The problem we have now in our team is that sometimes, when you need to start with different module/component you need to spend huge time amount for reviewing and understanding this part.
How it works, what it does, what pitfalls, or some project's size manuals how environment or stubs can be set for component setup or testing, for example.
I find this situation very hard, because when you start to working with someone else code, first you need to ask him for very long time period huge amounts of questions accordingly to "his part", before you can understand it enough and start by yourself.
So, this is some sort of project's documentation. Developer notes, component's/ticket's business process and work-flow.
How developers have to work to eliminate such problems for future maintainers?
Maybe we should post much more information to our tickets' description/comments - so when you need to grasp some new component, all you have to do is to search for all tickets of this component and read them. What do you think about it?
Maybe you can recommend some book on this issue..
How this problem can be solved? Daily meetings, pair programming, solid project's wiki base?