



I heard a few people expressing worries about "+" operator in std::string and various workarounds to speed up concatenation. Are any of these really necessary? If so, what is the best way to concatenate strings in C++?

+11  A: 

The extra work is probably not worth it, unless you really really need efficiency. You probably will have much better efficiency simply by using operator += instead.

Now after that disclaimer, I will answer your actual question...

The efficiency of the STL string class depends on the implementation of STL you are using.

You could guarantee efficiency and have greater control yourself by doing concatenation manually via c built-in functions.

Why operator+ is not efficient:

Take a look at this interface:

template <class charT, class traits, class Alloc>
basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>
operator+(const basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& s1,
          const basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& s2)

You can see that a new object is returned after each +. That means that a new buffer is used each time. If you are doing a ton of extra + operations it is not efficient.

Why you can make it more efficient:

  • You are guaranteeing efficiency instead of trusting a delegate to do it efficiently for you
  • the std::string class knows nothing about the max size of your string, nor how often you will be concatenating to it. You may have this knowledge and can do things based on having this information. This will lead to less re-allocations.
  • You will be controlling the buffers manually so you can be sure that you won't copy the whole string into new buffers when you don't want that to happen.
  • You can use the stack for your buffers instead of the heap which is much more efficient.
  • string + operator will create a new string object and return it hence using a new buffer.

Considerations for implementation:

  • Keep track of the string length.
  • Keep a pointer to the end of the string and the start, or just the start and use the start + the length as an offset to find the end of the string.
  • Make sure the buffer you are storing your string in, is big enough so you don't need to re-allocate data
  • Use strcpy instead of strcat so you don't need to iterate over the length of the string to find the end of the string.

Rope data structure:

If you need really fast concatenations consider using a rope data structure.

Brian R. Bondy
Note: "STL" refers to a completely separate open-source library, originally by HP, some part of which were used as a basis for parts of the ISO Standard C++ Library. "std::string", however, was never part of HP's STL, so it's completely wrong to reference "STL and "string" together.
James Curran
I wouldn't say it's wrong to use STL and string together. See
Brian R. Bondy
When SGI took over maintenance of the STL from HP, it was retro-fitted to match the Standard Library (which is why I said "never part of HP's STL"). Nevertheless, the originator of std::string is the ISO C++ Committee.
James Curran
Side note: The SGI employee who was in charge of maintaining the STL for many years was Matt Austern, who, at the same time, headed the Library subgroup of the ISO C++ Standardization Committee.
James Curran
cool thanks for the info
Brian R. Bondy
operator+ creates a new buffer which is slow but if you do x = x + y (where x and y are both std::string) you may get an additional string buffer copy in the operator=! ("may" means that there may be std::string implementations that share buffers).
@Brian R. Bondy: "You can see that a new object is returned after each + ..." I am not sure I can "see". **Is it because the function arguments are const while the return type is not?**
+10  A: 

For most applications, it just won't matter. Just write your code, blissfully unaware of how exactly the + operator works, and only take matters into your own hands if it becomes an apparent bottleneck.

Of course it's not worth it for most cases, but this doesn't really answer his question.
Brian R. Bondy
yeah. i agree just saying "profile then optimize" can be put as comment on the question :)
Johannes Schaub - litb
Technically, he asked if these are "Necessary." They aren't, and this answers that question.
Stuart Branham
hm right. taking all back :)
Johannes Schaub - litb
Fair enough, but it is definitely needed for some applications. So in those applications the answer reduces to: 'take matters into your own hands'
Brian R. Bondy
There's a perverted notion in the programming world that things need to be optimized early and often, when the opposite is really the case. The question implies uncertainty about whether or not optimization is needed in this case, which means the answer is probably "no".
Sorry to be so critical. I just thought an explanation of why operator+ was not efficient would be needed for him to determine if in his case he needed to do it.
Brian R. Bondy
+6  A: 

perhaps std::stringstream instead?

But I agree with the sentiment that you should probably just keep it maintainable and understandable and then profile to see if you are really having problems.

+1  A: 

For small strings it doesn't matter. If you have big strings you'd better to store them as they are in vector or in some other collection as parts. And addapt your algorithm to work with such set of data instead of the one big string.

I prefer std::ostringstream for complex concatenation.

