
quartz.net abstract base class

This link suggests to create an abstract base class that can read the job data map information for Quartz.net and each of the jobs will derive from this base class. http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/faq.html#howtochainjobs Can someone provide me a sample of this base class because I am not sure how to retrieve the job details in the bas...

Java abstract class inheritance question

I have an abstract class with a single concrete method. In this method I want to use a static class variable from the classes that derive from the one the method is declared in. To do so, I of course have to declare this static variable in the abstract class as well. When the method is called, the variable is resolved to the one in my...

protected data in abstract class

My question involves specifically Java, abstract classes, and the use of protected data. I am being told that all the data should be private, and protected getters/setters used only. Now, I understand we want to shield data from direct manipulation by casual users of the class, and that public data members in general are a questionable...

C# abstract class static field inheritance

I feel like I skipped a C# class or two, but here's my dilemma: I have an abstract class from which I derive multiple child classes. I know for sure that for each of the child classes I will have a constructor that needs a certain static object as a model and this object will be different for each of the child classes. My first approa...

trying to call an interface function throughout an abstract heirarchy of an object instance

Hi, I have recently been implementing a templating system for my home-grown web-site generator platform. What I'm currently trying to implement is the use of an interface throughout the template class heirarchy like so (this is just an example): interface IStyleSheet { public function StyleSheetFragment(); } abstract class Templa...

Is there any abstract variables in java?

in java any abstract variables there? i worked this abstract variables in constructor i am nort sure but i think the constructor support static variables.pls clarify my doubt ...

How to get the name of the calling class (in PHP).

define('anActionType', 1); $actionTypes = array(anActionType => 'anActionType'); class core { public $callbacks = array(); public $plugins = array(); public function __construct() { $this->plugins[] = new admin(); $this->plugins[] = new client(); } } abstract class plugin { public function registerCall...

Why are C# interface methods not declared abstract or virtual?

C# methods in interfaces are declared without using the virtual keyword, and overridden in the derived class without using the override keyword. Is there a reason for this? I assume that it is just a language convenience, and obviously the CLR knows how to handle this under the covers (methods are not virtual by default), but are there...

Internal class Objective C

I am porting a project from C# to Objective-C, and I would like to know how to implement an Internal class in Objective-C (Internal meaning only visible inside of this project). For example, I have the code in C#: public abstract class AbstractBaseClass : AInterface { // methods go here } internal class InternalSubclass : Abstrac...

PHP: Abstract method within an interface

Hi, why cannot I declare an abstract method within an interface? This is my code. Thank you. <?php interface Connection { public abstract function connect(); public function getConnection(); } abstract class ConnectionAbstract implements Connection() { private $connection; public abstract function connect(); publi...

Static abstract methods in C# (alternatives for particular use case)

Like a lot of C# programmers, I eventually found myself in need of what would essentially be static abstract method functionality. I'm fully aware of why it can't be done, and it makes sense, but I'm in need of a workaround. I'm working on an XNA game, but the problem doesn't involve too much XNA code, fortunately. I have an abstract ba...

when we need to implement abastract class and when Interface

Possible Duplicates: Abstract classes vs Interfaces Abstract class and Interface class? Hi All, I have little bit confusion about the use of the abstract class and Interface, when we need to Implement abstract class and when Interface. Thanks Vijendra Singh ...

Enforcing implementation of events in derived abstract classes.

I am trying to create what I am thinking of as a translation class, so that my program can speak to a variety of target platforms. Each platform will be handled by a separate implementation of an abstract class. I have pared things down for the sake of simplicity. I have an abstract class, with a couple of abstract methods: abstract cl...

php check if abstract method exists

abstract class A{ abstract test(); function __construct (){ //check if test method exists on B// } } class B extends A{ } new B(); my question is ... is there a way to check if the test method exists on class B? so I can avoid the fatal error ? hope it makes sense. ...

JSON deseralization to abstract list using DataContractJsonSerializer

Hello, I'm trying to deserialize a JSon file to an instance of a class that contains an abstract list. Serializing the instance to the Json works well (check the json file below). When deserializing I get a "System.MemberAccessException" with the message "Cannot create an abstract class". Obvisouly the deseralizer is trying to instantia...

Create a SharePoint abstract parent content type

Is it possible to make a content type "abstract" in SharePoint 2010, i.e. users will only able to use the content types that inherit from the parent, and not create items/lists that use the base content type directly? ...

C# explicitly implementing an interface with an abstract method

Here is my interface: public interface MyInterface { bool Foo(); } Here is my abstract class: public abstract class MyAbstractClass : MyInterface { abstract bool MyInterface.Foo(); } This is the compiler error: "The modifier 'abstract' is not valid for this item. How should I go on about explicitly implementing an abstract...