUI tool, FOX ( a transportable GUI written in C++) and FXRuby ( a Ruby interface to FOX ) -- these work beautifully but still no IDE.
The above is not a condemation of Ruby, et al, just a illustration of how soon you end up in language/library/product hell, and you have not written any of your own code yet.
Not to mention which Editor to use !!?
Came across the current versions of Smalltalk, Cincom VWST & Smalltalk/X in particular,and tho not perfect ( no language is) they offer complete transportability across Windows & Linux(s), a full IDE including editor & end-user GUI, and little need to use any external libraries in other languages. Both VWST & ST/X are complete commercial quality Smalltalks offering Non Commercial (Free) licences for the dabbler. I recently started using ST/X in preference to VWST as I like its default desktop appearance better.
For WEB development there is 'Seaside' which is a much easier route to Web programming than Ruby-on-Rails and most other Web development tools, and you stay with Smalltalk Code.
For scripting problems, GNU Smalltalk is well developed and works.
Good documentation is a little hard to find, and good books even harder, but it is worth the effort in finding out how to drive Smalltalk. James Robertson of Cincom has a very useful blog which offers links to many useful Smalltalk discussion and hints ( see 'Smalltalk Daily' )
I assume that you are wanting to learn 'Linux' programming for your self, if your learning for employment than you'll have to go the C/C++/Java/Perl/Python/PHP/Ruby/Eclipse/KDevelop/Editor'X' plus what ever other 'tool' you'll have to get involved with :-)
For my own stuff Smalltalk is the weapon of choice.