Please consider the following scenario in BizTalk 2006:
Received message should be routed to orchestration or send port according to the following constraints
(Message.Type = "SomeType" AND Message.Sender = "SomeSender")
(Message.Type = "SomeOtherType" AND Message.Sender = "SomeOtherSender" AND Message.IsSigned = true)
(Message.Sender = "AnotherSender" AND Message.IsSigned = true)
One way to do this is by applying filters on orchestration receive shapes or send ports.
On the other hand, I can promote a routing data field to the message context in custom receive pipeline component based on the message fields and then applying only one constraint to the filter:
Message.Route = "Route A"
Which of these alternatives is a less performance costly solution here (lower latency)?
Thanks in advance.