
Implement Not in expression trees, .net 4

Hi Is it possible to implement a ! (not) using expression trees. I'm interested in creating a c# eval class which will parse and evaluate logical expressions which contain true, false, ||, && and !. I know that && and || are currently supported by .NET 4 expression trees, but I was wondering if their is a way to implement summat like !...

C# Applications Dependencies Check

I have an application that i wrote in C# and it does databases. So to run this app on any machine i need .NET 3.5 and SQL Server 2005 installed. Is there a way that when the application starts. It first checks whether SQL Server 2005 and .Net 3.5 exist on the machine or not. If not then it may exit and if they do they may continue. ...

How do I enable and detect interrupts with this hardware IO card?

I have the following card and cannot get interupts working. I may not be understanding how they're supposed to work correctly... I don't do this type of programming very often. From the looks of it though, it should be able to generate an interrupt when something comes in on one of the IO ports, right? We've got it hooked up to a bunch ...

Web dev-frameworks, compatible with .net 3.5 +

For someone, new to .Net based Web development: what web development frameworks are provided with or are compatible with .Net framework 3.5 +. Like ASP.NET Web Forms pattern ASP.NET MVC framework / pattern (1.0, 2.0) can you provide links as well Thanks ...

List<T> Ordering

I have an issue, I am allowing a user to select the criterea for ordering a List Lets say my list is called List<Cars> AllCars = new List<Cars>; allCars = //call the database and get all the cars I now want to order this list allCars.orderBy(registrationDate) I understand the above doesn't work but i haven't anyidea what i shoul...

How do I communicate with the user in a finite state machine implementation?

Basically I have a custom implemented finite state machine that mostly listens for hardware switch state changes for initiating transitions, but some things need communication with the user... For instance, the user needs to tell it whether to repeat or save and reset. I have a pretty good idea of how to do it... I can raise events whe...

Guid == null should not be allowed by the compiler

Possible Duplicate: C# okay with comparing value types to null The behaviour described below is specific to .net-3.5 only Hello, I just ran across the most astonishing behavior in the C# compiler; I have the following code: Guid g1 = Guid.Empty; bool b1= (g1 == null); Well, Guid is not nullable therefore it can never...

.net 3.5 deployment question

I have read in one of the posts here that the following files which come with dotnetfx35client download could be used for deployment for .net 3.5 instead of the full 200 MB install. The files: DotNetFx20Client_Package_x86.exe DotNetFx30Client_Package_x86.exe DotNetFx35Client_Package_x86.exe I have not tried it but just wondering if i...

Parsing JSON objects to c#

Hi, I am trying to use the example in this link http://sharpdevpt.blogspot.com/2009/10/deserialize-json-on-c.html?showComment=1265045828773#c2497312518008004159 But my project wont compile using JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject, the example says this is from a .net library does anyone know which one? I know the example below uses...

Reason why MethodBuilder.DefineParameter could not set parameter name?

I'm creating an interface based on an existing interface for WCF concerns, but I have the "DefineParameter" not setting the parameter names (method parameters of the created type have no name). Can you see a reason why? public static Type MakeWcfInterface(Type iService) { AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(Stri...

datetime picker for ASP.NET 3.5 webforms

Is there a free for commercial use date and time picker in ASP.NET webforms? Right now I am using the AJAX calender extender with Visual studio 2008, but have nothing for time picker. I want a control that is free and has no license to it. I know that there are JavaScript controls but was wanting to stick with ASP.NET webforms controls...

How to check if an assembly was built using Debug or Release configuration?

I'm starting deployment of my web application and I need to guarantee that all the assemblies that are going to be deployed were built using Release configuration. Our system was developed using C#/.Net 3.5. Is there any way to achieve this? ...

See if user is part of Active Directory group in C# + Asp.net

I need a way to see if a user is part of an active directory group from my .Net 3.5 asp.net c# application. I am using the standard ldap authentication example off of msdn but I don't really see how to check against a group. Thanks for any suggestions! ...

Draw border around a Control on Button_Click

When a user clicks my Validate Button (in my C#, WinForm, .net 3.5 app) I would like to draw a border around a certain control if it is empty. Say a textbox that is named tbxLastName I thought I needed to do something like this --> ControlPaint.DrawBorder(Graphics.FromHwnd(this.Handle), tbxLastName.ClientRectangle, Color.Firebrick...

C++/CLI use of Action<...,...> and Func<...> unsupported?

Hi, it does look like there is support for the Action and Func delegates in the System namespace in C++/CLI. At least not for multiple generic arguments such as: System::Action<int, int>^ action = nullptr; System::Func<int, int>^ func = nullptr; Both result in errors such as: error C2977: 'System::Action' : too many generic arguments...

ASP.NET mysterious compile error

When I compile .NET solution, which is an ASP.NET 3.5 website project and a few class libraries, sometimes we get COMPILE error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Doesn't give you any additional information, like it usually does - which project, file, line of code or anything like that. Usually if you stop and re-com...

How to set HotKey system-wide in c#

In AutoIt v3 there's a function called: HotKeySet. It sets a hotkey that calls a user function when pressed. It's system wide hotkey meaning that the key when hotkey is set can't be used for anything else. Basically I would like to catch ESC or any other key like $ ` etc and when user presses it anywhere even outside of the app it shou...

ASP.NET 3.5 UpdatePanel with Validation Control. Validation runs unexpectedly.

I've got a ASP.NET 3.5 sp1 site, and on one page I have two UpdatePanels. The first has a CustomValidator, and the second does not. I want the validation to run ONLY when the button is pressed. Currenlty, when the Gridview in the second updatepanel is edited, it also causes the validation. I've read a lot about how the validation control...

How to generate HTML 5 compliant code from Visual studio 2008?

Does Visual Studio 2008 support HTML 5 compliant code generated for browsers? ...

Framework version used by .NET Framework 3.5

I am trying to determine the version of the .NET framework that a dll is using. I have targeted 3.5 in my app but when I open the dll with ildasm.exe (on my dev PC with 3.5 installed), it says it is using "Metadata version: v2.0.50727" which is it really using? ...