
Binding one collection to multiple tabs with filters

In my small WPF project, I have a TabControl with three tabs. On each tab is a ListBox. This project keeps track of groceries we need to buy. (No, it's not homework, it's for my wife.) So I have a list of ShoppingListItems, each of which has a Name and a Needed property: true when we need the item, and false after we buy it. So the ...

ASP.NET MVC on IIS 6 - wildcard mapping - the incoming request does not match any route

Hi, I have been trying to set up my Beta 1 MVC app on IIS 6 and cannot get it to run correctly. I have added a Wildcard mapping to the .net isapi DLL as suggested in other blog posts but get the following error when I access the root of the website: The incoming request does not match any route. .. [HttpException (0x80004005): The inco...

Add container class to dictionary

I have a Dictionary that when I add multiple values to it, the items that were entered before take the values of the item added. I am using the .Net 3.5 Here is the code: public static Dictionary<string, Neighborhoods> Families() { if (File.Exists(calculatePath() + "Family.txt")){} else {File.Create(calculatePath() +...

ASP.NET MVC routes

I need help with this route map routes.MapRoute("Blog_Archive", "Blog/Archive/{year}/{month}/{day}", new { controller = "Blog", action = "archive", year = "", month = "", day = "", ...

What is the equivalent of the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK for the .NET Framework 3.5?

On our build server, we've installed the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK in order to kick off MSBuild and run our builds. Now we are upgrading to the .NET Framework 3.5. We do not want to install the complete Visual Studio, but we cannot find a .NET Framework 3.5 SDK on the internet either? The question: What do we need ot download and install t...

What's the most portable way to make a Silverlight & Regular .NET REST client

Hi, I'm trying to get a Server application to expose some status information using WCF. In particular I'm after using WCF services with RESTful "API". I'm hitting somewhat of a wall when it comes to consuming the REST api from a silverlight app/page that I want to have as an additional type of client... So far I've been successful in de...

(WF) workflow design patterns .net 3.0

I have some workflow to work with in Worflow foundation. I need to follow some workflow design patterns Some best performances in workflow ...

Free NHibernate helper tools?

Are there any free tools to help simplify working with an NHibernate project in .NET 3.5? Primarily, I'm looking for some kind of code and config file generator to automate some of the more tedious parts of working with NHibernate. ...

Incorrect syntax near store procedure error

I'm updating a long list of records. In my code, everything run as predicted until it execute the query. It gave me a incorrect syntax near 'TempUpdatePhysicalCityStateZip'. (My store proc name). I've test it on the sql studio and it run fine. So, I'm not quite sure where i got it wrong. Below is my store proc. and code. ALTER PROCEDURE...

Why won't my Website Project adapt to .NET 3.5?

We've converted our solution from .NET 2.0 to .NET 3.5. All projects converted just fine except for the Website Project, which still doesn't understand what I mean when using 'var' and the like. I've looked in the property pages for the web project, and the Target Framework is set to '.NET Framework 3.5'. Any other ideas? ...

Obtaining my custom error message from SQL 2000 sp

I have an sp with the following pseudo code... BEGIN TRANSACTION set @errorLocation='Deleting Permissions' DELETE [tblUsrPermissions] WHERE lngUserID = @lngUserID if @@error>0 begin goto roll_back end COMMIT TRANSACTION set @errorLocation='' --clear error messages ...


Has anyone written a version of .Net's generic Queue that implements INotifyCollectionChanged, or is there one hidden deep in the .Net framework somewhere already? ...

ClickOnce .appref-ms more than a link to .application file?

I have a ClickOnce environment like this: \Fileserver\ClickOnceApps\App1.application C:\Documents and Settings\user\Start Menu\Programs\publisher\app1.appref-ms My understanding is the .apppref-ms file is a glorified link to the app.application file. Does it do anything else? ...

Good VB.Net 2008/3.5 Reference Book?

I am starting a new job in a few weeks and am going to have to transition from C# to VB. I know that the differences are largely syntactic, but I would love to have a good reference book to help me figure out what those syntactic differences are when I run across them. I've looked on Amazon, of course, but would like to hear if anyone ...

Can ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application Projects be Extended or Patched "in Flight"?

In building an ASP.NET 3.5 WAP, I'm always frustrated by the feeling that no matter how I "isolate" or "encapsulate" bits of logic or UI I'm still going to bring down the whole site any time I need to update a single line of code. I may be misunderstanding how ASP.NET handles changes in the "bin" directory, but given the number of "why i...

Parsing time without date in a TextBox

I'm working on a time sheet application, where I'd like the user to be able to enter times in TextBoxes, e.g.: 8 a or 8:00 a or the like, just like you can in Excel. Now if you enter a date in a TextBox and then use DateTime.TryParse, you can enter it in several formats (Jan 31, 2007; 1/31/2007; 31/1/2007; January 31, 2007; etc.) and .N...

Can LINQ to SQL query an XML field DB-serverside?

.NET 3.5, C# I have a web app with a "search" feature. Some of the fields that are searchable are first-class columns in the table, but some of them are in fact nested fields inside an XML data type. Previously, I built a system for dynamically constructing the SQL for my search. I had a nice class hierarchy that built SQL expressio...

Is there a way to put aspx files into a class library in Visual Studio 2008 .NET 3.5?

I've got a lot of pages in my site, I'm trying to think of a nice way to separate these into areas that are a little more isolated than just simple directories under my base web project. Is there a way to put my web forms into a separate class library? If so, how is it done? Thanks in advance. ...

Extension methods usage - Isn't this bad design?

Hi Y'all, I have just started to look at .NET 3.5 so please forgive me if this type of question have been asked before. I am struggling with a decent usage for extension methods, in that I have just downloaded suteki shop an MVC ecommerce offering. In this project there is a pretty standard Repository pattern that extends IRepository. ...

The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

This exception is consistently thrown on a SOAP Request which takes almost three minutes to receive and is 2.25 megs in size. When scouring the web I find all sorts of posts which all seem to be about setting headers on the Request, some want me to not send the "Expect:" header, some want me to send the "Keep-Alive:" header, but irrega...