
Styling disabled <select> (dropdown boxes) in HTML

One of our customers has a hard time reading the grey text in disabled control in our web-based application: We would like to change the style to a light grey background and a black text. Unfortunately, most browsers (including IE, which is what the customer is using) ignore the color: ... CSS attribute on disabled controls, so we can...

typing using special key combinations in Ubuntu Linux

I'm a Ubuntu 10.04 user who is looking for a way to make my computer type a "+" character when I hold down the Windows Key (I think it's called "super" in Linux world) and press the "k" key. I need this to work in all applications. (I'm a person with a typing disability, and I need to adapt Ubuntu to my special needs.) Thanks! ...

IzPack and accessibility (using a screen reader)

Hello, I'm curious if there is a way to set up an IzPack installer so that it works with screen readers (and has more accessibility features in general). Any thoughts? Thanks in advance, -Jon ...

Typing using key combinations?

I'm a Ubuntu 10.04 user who is looking for a way to, for example, make my computer type a "+" character when I hold down the Windows Key (I think it's called "super" in Linux world) and press the "k" key. I need this to work in all applications. (I'm a person with a typing disability, and I need to adapt Ubuntu to my needs.) Thanks! ...

Should I use HTML 5 <nav> for footer links also, which are not primary navigation?

Sould I use HTML 5 <nav> for footer links also, which are not primary navigation? or it should be once in a page? ...

W3C Web Accessiblity Initiative: spelling mistakes and foreign languages

Hi We manage a site for a medical charity. They have a number of links to FAQs in different languages. Obviously, these are in the language concerned. When testing the site (using PowerMapper SortSite) to see W3C WAI issues, we come up with a number of "spelling mistakes" that are the result of words such as "Bienvenido" which is spa...

Get the word under the mouse cursor in Windows

Greetings everyone, A friend and I are discussing the possibility of a new project: A translation program that will pop up a translation whenever you hover over any word in any control, even static, non-editable ones. I know there are many browser plugins to do this sort of thing on webpages; we're thinking about how we would do it sys...

Cannot access WebService stored on Windows Server 2003 from inside Windows Server 2003

Hey all In all cases we are running .NET Framework 3.5 My company has a server running Windows Server 2003 R2 (Service Pack 2), 32-bit processor. The IIS instance on this machine runs several Websites. One of the Websites we are running is Microsoft CRM 4. When I attempt to log in to CRM from my local PC, everything's perfectly straig...

Qt Accessible Widgets

I'm trying to implement accessibility for my Qt application. I'm using NVDA ( and Freedom Scientific's JAWS ( as the screen readers I want to support. I'm assigning the widget's accessibleName and accessibleDescription properties (http://doc....

Is there a way to toggle Sticky keys on/off programmatically?

I want to enable/disable the Windows sticky keys feature from a program. Is there a way to do it by calling a command line script or using vbscript or similar? ...

Common keyboard navigation (access keys) in web browsing?

Are there any common keyboard navigation practices, used to improve when browsing a web site? I'm thinking of the accesskey HTML attribute, which lets you define default fields for a specific command, like alt+1 for the link leading to the start page, or similar. Is there a kind of standard somewhere? ...

To target=_blank or not to target=_blank, that is the question!

Should links to external sites set target=_blank? E.g. I am on and have a link to, should that link be: <a href='' target='_blank'>otherplace's website</a> or: <a href=''>otherplace's website</a> I was under the impression that using _blank to...

Get object extension from AccessibleObjectFromWindow ?

I managed to get the selected file in the current working folder from Windows Explorer using SystemAccessibleObject from I want to get the filename with extension but if you enable "Hide extensions for known file types" then there will be only the filename. I'm stuck on this step. My code: SystemAccessi...

How can you set up instead of

I just got a new .CO domain name and I'm curious how to make it accessible without the www. I understand that these two are not necessarily the same thing, but how does one go about securing/arranging both? I've tried googling this but it's hard to successfully google this when your major keywords are 'www' and... not www. =) ...

508 compliance and javascript

I run a site (ASP.NET) for a company that is in different counties, based on the link the user clicks on the landing page all the tags on the page gets a string of the county added to the end of it href tag. (ex. ) I then use the querystring to provide county specific information. Is this out ...

iphone uiaccessiblity multiple languages

I've been doing reading about VoiceOver on iPhone, but I can't find anyone talking about how to mark content as a certain language and use more than one language in an app. I want to make my dictionary VoiceOver compatible. For example this can be written in a UITableViewCell (English then German) and VoiceOver will read this line wi...

Accessible jquery tabs - direct link to tab

I have tabs on my page. The code for them is following: $('ul#tabs li a').click(function(){ var id = $(this).attr('id'); var counter = 1; $("ul#tabs a.current").removeClass('current'); $(this).addClass('current'); $('.contentBox').not('.' + id).hide(); $('.contentBox.' + id).show(); ...

Are there any killer guide for accessible websites for people with learning difficulties?

I have been tasked with creating a infosite for people with varying degrees of learning difficulty. I was wondering if anyone knew of any really good guides, tutorials or places to get advice regarding the issue. ...

I'm looking for a jquery form validation plugin, which can give validation error as a "Alert"

I'm looking for a easy to use jQuery form validation plugin, which give validation error as a "Alert". Because alert is the best way to inform screen reader users about errors. ...

Developing an iPhone app which is friendly to blind people

I've had a user send me an email to ask if I can make some modifications to my application so that it is more friendly to blind people. Although he's explained the problems that he is having, I really have no idea on how to approach this. I can't find any guidelines from Apple. Is there any information available, or does anyone have any ...