




What is the biggest library/tool/framework/etc you wrote only to discover that it is freely available or already exists somewhere?

+2  A: 

I implemented ActiveRecord in PHP 4 back in 2005.

Rails was pretty new, and I didn't even know it existed. I also wasn't aware of an active record implementation in PHP, so I went ahead and implemented it myself.

Can Berk Güder
I wouldn't call that reinventing the wheel.
Ionuț G. Stan
+5  A: 

Well, Al Gore once reinvented the internet... does that count?

Only if you are Al Gore. ;-).
"Everyone is super stoked on me!" -Al Gore
+2  A: 

Recently I ported my website to Python and after a few months of work, I discovered that I'd basically reimplemented Django... (not the whole thing obviously, not in a few months, but it was heading in that direction)

David Zaslavsky
It's a good exercise. You probably have a very good understanding of how Django was designed and why by now. :)
@David Care to comment on what aspects of it you reimplemented?
@Chris: Sure... what I recreated was basically a framework for coding web applications in pieces and then putting them together, just like Django allows you to create a site from multiple Django apps. I also implemented my own simple URL routing mechanism, and for a while I was using a custom database layer (but then I discovered SQLAlchemy). I actually put [the code](www.ellipsix.net/devweb/modulo/index.html) up on my website as a (very early-stage) open-source project, so you can take a look at it if you like.
David Zaslavsky
+3  A: 

Pretty much everything i've tried to do in Java there's been a free and (usually) better wheel already made.

+2  A: 

Well, I know people, that wrote an interpreted C-like language compiler/interpreter, and later on extended it with most of the C++ features, even templates and so.

Why would you do that? Writing your own C compiler/interpreter I can imagine, but seriously, why would you add C++ features?Waste of a perfectly good compiler if you ask me ;)
+29  A: 

I know people who tried to re-invent a "programming questions" web site into a chat forum for trading war stories.

Paul Tomblin
+1  A: 

Whilst doing my cs final project I had never heard of an orm so I spent ages (about 3 hours in student land) trying to write a mapping module.

+3  A: 

Frameworks. Over the years, I've created several frameworks for text user interfaces, GUIs, web applications.


I once wrote a user-defined function in Oracle to capitalise the first letter of every word in a text string. I even called it F_INITCAP.

Mark Bannister
+2  A: 

A javascript getElementById method that surfed the DOM searching all the id attributes....

+2  A: 

I am coding up my own blog ... that has to be the top of the "Most Reinvented Wheel".


I ever wrote a smtp server and found I can got many free implementations of smtp server after three months.


It happened twice with me.

along with the releaseof vs2005 and .net 2.0, we heavily used Datasets and Datareaders. I wrote two-way mapper with the help of Attributes, that mapped a Datarow to an entity object and Datatable into IList vice versa. Later when we learned about Linq2Sql I found that Linq2Sql mapping was also done the same way as I used to do.

In the second case, I wrote a logging module which was then superseded by Log4Net.

But sometimes I feel one should try to re-invent the wheel so that you learn from it. I'm often in situation where I'm hunting for interesting problems that I want to solve them to improve on my skills, knowledge and understanding of given technology or platform.

While in classic-asp days, you had to maintain the state of your forms manually, I once thought I'll write my own utility to persist the form-state across post-backs [at that time there was no term as 'postback'], I gave up this idea along with the first release of asp.net.

this. __curious_geek

A full-text search engine.

Years later I've read about the inner workings of full-text search engines, realizing I had essentially re-invented them all over (Boolean queries, fuzzy search, proximity,...)

Every now and then I fall upon an old software project of mine, realizing most of it was just wheel-reinventing. Things that took me weeks could now be done in hours, using of-the-shelf open-source software components (that existed at the time...)


I'm too lazy to reinvent anything.

Although before we were able to get jQuery into our application at work, I reinvented quite a bit of that javascript.
