Fluid 960: Weird Alpha/Omega behavior

I'm using Fluid 960 at the moment, and I'm getting some weird behavior with alpha/omega. My understanding of alpha/omega is that it's used to fix left/right margins in nested grids. However, when I apply alpha/omega to a pair of nested grids, the left hand side grid has a really shallow indent while the right hand side grid has a large ...

Better control of views output markup?

Hello! I am developing a website with drupal 6, and using a 960 grid system based theme. I want to create a dynamic thumbnail gallery with Views, and using this jquery effect: http://www.queness.com/post/590/jquery-thumbnail-with-zooming-image-and-fading-caption-tutorial I have some experience with views, but I am by not means an exp...

Possible to control vertical source ordering with 960 Grid System?

Hi, I've understood it's possible to control the horizontal (columnwise) source ordering with the 960 Grid System. However, is it possible to do something similar vertically? If not, does anyone know of any grid system that handles source ordering vertically? Thanks, Jens ...

CSS Frameworks like 960 and Blueprint?

This is at the framework level, not dealing directly with CSS, so posting to SO. I just learned about the existence of CSS frameworks. 960 Grid System seems pretty awesome, then I found Blueprint, which seems to do the same thing and more. Is there a better word than "framework" to categorize this? Are there any other products in this...

How do I make the left and right gutters different colors with 960.gs?

How do I make the left and right gutters different colors with 960.gs? When I try something simple like: <div style="background-color: green"> <div class="container_16"> <div class="grid_16"> test </div> </div> </div> <div style="background-color: cyan"> <div class="container_16"> <div class="grid_16"> tes...

Footer positioning with CSS and 960gs

I'm new to doing layouts with CSS (I haven't done any web design for a long long time) and I can't seem to figure out how to get the footer of the page to display at the bottom the way I want. Requirements: -Display at bottom of content if content exceeds vertical size of viewport -Display at bottom of viewport if viewport exceeds verti...

960 GridSystem, three grid_4 inside one grid_12

I've created a 16 column layout with 960gs with a div class="grid_12" (main) and after that grid_4 (right) (12+4...) Inside that grid_12 I wanted a three column style (3 pcs. grid_4). But the grid_4 boxes don't fit inside the grid_12, the last box drop into a second row. Shouldn't the 960gs framework be able to do this layout for me, ha...

CSS Height Set Dynamically

So I'm inspecting this site: http://www.grittirollo.it/ and it appears that the content that slides out has a fixed height. Is there no way to set this dynamically? ...

Collapsing floats in 960 grid - "clear" doesn't seem to work!

I am trying to use the 960 grid system with header and footer graphics at the top and bottom of the page. These graphics need to go wider than the 960 grid. The header works fine - a DIV, position absolute, width 100%, and centered, does the job perfectly. But now I want the same thing, but at the bottom of the page. I.e. aligned with t...

Overlapping grids in 960 Grid System

For example, in a 12-column grid, I want to have a 9-grid-wide and another 4-grid-wide . The divs will have an overlap 1 grid wide in the middle. This is useful for some fancy effects. Of course I can just use one div and then create more divs inside accordingly (not using the Grid System), but is there a better way? ...

960gs and backgrounds for margins

Hey people, I'm developing a site using 960gs and I'm running into some troubles. I want to display a small (beveled) border between my columns. One way (i'm using now) is to give the main container a background-image, but this means I have to manually make images for 2, 3 or more columns. I rather set a background to the columns themse...

how to have a grid inside a grid with 960?

i want to have a grid inside a div grid like this one: http://www.chinolatino.eu/ you can see it has an outer div grid and an inner div grid. i wonder if this could be accomplished with 960? thanks! ...

Making a Div fill Available Space in a Hybrid CSS Layout

Hello, I am creating a hybrid (fluid and fixed) css layout with 960.gs I can't get the div "header-center" to fill the space on the screen when the resolution is adjusted. "header-right" sticks to the right side, and "header-left" sticks to the left. I want the gap in between to be "filled" with "header-center". Does anyone know how to ...

Placing 960 Grid System values in an external file

I'm thinking of using Nathan Smith's 960 Grid System for layout in the ASP.NET MVC site that I'm writing. I've noticed that all examples of 960.gs usage show HTML that looks like this: <div class="container_12"> <div class="grid_12"> </div> <!-- end .grid_12 --> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="grid_1"> ...