Mykola Golubyev

As with most things, it's easier not to do something than to do it.

If you want to output large strings to a GUI, it may be that whatever you're outputting to can handle the strings in pieces better than as a large string (for example, concatenating text in a text editor - usually they keep lines as separate structures).

If you want to output to a file, stream the data rather than creating a large string and outputting that.

I've never found a need to make concatenation faster necessary if I removed unnecessary concatenation from slow code.

Pete Kirkham
+2  A: 

I would not worry about it. If you do it in a loop, strings will always preallocate memory to minimize reallocations - just use operator+= in that case. And if you do it manually, something like this or longer

a + " : " + c

Then it's creating temporaries - even if the compiler could eliminate some return value copies. That is because in a successively called operator+ it does not know whether the reference parameter references a named object or a temporary returned from a sub operator+ invocation. I would rather not worry about it before not having profiled first. But let's take an example for showing that. We first introduce parentheses to make the binding clear. I put the arguments directly after the function declaration that's used for clarity. Below that, i show what the resulting expression then is:

((a + " : ") + c) 
calls string operator+(string const&, char const*)(a, " : ")
  => (tmp1 + c)

Now, in that addition, tmp1 is what was returned by the first call to operator+ with the shown arguments. We assume the compiler is really clever and optimizes out the return value copy. So we end up with one new string that contains the concatenation of a and " : ". Now, this happens:

(tmp1 + c)
calls string operator+(string const&, string const&)(tmp1, c)
  => tmp2 == <end result>

Compare that to the following:

std::string f = "hello";
(f + c)
calls string operator+(string const&, string const&)(f, c)
  => tmp1 == <end result>

It's using the same function for a temporary and for a named string! So the compiler has to copy the argument into a new string and append to that and return it from the body of operator+. It cannot take the memory of a temporary and append to that. The bigger the expression is, the more copies of strings have to be done.

Next Visual Studio and GCC will support c++1x's move semantics (complementing copy semantics) and rvalue references as an experimental addition. That allows figuring out whether the parameter references a temporary or not. This will make such additions amazingly fast, as all the above will end up in one "add-pipeline" without copies.

If it turns out to be a bottleneck, you can still do

 std::string(a).append(" : ").append(c) ...

The append calls append the argument to *this and then return a reference to themselves. So no copying of temporaries is done there. Or alternatively, the operator+= can be used, but you would need ugly parentheses to fix precedence.

Johannes Schaub - litb
cool about the C++1x move semantics
Brian R. Bondy
+6  A: 

Unlike .NET System.Strings, C++'s std::strings are mutable, and therefore can be built through simple concatenation just as fast as through other methods.

James Curran
Especially if you use reserve() to make the buffer big enough for the result before you start.
Mark Ransom
operator+ returns a new string object...
Brian R. Bondy
i think he is talking about operator+= . it's also concatenating, although it's a degenerate case. james was a vc++ mvp so i expect he has some clue of c++ :p
Johannes Schaub - litb
I don't doubt for a second that he has extensive knowledge on C++, just that there was a misunderstanding about the question. The question asked about the efficiency of operator+ which returns new string objects each time it is called, and hence uses new char buffers.
Brian R. Bondy
yeah. but then he asked for the case operator+ is slow, what the best way is to do a concatenation. and here operator+= comes into game. but i agree james' answer is a little short. it makes it sound like we all could use operator+ and it's top efficient :p
Johannes Schaub - litb
gotcha makes sense.
Brian R. Bondy
+12  A: 

Reserve your final space before, then use the append method with a buffer. For example, say you expect your final string length to be 1 million characters:

std::string s;

while (whatever)
Carlos A. Ibarra
append is a good idea. could be even chained.
Johannes Schaub - litb
The question asked about operator+, not operator+=
Brian R. Bondy
it asked about concatenating strings. operator+= indeed concatenates :)
Johannes Schaub - litb
The subject asked about concatenation, the body asked about efficiency of operator+
Brian R. Bondy
+2  A: 

In Imperfect C++, Matthew Wilson presents a dynamic string concatenator that pre-computes the length of the final string in order to have only one allocation before concatenating all parts. We can also implement a static concatenator by playing with expression templates.

That kind of idea have been implemented in STLport std::string implementation -- that does not conform to the standard because of this precise hack.

Luc Hermitte